Content Updates for SAS® Certification Base Prep Guide

The following chapter numbers and page numbers apply to SAS® Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS® 9, Fourth Edition, ISBN number 978-1-63526-373-2.




Chapter 6

Page 127

Updated PROC PRINT statement as follows: proc print data=results.’ActivityLevels'n; run;

Chapter 8

Page 174

Question 6. The choices of answer should be a. 96; b. 200; c. 256; d. 32,767

Chapter 11

Page 244

Updated the Example Title to “Using the LABEL and FORMAT statements”

Chapter 13

Page 283

Updated the sample data program so that the data set clinic.patients has the ID value of 1387 instead of 1837.

Chapter 14

Pages 327-328

The example code shown on pages 327-328 contains the WHERE statement. The updated code has replaced the WHERE statement with the subsetting IF statement.

Chapter 14

Page 349

Updated the following sentence: “In the DATA step, if the CATX function returns a value to a variable that has not previously been assigned a length, then the variable is given the length of 200 bytes.

Chapter 14

Page 350

Removed the following sentence: “The following figure shows a partial list of observation in the Hrd.Temp data set.”

Chapter 18

Page 439

Updated the section title to “Read a Comma-Delimited File Using Formats”

Chapter 19

Page 448

Updated the INPUT statement as follows: input @15 Style $3. @21 Price 5.;

Chapter 20

Page 461

Updated the second INPUT statement as follows: input Department $1-12 JobCode $15-19;

Appendix 1

Page 528, Question 5

Correct Answer: e
Updated description: If you use VALIDVARNAME=ANY then the name can begin with or contain any characters, including blanks, national characters, special character, and multi-byte characters. The name can be up to 32 bytes long. The name must contain at least one character, and the variable name can contain mixed-case letters.

Appendix 1

Page 531, Question 5

Correct Answer: d

Appendix 1

Page 535, Question 6

Correct answer: d
Updated description: When specifying a label, enclose it in quotation marks and limit the label to 32,767 characters.

Appendix 1

Page 538, Question 5

Correct answer: d.
Updated description: The program is attempting to read the first 4 observations and write the fifth observation to the data set Work.Subset. The number of observations that the FIRSTOBS option returns is greater than the number of observations that the OBS option returns. Therefore, the result is an error.

Appendix 1

Page 539, Question 2

Correct answer: b
Updated description: This is a case of concatenating, which requires a list of data set names in the SET. When a program concatenates data sets, all of the observations are read from the first data set listed in the SET statement. Then all of the observations are read from the second data set listed, and so on, until all of the listed data sets have been read. The new data set contains all of the variables and observations from all of the input data sets.

Appendix 1

Page 539, Question 6

Correct answer: a.  
Updated description: When you use the KEEP= data set option and the POINT= option with the OUTPUT and STOP statements, your program cannot write out a single observation.

Appendix 1

Page 539, Question 7

Correct answer: d.

Appendix 1

Page 539, Question 8

Correct answer: d.

Appendix 1

Page 539, Question 9

Correct answer: b
Updated description: The END= creates a variable that flags (0, 1) whether we are reading the last observation in the input data set. Only if we write if last=1 then output; will we override the default behavior of the DATA step. It’s not the END= option that controls output. It is the OUTPUT statement.

Appendix 1

Page 540, Question 6

Correct Answer: a
Updated description: The DATA step uses the IN= data set option and the subsetting IF statement to exclude unmatched observations from the output data set.