Douglas Montgomery's Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: A JMP® Companion Reviews

Douglas Montgomery's Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: A JMP® Companion by Brenda and José Ramírez is an excellent companion to the textbook. In particular, it provides clear, step-by-step instructions and illustrations of how to actually apply the methods discussed in Montgomery's text to real problems using JMP software. This guide will be very useful to practitioners, in helping them solve real problems using JMP, as well as in academia, where it can serve as a guide to students applying the material to homework or course projects. I strongly recommend adding this companion to Montgomery's original text.

Roger W. Hoerl
Union College

In general this book is a sound compilation of statistical quality control based on the book of Douglas Montgomery. JMP provides all features necessary for all kinds of data and distributions. I have been a JMP user for a number of years, and I find it user friendly and really capable. What makes Brenda and José’s book exceptional is their own input, e.g., Process Health Assessment, the process performance graph, references to other authors and great statisticians, such as Ronald Fisher, and the authors’ own work and publications. I was really happy to discover ideas and tools that I did not know before. So, I can thoroughly recommend it to any practitioners dealing with Statistical Quality Control, irrespective of type of industry - either for beginners, or for professionals as a reference work.

Franz Innerbichler
Statistical Process Expert, Senior Scientist