JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP® Scripting Language, Second Edition  Reviews

This is a very good book not only for beginners, but even for those experienced in writing JSL. There is a great deal of information included, and the chapters are well thought out. A beginner in JSL could use this book as a guided introduction, but for me it has been most useful as a reference book. Personally, I find it most useful when I am trying to remember details about a particular topic, such as what message to send to a particular Distribution platform report, or how the Regex function, a function for regular expressions, works. Furthermore, they use a number of scripts, which are available online, to give additional examples of various topics. These scripts are well commented to further one's learning of the JSL. This is a book I would recommend to anyone who uses JSL.

Lucas Beverlin, PhD
Statistician, Intel Corp.