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Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler

The SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and the SAS/C Cross-Platform C++ Development System run on a workstation and produce prelinked output files that can be transferred to an IBM System/370 mainframe. On the mainframe, the files can then be linked to produce an executable load module.

Like the mainframe versions of the SAS/C Compiler and C++ Development System, the cross-platform products are a portable implementation of the high-level C and C++ languages. The SAS/C Cross-Platform Development System provides the same functionality under the UNIX or Windows NT operating systems as the SAS/C Compiler and the C++ Development System does under the MVS or CMS operating systems.

The features of the SAS/C Cross-Platform Development System include the following:

There are several benefits to using the SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and C++ Development System to generate code for the mainframe.

Reduced mainframe load
By moving compilations off the mainframe, mainframe CPU cycles are preserved for other users. This can amount to a significant reduction in mainframe requirements, directly translating into a cost savings.

Improved source management
Developers may take advantage of improved source management tools, as well as the UNIX hierarchical file system.

Improved build management
Developers may take advantage of improved build management tools, such as make files.

 Improved compilation turnaround
In a heavy development environment, developers often find that performing compilations locally can result in better turnaround time.

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