DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Distributed Address Verification Node

You can add a Distributed Address Verification node to a data job to offload address verification to a machine other than the one running the current DataFlux Data Management Studio job. This function is particularly useful when you are running on a DataFlux Data Management Server. It offers a large performance increase by eliminating the overhead of connecting to the United States Postal Service (USPS) database when you start a real-time service. The USPS, which provides postal services in the United States, offers address verification and standardization tools. This node also allows many address verification services to be open at once. Previously, a memory limitation prevented multiple services from being opened.

Use the Distributed Address Verification node to verify, correct, and enhance US, Canadian, or World addresses in your existing data. Distributed address verification uses geographic information from various reference databases to match and standardize addresses. This node also consolidates the three traditional address verification nodes (Address Verification - US/Canada, Address Verification - QAS, and Address Verification - World) into one node that is capable of performing all three types of address verification.

Note Note: To use this node you must have DataFlux Data Management Server installed and licensed. For additional information regarding DataFlux Data Management Server installation and configuration please refer to the dfIntelliServer Reference Guide. After you have installed and configured DataFlux Data Management Server you must add the following key and value to the app.cfg file:


For example:

DFCLIENT/CFG = C:\Program Files\DataFlux\dfIntelliServer\etc\dfclient.cfg

Once you have added the Distributed Address Verification node, you can double-click it to open its properties dialog. The properties dialog includes the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the input.

The Input section of the dialog contains following element:

Input Fields - Contains the fields you can use for distributed address verification processing. Items displayed in this list are dependent on your data source(s) and any steps preceding the Distributed Address Verification node in your job flow. For each field you are running address verification on, select the type of address information from the Field Type column. Refer to Distributed Address Verification - Available Fields for a list of available field types.

Note: Specifying a field type for a field does not mean the field will be included in distributed address verification results. To specify fields to be included in the results, use the Available and Selected lists in the Output fields group box.

The Country section of the dialog contains following elements:

Use input field or system default - When selected, enables you to determine the country by either specifying a country field or using the default system locale. If you know your data set contains only data for a specific country, you can improve performance and accuracy by selecting this option. The data in the country field should be the two character ISO standard for that country.

Important - DataFlux Data Management Studio does not support multi-byte character sets. If the data returned from the Address Verification job contains multi-byte data, you must force the output to Latin format. For additional information, refer to the ADDR_OUTPUT_LATIN advanced property.

Guess - When selected, prompts the system to guess a locale.

Options - Displays the Options dialog, where you can set the following address verification options:

The Output fields section of the dialog contains following elements:

Available - Displays the fields that you can make available for the next step in your data job. Items displayed in this list are dependent on your data sources and any preceding steps in your data job.

Selected - Displays the fields that will be made available to the next node in your data job.

Additional Outputs - Displays the Additional Outputs dialog. This dialog enables you to specify the fields that you can make available to the next node in your data job.

Override Server - Enables you to override the default connection to the dfIntelliServer specified in the dfclient.cfg file. (See the dfIntelliServer Reference Guide for more information about configuration settings). If you want to override the default server setting and perform the area code lookup on a different dfIntelliServer instance, you can specify the server name in the Override Server field and port number on this dialog.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Distributed Address Verification node:

Related Topics

Distributed Address Verification - Reference

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_PFEnrichD_AddrVer.html