DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Distributed Address Verification - Reference

The following reference materials are available for distributed address verification:

Available Fields

This list contains the fields available on the Distributed Address Verification Properties dialog.

Firm - The name of the business or organization.

Address Line 1 - The street address.

Address Line 2 - Additional address information, such as a Suite or Apartment number.

City - State/Province - Postal Code - One field containing the city, state/province, and ZIP/postal code, each separated by a space.

Country - The two character ISO abbreviation for country.

Note Note: Specifying a field type for a field does not mean the field will be included in distributed address verification's results. To specify fields to be included in the results, use the Available and Selected lists in the Distributed Address Verification Properties dialog.

Data Types

For information related to the distributed address verified field types, select one of the following:

Distributed Address Verification (US and Canada)

The following is a list of field types used for both United States and Canadian distributed verified address field types.

Firm - A business, association, or organization where the mail is going.

Address_Line_1 - The first line of an address (unparsed), usually including a street address.

Address_Line_2 - The second line of an address (unparsed), if the first line carries on to the second line.

Street_Number - The street number represents the physical address of the building (house number).

Street_Pre-direction - The directional prefix is included if the address includes North, South, West, Southeast, etc. after the street number (for example, 940 NW Cary Parkway - NW represents the directional indicator).

Street_Name - The name of the street.

Street_Type - The street type is a part of the street address and usually appears near the end of the address (for example, Avenue, Drive, Court, and Parkway).

Full_Street_Name - The entire street name in the field including street number and street name.

Street_Post-direction - The directional suffix appears at the end of the street address and indicates the direction of the address (for example, 10 Main St. W - W represents the directional indicator West).

Extension - Additional information about the delivery (examples of an address extension include, Apt, Suite, Building, etc.)

Extension_Number - The apartment, suite, or building number accompanying the address extension.

Village - The town or village name for the address.

City - The city name for the address.

State - The state or province name accompanying the address.

ZIP/Postal_Code - The full postal code for US or Canada (5-digit ZIP code, 9-digit ZIP code, 6-character Canadian postal code).

County_Code - The ISO country code for the address.

Country - The full country name for the address.

Deliverability - The likelihood of the output address being deliverable. The following table lists the possible values:

Value Description
VALID Address is guaranteed by the postal service to be valid and deliverable.
HIGH Address could not be validated but is highly likely to be deliverable.
MEDIUM Address is less likely to be deliverable than HIGH.
LOW Address is less likely to be deliverable than MEDIUM.
UNKNOWN Deliverability could not be determined.

Validation_Status - Result of address processing. The following table lists the possible values:

Value Description
AMBIGUOUS The input address matches more than one valid address.
BAD_LOCALITY The locality information is invalid.
BAD_STREET The building or street information is invalid.
INVALID The address is not valid, reason is not specified.
VALID No error; address is valid.

Numeric_Result_Code - The numeric result of a dfIntelliServer function call. Refer to the dfIntelliServer Reference Guide for a complete list of values.

Result_Code - The text explanation of the Numeric_Result_Code. Refer to the dfIntelliServer Reference Guide for additional information

Distributed Address Verification (US)

The following is a list of the available distributed US verified address field types:

US_Urbanization_(PR) - An area, sector, or development within a geographic area. In addition to being a descriptive word, it precedes the name of the area. This urbanization descriptor, commonly used in urban areas of Puerto Rico, is an important part of the addressing format since it describes the location of a given street.

US_ZIP - The five-digit ZIP code United States ZIP code.

US_ZIP4 - Specifies the four-digit suffix to US ZIP code. This suffix is added to the five-digit United States ZIP code to create the nine-digit US ZIP code that is known as ZIP+4.

US_Carrier_Route - The US carrier route ID used for mail sorting.

US_PMB_Designator - Specifies Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate the PMB (Personal Mail Box) is a private mail box.

US_PMB_Number - The mail box number associated with the designator. Private companies offering mail box rental service to individuals or businesses may require a box number for final sorting purposes.

US_Deliv_Pt - The US Delivery Point field contains the delivery point bar code, a two-digit number calculated from the address.

US_Deliv_Pt_Check_Digit - Calculated from the ZIP, ZIP4, and delivery point bar code.

US_LACS_Indicator - The US Locatable Address Conversion Service (LACSClosed) indicator describes records that have been converted to the LACS system, a product/system in a different USPS product line that allows mailers to identify and convert a rural route address to a "city-style" address. Rural route and some city addresses are being modified to city-style addresses so emergency services can find these addresses more efficiently. The following table lists the possible values:

Result Code Description
Blank Not applicable
L LACS address, the old (usually rural route) address that has been converted for the LACS system.

US_CMRA_Confirmation_Ind - The US Commercial Mail-Receiving Agency (CMRA) Confirmation Indicator is used to indicate if an address is from a private mail box company.

US_DPV_Result_Code - Delivery-Point Validation (DPV) confirms that the address actually exists, as opposed to a valid range of house numbers on the street. The US DPV Result Code indicates the status of the DPV query process and will contain either a success (0) or an error code (see below) possible values are:

Result Code Description
D Address was DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and Secondary number information was missing.
N Both primary and (if present) secondary number information failed to DPV confirm.
S Address was DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and Secondary number information was present but unconfirmed.
Y Address was DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers.

US_DPV_Footnote - Footnotes from DPV processing, separated by a space. The following table lists the possible values:

Result Code Description
AA Input Address Matched To The ZIP+4 file.
A1 Input Address Not Matched to the ZIP+4 file.
BB Input Address Matched to DPV (all components).
CC Input Address Primary Number Matched to DPV but Secondary Number not Matched (present but invalid).
M1 Input Address Primary Number Missing.
M3 Input Address Primary Number Invalid.
N1 Input Address Primary Number Matched to DPV but High-rise Address Missing Secondary Number.
P1 Input Address Missing PO, RR, or HC Box number.
P3 Input Address PO, RR, or HC Box number Invalid.
RR Input Address Matched to CMRA and PMB designator present (PMB 123 or #123).
R1 Input Address Matched to CMRA but PMB designator not present (PMB 123 or #123).

US_RDI_Result_Code - Residential-Delivery Indicator (RDI) confirms whether a particular address is residential or business. This information is useful because different postal rates can apply for residential versus business deliveries. The US RDI Result Code indicates the status of the RDI query process and contains either a success (0) or an error code (5 - product is locked). If the RDI query process was successful, RDI address confirmation result will be stored in US RDI. Set the US RDI Result Code to N (no) or Y (yes).

US_Record_Type - US Record type is an alphabetic value that identifies the type of data in the record. The following table lists the possible values:

Record Type Code Description
F Firm (ZIP+4 only).
G General delivery (5-digit ZIP, ZIP+4, and carrier route products).
H High-rise (ZIP+4 only).
P PO box (5-digit ZIP, ZIP+4, and carrier route products).
R Rural route/highway contract (5-digit ZIP, ZIP+4, and carrier route products).
S Street (5-digit ZIP, ZIP+4, and carrier route products).

US_Congressional_District - A standard value identifying a geographic area within the US served by a member of the US House of Representatives or Senate. If Army/Air Force (APOClosed) or fleet post office (FPOClosed), this field is blank. If there is only one member of Congress within a state, the code is "AL" (at large).

US_County_Name - The county name associated with the county code.

US_County_Code - The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code assigned to a given county or parish within a state. In Alaska, it identifies a region within the state. If APO/FPO and the record type is S, H, or F, the county number will be blank.

US_State_FIPS - The US State FIPS numerical code assigned to a each state.

US_Finance_Number - The US Finance Number refers to an area encompassing a set of ZIP codes.

US_Preferred_City_Name - The preferred city name, according to the US Postal Service.

US_Abbreviated_City_Name - The abbreviated city name based on USPS standards.

US_Verified_Street-Level_Address_Flag - This flag set to Y (yes) or N (no), which indicates if the street-level information was matched.

US_Early_Warning_System - Whether the record matched with an Early Warning System. It will have the value of Y (Yes) or N (No).

US_Default_Highrise_Ind - Whether the address is located in a high-rise building.

US_LACSLink_Return_Code - Return codes for LACSLink lookups as defined by USPS. The following table lists the possible values:

Return Code Description
A New address was found successfully and provided upon output.
00 Address conversion does not exist.
14 Could not convert address at run-time. This means the initial lookup table indicated a conversion exists, but further lookups (in other tables) failed to find one.
92 New address was found only after secondary information from input address was dropped.

US_LACSLink_Indicator - Indicates if an input address exists in LACSLink database. The following table lists the possible values:

Result Code Description
F Input address is a 'false positive'. This is similar to DPV "false positive" - USPS believes that the input address was artificially generated. When sch an address is presented to LACSLink it will cause LACSLink functionality to be disabled for the remaining verify process.
N Address conversion does not exist.
S Address conversion exists only if secondary information is dropped from the input address.
Y Address conversion exists.

Distributed Address Verification (Canada)

The following is a list of the available distributed Canadian verified address field types:

Canada_Civic_Number - The address civic number.

Canada_Civic_Number_Suffix - The end of the address civic number (for example, 1/2 or A).

Canada_Deliv_Mode_Type - How the record was verified (whether the record was verified successfully or why the record was not verified). The following table lists the possible values:

Return Value Description
GD General Delivery
MR Mobile Route
PO BOX Post Office Box
RR Rural Route
SS Suburban Service

Canada_Deliv_Mode_Number - The Canada Delivery Mode Number indicates the address delivery mode type, for example Rural Route, Post Office Box, or General Delivery.

Canada_Deliv_Inst_Area - The general location of the postal installation.

Canada_Deliv_Inst_Type - This data type indicates the type of postal installation. The following table lists the possible values:

Return Value Description
CDO Commercial Dealership Outlet
CMC Community Mail Center
LCD Letter Carrier Depot
RPO Postal Outlet
STN Station

Canada_Deliv_Inst_Qualifier - This type uniquely identifies a postal installation if more than one installation shares the same general location.

Canada_Language - This type indicates EN for English Canada and FR for French Canada.

Field Types and Lengths

The following table lists field types and lengths for distributed address verification:

ID Integer Length
Firm VARCHAR (256)
Address_Line_1 VARCHAR (256)
Address_Line_2 VARCHAR (256)
Street_Number VARCHAR (256)
Street_Pre-direction VARCHAR (256)
Street_Name VARCHAR (256)
Street_Type VARCHAR (256)
Full_Street_Name VARCHAR (256)
Street_Post-direction VARCHAR (256)
Extension VARCHAR (256)
Extension_Number VARCHAR (256)
Village VARCHAR (256)
City VARCHAR (256)
State VARCHAR (256)
ZIP/Postal_Code VARCHAR (256)
Country_Code VARCHAR (256)
Country VARCHAR (256)
Deliverability VARCHAR (256)
Validation_Status VARCHAR (256)
US_Urbanization_(PR) VARCHAR (256)
US_Carrier_Route VARCHAR (256)
US_PMB_Designator VARCHAR (256)
US_PMB_Number VARCHAR (256)
US_Deliv_Pt VARCHAR (256)
US_Deliv_Pt_Check_Digit VARCHAR (256)
US_LACS_Indicator VARCHAR (256)
US_CMRA_Confirmation_Indicator VARCHAR (256)
US_DPV_Result_Code VARCHAR (256)
US_DPV_Footnote VARCHAR (256)
US_RDI_Result_Code VARCHAR (256)
US_Record_Type VARCHAR (256)
US_Congressional_District VARCHAR (256)
US_County_Name VARCHAR (256)
US_County_Code VARCHAR (256)
US_Finance_Number VARCHAR (256)
US_Preferred_City_Name VARCHAR (256)
US_Abbreviated_City_Name VARCHAR (256)
US_Verified_Street-Level_Address_Flag VARCHAR (256)
US_Early_Warning_System VARCHAR (256)
US_ Default_Highrise_Indicator VARCHAR (256)
US_LACSLink_Return_Code VARCHAR (256)
US_LACSLink_Indicator VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Civic_Number VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Civic_Number_Suffix VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Deliv_Mode_Type VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Deliv_Mode_Number VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Deliv_Inst_Area VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Deliv_Inst_Type VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Deliv_Inst_Qualifier VARCHAR (256)
Canada_Language VARCHAR (256)
Numeric_Result_Code INTEGER  
Result_Code VARCHAR (256)

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Distributed Address Verification Node

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Doc ID: dfU_PFEnrichD_AddrVer_Ref.html