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Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

SAS/C C++ Foundation Libraries

The SAS/C C++ Foundation Libraries is an add-on product designed to extend the capabilities of the SAS/C C++ Development System. This product was built using two of Rogue Wave's popular C++ packages: the Standard C++ Library and Tools. h++. The SAS/C C++ Foundation Libraries provide a custom build of Rogue Wave's implementation of the emerging ISO/ANSI Standard C++ Library, including the Standard Template Library. Tools.h++ builds on the Standard C++ Library, providing a powerful collection of production-proven classes.

The Standard C++ Library is currently being developed by ISO/ANSI standards committes and within a few years all ANSI-conforming C++ compilers will deliver a standard set of classes and libraries. The Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library avoids encapsulation and uses almost no inheritance, making it a highly efficient tool that can be used whenever performance is a major concern. The Tools.h++ package, which is also built on the Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library, encapsulates many of the features of that library so that they may be used with complex projects that require sophisticated object-oriented programming techniques.

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