Clinical Graphs using SAS Reviews

"Clinical Graphs Using SAS contains detailed examples of many commonly-produced complex clinical graphs, as well as the code needed to actually produce them. As such, not only will it enable SAS programmers to get up and running quickly on the "new" SG procedures and GTL, but the explanations it provides will make it a great reference for building further on that basic knowledge. The author also gives a clear explanation of improvements in features and programming work provided by SAS 9.4."

Nancy Brucken
inVentiv Health

"Since version 9 was released, SAS has made significant improvements with its graphics features. The flexibility and easiness for creating top-notch figures should no longer be considered the software's weakness among academia and industrial professionals. The capability of generating these high-level and ready-to-publish figures is clearly demonstrated in Sanjay Matange's book Clinical Graphs Using SAS.

"The focus of Matange's book is to show readers how to create customized figures by using SG procedures and the Graph Template Language (GTL). These topics are first illustrated by using practical real-world examples at an introductory level, and then gradually adding more advanced concepts. Some of the difficulties for fine-tuning figures, such as creating appropriate annotations, adjusting plot axis, and adding customized legends, are clearly introduced to the readers.

"This book presents many useful graphs for people who are working in the clinical trials domain, as well as in health and life sciences, such as survival plot, waterfall chart, butterfly plot, forest plot, bivariate distribution plot, and multi-cell panel graphs. However, the intended audience is not restricted to the health care professionals because these graphical examples can be easily applied to academia and across different industries.

"People with different levels of SAS graphic skills can all benefit by reading this book. Because of the comprehensive and easy-to-use nature of this book, it can serve as a tutorial for someone who has never been exposed to SAS graphics software. Since the topics are also divided by different releases, such as SAS 9.3 and SAS 9.4, an experienced SAS graphic programmer can easily jump into the most relevant section in order to explore the latest features, as well as treating it as good reference book."

Arthur Li
City of Hope National Medical Center

"It has been quite a while since SAS/GRAPH was the dominate graphics tool within the family of SAS modules and products. Of course, SAS users who want to create customized graphics can still use SAS/GRAPH, but now they have numerous other stronger and easier choices. And one of the foremost acknowledged experts of the alternatives is Sanjay Matange.

"Clinical Graphs Using SAS is Sanjay's latest addition to the growing literature base on SAS graphics. His first two books on SAS graphics topics include Statistical Graphics Procedures by Example: Effective Graphs Using SAS, which was coauthored with Dan Heath in 2011, and Getting Started with the Graph Template Language in SAS: Examples, Tips, and Techniques for Creating Custom Graphs, which was published in 2013.

"Don't let the title of this book fool you. Yes, its examples do tend to be oriented towards the clinical trials and biotech industries, but the techniques described in this book transcend any one industry or application. And there are examples. And these examples highlight a myriad of techniques. As is the case with his other books, the examples drive the code. This is not a book about syntax, but the syntax, statements, options, and related tools are used extensively to create a very wide range of types of graphics presentations. In the process the reader is exposed to virtually all of the techniques used to create presentation-quality graphics.

"The book concentrates on SG procedures, especially SGPLOT and SGPANEL, as well as the Graph Template Language (GTL). Although written under SAS 9.4M3, users of SAS 9.3 will still find value in this book. Sanjay contrasts the current version of SAS with the capabilities available in SAS 9.3 and shows how users of the earlier versions can work around not having the most recent release of SAS.

"Are you using ODS graphics, the SG procedures, or the Graph Template Language? If so, you will want to add Clinical Graphs Using SAS by Sanjay Matange to your library. New to ODS graphics? Then this book is a MUST buy."

Art Carpenter