Marinela Profi

Marinela Profi
Global Marketing Manager, SAS

Marinela is Global Marketing Manager for SAS Model Management solutions, prior to which she was a Customer Advisor for Advanced Analytics, supporting organizations across EMEA in achieving data-driven decisions.

Her background is a mix of Business Administration, Statistics and Marketing. She holds a BS in Economics and master’s degrees in both Business Administration and Statistics. Marinela is Global Ambassador and Member of Women Tech Network, an organization that enables women's empowerment in tech through leadership development, professional growth, mentorship, and networking events for professionals.

SAS® and Open-Source Model Management: Special Collection

Foreword by Marinela Profi

Turn analytical models into business value and smarter decisions with this special collection of papers about SAS Model Management. Without a structured and standardized process to integrate and coordinate all the different pieces of the model life cycle, a business can experience increased costs and missed opportunities. SAS Model Management solutions enable organizations to register, test, deploy, monitor, and retrain analytical models, leveraging any available technology – including open-source models in Python, R, and TensorFlow –into a competitive advantage.