Intelligence at the Edge: Using SAS with the Internet of Things

As someone who is a combination of hardcore computer geek and a Luddite, the Internet of Things has greatly increased my wariness about the data that are being shared and stored by devices.  Reading Intelligence at the Edge, however, has shown me that if the data is collected responsibly and ethically, there is actually a great deal of good that can be done with this information.  As a database admin and analyst at a hospital, I am appreciative of the challenge that we have collecting and analyzing real-time data from devices such as heart monitors.  Being able to tap into this stream and bring it into SAS would greatly improve patient outcomes through complex analyses such as predictive modeling that can be done quickly and effectively.  This collection of industry experts is unlike any SAS book I have read; it combines everything from Cloud technology to revolutionary innovations like 5G and computer vision, all with a SAS overtone.  I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in ground-breaking analytics and technology, regardless of the industry you work in.  If you are new to IoT, this book provides a fantastic introduction to the various concepts, and if you are more experienced, this book will highlight techniques you may not be familiar with.  

Chris Battiston
Research Data Analyst
Women’s College Hospital