
SAS® High-Performance Analytics: SAS Operational Qualification (SAS OQ) Tests

Prerequisites for running SAS Operational Qualification (SAS OQ) tests for SAS High-Performance Analytics:
  1. The appropriate client should be configured according to the instructions in the SAS High-Performance Analytics 1.4: User’s Guide.
  2. The distributed computing appliance should be configured according to the instructions in the SAS High-Performance Analytics 1.4: User’s Guide.
  3. Download and unzip the file onto the client.
  4. Unzip and extract all the files into a directory that is visible to the SAS installation on the client.
  5. In the file, configure the following parameters for your appliance-specific information:
    • %let GRIDHOST=<your_site_specific_appliance_host>;
    • %let GRIDINSTALLLOC=<your_site_specific_install_directory>;
    • %let USER=<your_site_specific_database_user_id>;
    • %let PASSWORD=<your_site_specific_database_password>;
    • %let DATABASE=<your_site_specific_database_name>;
    • Enter the following parameter for GRIDDATASERVER only if you use a Teradata appliance:
    • %let GRIDDATASERVER=/*<your_site_specific_Teradata_dataserver>*/;
    • Enter the following parameter for SCHEMA only if you use a Greenplum appliance:
    • %let SCHEMA=/*<your_site_specific_schema_if_Greenplum_appliance>*/;
  6. In the file, configure the directory into which all the test files were extracted in step 4:
    • %let testdir=<site_specific_location_where_tests_have_been_saved>;
  7. Run the program from a Display Manager System (DMS) screen or with a SAS command-line option.
  8. Results: A note that SAS Operational Qualification (SAS OQ) tests passed is printed in the log, indicating that all the SAS High-Performance Analytics procedures are operational in the installation.