
Cutting Stock Example (omode05)

/*                                                             */
/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                */
/*                                                             */
/*    NAME: omode05                                            */
/*   TITLE: Cutting Stock Example (omode05)                    */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                 */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                 */
/*   PROCS: OPTMODEL                                           */
/*    DATA:                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                */
/*     REF:                                                    */
/*    MISC: Example 5 from the OPTMODEL chapter of             */
/*          Mathematical Programming.                          */
/*                                                             */

/* cutting-stock problem */
/* uses delayed column generation from
   Chvatal's Linear Programming (1983), page 198 */

%macro csp(capacity);
proc optmodel printlevel=0;
   /* declare parameters and sets */
   num capacity = &capacity;
   set ITEMS;
   num demand {ITEMS};
   num width  {ITEMS};
   num num_patterns init card(ITEMS);
   set PATTERNS = 1..num_patterns;
   num a {ITEMS, PATTERNS};
   num c {ITEMS} init 0;
   num epsilon = 1E-6;

   /* read input data */
   read data indata into ITEMS=[_N_] demand width;

   /* generate trivial initial columns */
   for {i in ITEMS, j in PATTERNS}
      a[i,j] = (if (i = j) then floor(capacity/width[i]) else 0);

   /* define master problem */
   var x {PATTERNS} >= 0 integer;
   minimize NumberOfRaws = sum {j in PATTERNS} x[j];
   con demand_con {i in ITEMS}:
      sum {j in PATTERNS} a[i,j] * x[j] >= demand[i];
   problem Master include x NumberOfRaws demand_con;

   /* define column generation subproblem */
   var y {ITEMS} >= 0 integer;
   maximize KnapsackObjective = sum {i in ITEMS} c[i] * y[i];
   con knapsack_con:
      sum {i in ITEMS} width[i] * y[i] <= capacity;
   problem Knapsack include y KnapsackObjective knapsack_con;

   /* main loop */
   do while (1);
      print _page_ a;

      /* master problem */
      /* minimize sum_j x[j]
         subj. to sum_j a[i,j] * x[j] >= demand[i]
                  x[j] >= 0 and integer */
      use problem Master;
      put "solve master problem";
      solve with lp relaxint /
         presolver=none solver=ps basis=warmstart printfreq=1;
      print x;
      print demand_con.dual;
      for {i in ITEMS} c[i] = demand_con[i].dual;

      /* knapsack problem */
      /* maximize sum_i c[i] * y[i]
         subj. to sum_i width[i] * y[i] <= capacity
                  y[i] >= 0 and integer */
      use problem Knapsack;
      put "solve column generation subproblem";
      solve with milp / printfreq=0;
      for {i in ITEMS} y[i] = round(y[i]);
      print y;
      print KnapsackObjective;

      if KnapsackObjective <= 1 + epsilon then leave;

      /* include new pattern */
      num_patterns = num_patterns + 1;
      for {i in ITEMS} a[i,num_patterns] = y[i];

   /* solve IP, using rounded-up LP solution as warm start */
   use problem Master;
   for {j in PATTERNS} x[j] = ceil(x[j].sol);
   put "solve (restricted) master problem as IP";
   solve with milp / primalin;

   /* cleanup solution and save to output data set */
   for {j in PATTERNS} x[j] = round(x[j].sol);
   create data solution from [pattern]={j in PATTERNS: x[j] > 0}
      raws=x {i in ITEMS} <col('i'||i)=a[i,j]>;
%mend csp;

/* Chvatal, p.199 */
data indata;
   input demand width;
78 25.5
40 22.5
30 20
30 15
/* LP solution is integer */

/* Chvatal, p.195 */
data indata;
   input demand width;
 97 45
610 36
395 31
211 14
/* LP solution is fractional */