
Bill of Material with Lead Time Information

/*                                                            */
/*             S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y            */
/*                                                            */
/*    NAME: BOME02                                            */
/*   TITLE: Bill of Material with Lead Time Information       */
/*          (bome02)                                          */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                               */
/*    KEYS: OR PPLOT                                          */
/*   PROCS: BOM, PRINT, SORT, NETDRAW                         */
/*    DATA:                                                   */
/*                                                            */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:               */
/*     REF:                                                   */
/*    MISC: Example 2 from the BOM Procedure chapter of the   */
/*          BOM book.                                         */
/*                                                            */

/* Product Structure and Part Master data */

data SlBOM2;
input Parent    $8.
      Component $8.
      Desc      $24.
      Unit      $8.
      LeadTime  4.0
      QtyPer    4.0
      Gros_Req  4.0
      On_Hand   4.0
        LA01    Lamp LA                 Each       2   .  50  20
LA01    B100    Base assembly           Each       1   1   .  50
LA01    S100    Black shade             Each       2   1   .   .
LA01    A100    Socket assembly         Each       1   1   .   .
B100    1100    Finished shaft          Each       2   1   .   .
B100    1200    6-Diameter steel plate  Each       3   1   .   .
B100    1300    Hub                     Each       2   1   .   .
B100    1400    1/4-20 Screw            Each       1   4   .   .
A100    1500    Steel holder            Each       2   1   .   .
A100    1600    One-way socket          Each       2   1   .   .
A100    1700    Wiring assembly         Each       1   1   .   .
1100    2100    3/8 Steel tubing        Inches     3  26   .   .
1500    1400    1/4-20 Screw            Each       1   2   .   .
1700    2200    16-Gauge lamp cord      Feet       2  12   .   .
1700    2300    Standard plug terminal  Each       1   1   .   .

   /* Display the input data set */

proc print data=SlBOM2 noobs;
title 'ABC Lamp Company';
title3 'PROC BOM Input Data Set';

  /* Create the indented BOM and the summarized parts list */
proc bom data=SlBOM2 out=IndBOM2 summaryout=SumBOM2;
   structure / part=Component
               id=(Desc Unit);

/* Display the indented BOM data */

proc print data=IndBOM2 noobs;
var _Level_ _Parent_ _Part_ Desc QtyPer Qty_Prod
    Unit LeadTime Tot_Lead _Prod_;
title 'ABC Lamp Company';
title3 'Indented Bill of Material, Part LA01';

/* Sort and display the summarized parts list */

proc sort data=SumBOM2;
by _Part_;

proc print data=SumBOM2 noobs;
title 'ABC Lamp Company';
title3 'Summarized Parts List, Period 2';

     /* Prepare the data set for running NETDRAW */
   data IndBOM2a(drop=Part_ID);
      set IndBOM2;

   data IndBOM2b;
      set IndBOM2(keep=Paren_ID Part_ID);

   data TreBOM2;
      set IndBOM2a IndBOM2b;
      LTnQP = put(LeadTime, f3.)||"  "||put(QtyPer, f3.);

  /* Specify graphics options */
title h=4pct j=c 'Multilevel Bill of Material with Lead-time Offsetting';
footnote h=3pct j=l
         'Node shows Part Number, Lead-time, and Quantity Required';
pattern1 v=e c=blue;

  /* Get the layout information for the BOM tree */
proc netdraw data=TreBOM2( where=(Paren_ID NE .) )
             out=Layout2 nodisplay;
   actnet / act=Paren_ID succ=Part_ID id=(_Part_ LTnQP Tot_Lead)
            ybetween=3 xbetween=15 tree
            rectilinear nodefid nolabel;

  /* Lead time offset the X coordinate of each node */
data TreBOM2a;
   set Layout2;
   if _seq_ = 0;
   drop _seq_;
   _x_ = Tot_Lead;

  /* Display the BOM tree with lead-time offsetting */
proc netdraw data=TreBOM2a out=NetOUT;;
   actnet / id=(_Part_ LTnQP)
            ctext=black htext=3 carcs=black
            align=Tot_Lead frame pcompress
            xbetween=15 ybetween=3
            arrowhead=0 rectilinear nodefid nolabel;