Delivering Business Analytics: Practical Guidelines for Best Practice Reviews

"A stellar collection of real-life experiences of a business analytics expert and a bible for every leader of a business analytics function."

Kerem Tomak
VP of Marketing Analytics
"(This) book is densely packed with the Zen of business analytics from Evan Stubb’s wealth of experience and expertise … this is not ten steps to success for mindless management. It richly rewards re-reads and reflection."

James Mansell
Director of Innovation and Strategic Design
Ministry of Social Development, Australia
"In this book, Evan Stubbs addresses the many obstacles to delivering solid business results from analytics … an analytics group that cannot demonstrate return on investment will soon lose funding. This book shows how to pick projects with good revenue potential and how to measure the value those projects create. I would recommend this to anyone who manages an analytics group."

Michael J.A. Berry
Analytics Director, TripAdvisory for Business
co-author of Mastering Data Mining and Data Mining Techniques
"In this new book, Evan clearly outlines how an organization can get more value from business analytics. His descriptions of common problems and challenges, his identification of false solutions and his clarity in describing best practices make for a readable book that practitioners should be able to put together at once."

James Taylor
CEO, Decision Management Solutions
co-author of Smart Enough Systems and author of Decision Management Systems