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/****************************************************************/ /* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */ /* */ /* NAME: hploge02 */ /* TITLE: Example 2 for for PROC HPLOGISTIC */ /* Modeling binomial data */ /* PRODUCT: STAT */ /* SYSTEM: ALL */ /* KEYS: Logistic regression analysis, */ /* Binomial response data */ /* PROCS: HPLOGISTIC */ /* DATA: */ /* */ /* SUPPORT: Bob Derr */ /* REF: SAS/HPA User's Guide, PROC HPLOGISTIC chapter */ /* MISC: */ /* */ /****************************************************************/ /***************************************************************** Example 2: Modeling Binomial Data ****************************************************************/ /* The data, taken from Cox and Snell (1989, pp 10-11), consists of the number, r, of ingots not ready for rolling, out of n tested, for a number of combinations of heating time and soaking time. PROC HPLOGISTIC is invoked using events/trials syntax to fit the binary logit model to the grouped data. */ title 'Example 2: Modeling Binomial Data'; data Ingots; input Heat Soak r n @@; Obsnum= _n_; datalines; 7 1.0 0 10 14 1.0 0 31 27 1.0 1 56 51 1.0 3 13 7 1.7 0 17 14 1.7 0 43 27 1.7 4 44 51 1.7 0 1 7 2.2 0 7 14 2.2 2 33 27 2.2 0 21 51 2.2 0 1 7 2.8 0 12 14 2.8 0 31 27 2.8 1 22 51 4.0 0 1 7 4.0 0 9 14 4.0 0 19 27 4.0 1 16 ; proc hplogistic data=Ingots; model r/n = Heat Soak Heat*Soak; id Obsnum; output out=Out xbeta predicted=Pred; run; data Out; merge Out Ingots; by Obsnum; proc print data=Out; where Heat=14 & Soak=1.7; run; data Ingots_binary; set Ingots; do i=1 to n; if i <= r then y=1; else y = 0; output; end; run; proc hplogistic data=Ingots_binary; model y(event='1') = Heat Soak Heat*Soak; run;