Using the URL= option for a List of Indicators from a Specified Topic


                   SAS SAMPLE LIBRARY

Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
             The SASEWBGO Interface Engine
      Title: Using the URL= option for a List of Indicators from a Specified Topic
    Product: SAS/ETS Software
       Keys: WBGO data extraction
      Procs: SASEWBGO
      Notes: Read this before you run this sample.
             The sample data provided resides in the ets/sasmisc folder.
             If you are using automap=READONLY, copy the
             map of your incoming XML data to a writeable folder before
             using it. Then you can define a system environment variable
             ,WBGO, to the path of your  writeable folder containing
             the XWBGOTPU.MAP file and XWBGOTPU.xml.
             To assign a fileref to the external file to be processed,
             use the following form of the libname statement:

          libname wbgo sasewbgo  "%sysget(WBGO)"

title 'Retrieve a List of Indicators for a Specified Topic ID Using the URL= Option';
libname wbgo sasewbgo "<physical path name>"

data my5top2;
   set wbgo.XWBGOTPU;

proc contents data=my5top2; run;
proc print data=my5top2; run;