Discover the unexpected using our getting started guides for a family
of easy-to-use, visual, and interactive statistical discovery tools.

JMP® for Mixed Models
Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP
Practical Data Analysis with JMP, Third Edition
Douglas Montgomery’s Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: A JMP® Companion
Jump into JMP® Scripting, Second Edition
Pharmaceutical Quality by Design Using JMP: Solving Product Development and Manufacturing Problems
JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP Scripting Language, Second Edition
Data Management and Analysis Using JMP: Health Care Case Studies
Biostatistics Using JMP: A Practical Guide
Preparing Data for Analysis with JMP®
JMP Connections by John Wubbel
JMP® Start Statistics: A Guide to Statistics and Data Analysis Using JMP®, Sixth Edition
Book cover of A Fundamentals of Predictive Analytics with JMP®, Third Edition
Market Data Analysis Using JMP®
Strategies for Formulations Development A Step-by-Step Guide Using JMP
Building Better Models with JMP® Pro
Risk-Based Monitoring and Fraud Detection in Clinical Trials Using JMP® and SAS®
Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery: A Supplement for Using JMP®
Discovering Partial Least Squares with JMP
JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: Methods for Researchers and Social Scientists, Second Edition
Visual Six Sigma: Making Data Analysis Lean, Second Edition