Review: Infographics Powered by SAS®: Data Visualization Techniques for Business Reporting by Travis Murphy

As the attention span of the boardroom to data-consumers gets shorter and shorter, it’s vital that we all know how to convey data in clever, concise ways. Travis Murphy’s book explains how to do just this. Within the easy-to-read 200 pages,. you’ll be steadfastly on your way to producing eye-catching, information-dazzling infographics that will woo, wow and inform your audience.

The book caters for the many varied roles in an enterprise - coders, analysts, data scientists, management - and clearly describes which SAS tools to use for what, and how they work together. Through the fabulous step-by-step examples and templates, Murphy sets the reader up for data story success using SAS-powered infographics.

This resource-rich book proves that, wherever you may be on the infographics journey, “SAS can do anything” by educating, guiding and inspiring you in your data-driven analytics process.

Michelle Homes, Metacoda

This was a great book for getting started with infographics. The first chapters help you understand the basics of infographics and remaining chapters have examples that you recreate with SAS Visual Analytics or even good ole’ SAS Programming. Travis does a great job introducing the topic and helping you get started on your journey. There’s lots of examples to get the wheels turning in your mind. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to add infographics as a skillset.

Tricia Aanderud, Sr. Director Data Visualization Practice