DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties enable advanced users to select and configure properties that meet specific data needs for the nodes included in data and process jobs. To access the Advanced Properties for a selected data node, right-click the node and click Open Advanced Properties in the pop-up menu. The Advanced Properties dialog includes the following elements:

Enable serial target processing - When selected, specifies that the target nodes (the nodes at the end of each chain) are each processed in their entirety before the next one starts. When serial processing is not enabled and you have two target nodes after a branch both nodes are processed at the same time (one row from A followed by one row from B, and then back to A, and so on). When serial processing is turned on, all of the rows are read from A, followed by all the rows from B.

Set as default target node - When selected, designates the node that will provide the output for the entire job. Use this when you build a process job that will be called from another job using the Embedded Job step. (This function becomes particularly important when you construct a job with an External Data Provider step, because it has many different outputs.)

Processing order - Specifies the processing order for a particular node.

The toolbar in the Advanced Properties dialog enables you to edit a default value for a selected property, clear or delete a selected property, clear the default value for a selected property, and refresh the list or properties.

The following table provides an alphabetical list of the advanced properties available in DataFlux Data Management Studio.

NoteNote: Not every advanced property is available in every node. See specific nodes for details.

Advanced Properties Descriptions
_ERRORMSG The node error message.
_WARNING The node warning message.
_ELAPSED The number of seconds each node was running.
_START_TIME The node execution start time.
_END_TIME The node execution end time.
_SUMMARY The summary of the node's lifetime accomplishments.
1ST_INROW_STARTCLID If set to true, the first row that enters the node does not contain data to be clustered but has the cluster number of where it should begin.
1ST_OUTROW_MAXCLID If set to true, the first row that exits the node does not contain actual data to be clustered but contains the maximum cluster number from the data rows to appear in the output.
3553_FILENAME The filename entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_LIST_ID The list ID entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_LIST_PROCESSOR The name of the list processor entered for PS Form 3553.
3553_MAILER_ADDRESS1 The mailing address entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_MAILER_ADDRESS2 The second line of the mailing address entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_MAILER_LASTLINE The last line entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_MAILER_NAME The name entered in the PS Form 3553.
3553_NUM_LISTS The numbered list entered in the PS Form 3553.
ABBREV_CITY The abbreviation for the name of the city.
ABBREV_STREET The abbreviation for the name of the street.
ACCEPT_MANY When set to true, the local:gt() built-in function allows zero or many elements (element()*) as input. When set to false, the local:gt() built-in function allows zero or one element (element()?) as input. The default value is false. When set to true, there are side effects that can affect round tripping XML. The default is false.
ACTION The action for the Row Validation condition set earlier.
ACTION_COND The condition you created with Field Name, Operation, and Value to the Audit Expression list.
ACTION_NAME If you choose Flag row as the audit action, this property holds the name of the flag field.
ACTION_VALUE If you choose Flag row as the audit action, this property holds the value of the flag field.
ACTION_VALUE_TYPE If you choose "Flag row" as the audit action, this property holds an integer that specifies the data type (string, integer, and so on) of the flag field.
AD_MODE Select the way addresses are handled during address verification. Validate = 0; Parse = 1; Parse and Standardize = 2. The default is set to 0.
ADD_FIELDS The fields that will be made available for the next step in your job flow.
ADDITIONAL_NOTES Enables you to add a one-character note to an Address Update Lookup node. NCOA documentation states that the literal A in this field denotes that you have requested a longer processing period.
ADD_LINEFEEDS When true, linefeeds are inserted for every element. The default is false.
ADDR_CA_LVR If this flag is set, LVR (Large Volume Receiver) address correction is enabled for Canadian addresses. Using standard SERP rules, all LVR addresses are automatically considered valid. When this flag is set, the Daemon will attempt to correct them using the same process as non-LVR addresses.
ADDR_CA_PASS_VALID If this flag is set, Canadian addresses that are valid on input (require no corrections to be deliverable) will be passed through the function without any changes. Otherwise, changes that do not affect the validity (for example, changing Street to St) can be applied.
ADDR_CA_RURAL If this flag is set, rural address correction is enabled for Canadian addresses. Using standard SERP rules, all rural addresses are automatically considered valid. When this flag is set, the Daemon will attempt to correct the address using the same process as urban addresses.
ADDR_GUESS_COUNTRY If set to true, the function will attempt to guess the locale of the address when no country information is supplied for address verification.
ADDR_OUTPUT_LATIN If set to true, the output from dfIntelliServer is forced to Latin instead of the native language (for example, kanji). Data in non-European languages will be transliterated. Default is set to false.
ADDR_PROPERCASE If set to true, results will be proper case instead of uppercase.
ADDR_RETURN_INVALID If this flag is set, instead of raising an error when the input address is invalid (undeliverable), the function returns an indication of the invalid address and returns error information
ADDR_US_CASS If this flag is set, strict CASS rules are used for US addresses. By default, a more aggressive matching strategy is used, which can result in additional corrections that are not allowed using strict CASS rules.
ADDR_US_DPV If true, will include DPV results for US address verification. This should be used only when DPV data is installed. This does not affect non-US addresses.
ADDR_US_ELOT If true, will include eLOT results for US address verification. This should be used only when eLOT data is installed. This does not affect non-US addresses.
ADDR_US_LACS If true, will include LACS results for US address verification. This should be used only when LACS data is installed. This does not affect non-US addresses.
ADDR_US_RDI If true, will include RDI results for US address verification.  This should be used only when RDI data is installed. This does not affect non-US addresses.
ADDRESS_TYPE The source of the country of origin.
ADDRESS_LINE_SEP Separates the address lines within the Address field. The default is <BR>.
ALTERNATE Reads rows from left and right instead of all from the left and then all from the right. With this setting, child rows are requested from both sides evenly so no data is cached.
ALTERNATE_HANDLING This controls the handling of variable characters like spaces, punctuation, and symbols. When this option is not specified (using the default value Non-Ignorable), differences among these variable characters are of the same importance as differences among letters. If the ALTERNATE_HANDLING option is specified, these variable characters are of minor importance. The default is NON_IGNORABLE. Note that the SHIFTED value is often used in combination with STRENGTH= set to Quaternary. In such a case, spaces, punctuation, and symbols are considered when comparing strings, but only if all other aspects of the strings (base letters, accents, and case) are identical.
APPEND If set to true, appends the data to the file instead of overwriting the existing text file. This Advanced Properties is set to false by default.
APPEND_RESULT Set to true to add the result code to the node output.
AUDITFILENAME The name of a file that will contain audit information about the duplicate elimination operation.
BACKUPNUMROWS The number of rows to be backed up.
BASE/SORTBYTES Specifies the bytes to use when sorting
BASE/SORTMERGES Enables merge during sort
BASE/SORTTEMP Specifies the temporary path for sorts
BASE/SORTTHREADS Specifies the number of sort threads
BF_LOCALE The locale within your Quality Knowledge Base that used for the standardization.
BF_PATH The data quality function path.
BIND_USING_TABLE_TYPES When this Advanced Property is set to false the step Data Type is used for binding. Default is true.
BLANKISNULL If true, blank fields will be treated as null values and they will not be considered.
BLANKTONULL If true, blank fields will be treated as null values and they will not be considered.
BLOCK_SIZE Tells the node in what size blocks to return the input files text as output.
BUF_SIZE The maximum number of messages to buffer before passing them from the C++ layer to Java. Defaults to 0 (no buffer).
BUFFERCOUNT The maximum number of buffers that are used to hold the XMLStreamWriter output that is then input into the XQJ support. The default is 5.
BUFFERSIZE The size of each buffer holding the XMLStreamWriter output that is then input into the XQJ support. The default is 8192.
BULK_ROW_COUNT This allows you to process a set number of rows at a time. Enter the number of rows to be processed in the Property Value field when you have thousands of records. This option will help your system run more efficiently. The default value for the BULK_ROW_COUNT option is 10,000.

NoteNote: Bulk row count is supported on databases such as Oracle SQL Server and DB2. There is no need to activate a bulkload option at the driver level in the data connection for the table.

BY_GROUP This tells the job to sort it by the selected group.When a key differs, an indicator is returned informing the caller that retrieved row is the begins a new group with the same key. This is useful when clustering by a single key or similar processing.
BYTE_ORDER_MARK This setting is used for UTF-8, UCS-2BE, or UCS-2LE encoding. Default is set to true. Only change to false if you do not have a need to process the byte order in your Microsoft Windows system.
BYTES_TO_SKIP This is the number of spaces to skip in the beginning of your data file. Default is 0.
CANADA_PATH The path to the Canadian address reference database.
CANADAPOSTFORMAT When enabled, specifies that province names conform to CanadaPost expectations. Useful for SERP certification.
CASE_FIRST This specifies the order of uppercase and lowercase letters. This argument is valid for only TERTIARY, QUATERNARY, or IDENTICAL levels. A value of UPPER sorts uppercase letters first, then the lowercase letters. A value of LOWER sorts lowercase letters first, then the uppercase letters.
CASEINSENS If false the job is not case sensitive.
CASE_SOURCE The fields you have selected for changing case.
CATALOGNAME Used for database connection.
CHART_TITLE The name for the chart file.
CHUNKSIZE Specifies the amount of data available to each sort thread (integer). When sorting is not involved, this specifies the size of the internal datafile buffer.
CID_COL Identifies the column containing the cluster ID.
CLASSNAME This is the Java class name created in Java. This Advanced Property is used with the Java Plugin.
CLASSPATH This Advanced Property indicates additional Java classpaths. When specified the given set of classpaths will be added to the set of classpaths used during the execution of the Java Step.
CLUST_ID_FIELD The input field that contains the numeric cluster identifier.
CLUSTER_FIELD The input field that contains the numeric cluster identifier.
CLUSTER/BYTES This is the total number of bytes used for clustering.
CLUSTER/TEMP This is the location of the temporary files for clustering. Also, the location where log files are written when logging is enabled.
CLUSTIDFIELD The input field that contains the numeric cluster identifier.
COLLATION This determines how things are collated. A value of UPPER sorts uppercase letters first, then the lowercase letters. A value of LOWER sorts lowercase letters first, then the uppercase letters. If you do not select a collation value, then the user's locale-default collation is selected. Linguistic collation allows for a locale appropriate collating sequence.
COLLECTION_VAR If the XML parameter defines a collection, the name of the external string that should be set to the value of the XML parameter can be identified in this parameter.
COLUMNS Represents the column values.

Improves address accuracy. This property is set to OFF by default. This is setting is best for the performance of the Loqate node. If you want to increase the accuracy of Loqate processing, set this property to ON.

COMMANDS Enter the command information including Type and Arguments.
COMMIT_EVERY How often a commit command should be sent to the data source.
COMMITMODE Changes are committed each time this number of rows has been written. For example, 0 = every row, 1 = single transaction, and so on.
COMPACT Removes spaces in cluster numbers.
COMPAT_EXACT_MATCH This Advanced Property is available for jobs created prior to version 8.0. If your old job is loaded in version 8.0, this option is set to TRUE so you will see the previous unpadded match code. When a new job is loaded into version 8.0, the default is set to FALSE and you will see the new match codes.
CONCAT_SOURCE The fields and literal text you have specified for concatenation.
CONCURRENT_PROC Specifies whether concurrent processes are used. The available values are Y and N.
CONDITIONS Describes the conditions for the validation process.
CONNECTSTRING The string used by the Entity Resolution File Output node to connect to the database so that it can apply changes interactively.
CONNOPTS Space-separated string of key=value pairs used to create the initial JNDI context. (JNDI-instance-specific options that might be required for a client to make a JNDI connection.)
CONVERT_FIELD_MAP The Advanced Property is available to convert field maps.
CORR_ACCENTS If true, accent characters are added in outputted fields.
CREATE3553 If true, creates a PS Form 3553.
CREATE_SOA If true, a Statement of Accuracy form is created. Default is false.
CRLF_TERMINATE If true, limits the field length to correspond with the carriage return (Boolean).
CTXFACTORY The fully qualified class name of the JNDI provider context factory.
CURRENT This is a flag to indicate whether to show only the current version of the domain. If TRUE, only the latest domain version is listed and if FALSE all domain versions are listed. The default is TRUE.
DASH_IN_ZIP Indicates whether to include a dash between ZIP code and the ZIP plus four numbers.
DATA Represents the data input for the node.
DATA_CACHE_OVERRIDE Specifies how much address data should be cached in memory. Default is _null.
DATA_CACHE_PCT The amount of the USPS database cached to improve performance. Default is _null.
DATA_FILENAME This is the path for the data file.
DATAFIELD The field that contains the data where the scheme will be applied.
DATAFILE_IS_ASCII This Advanced Property refers to the Data format field. The options are ASCII or EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code). Default is false.
DATA_RETURNED Specifies the type of data returned. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
DEBUG_LOG_FILE Enter a path name to create a debug log file. To create a log file, use a path name to set this option. Default is _null.

NoteNote: The log file is appended each time the job is run or when you preview a job. This file can become rather large quickly.

DEBUG_STAGE Special parameter for debugging only.
DEFAULT_COUNTRY The country selected as the default for the address lookup. For the Loqate node, this specifies the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (three-char, ex. "FRA") code which should be used if no identifiable country is found for an input record.
DEFLOCALE Default local if locale guessing cannot identify a single locale.
DEF_OVERRIDE Enables you to override how the field is created (for example: "CHAR(255)"). This property can be set in two ways. One way is to click the Override button in the standard properties dialog for the Data Target (Insert) data job node. The other way is to display the advanced properties dialog for the Data Target (Insert) data job node, right-click the Fields property, and then select Edit Default Value.
DELETEFLAGS Delete flag field name for each primary key identified on the Primary Key and Edit Fields tab.
DELETE_ROWS If true, deletes all existing records before adding results.
DELAYMEMALLOC The DELAYMEMALLOC advanced property is closely tied to the memory allocation properties for clustering. If set to true, the clustering memory chunk will be allocated only after the step obtains the first data row from the parent. When true, memory can be released and made available for later clustering node calls although if the memory is not freed, memory is over-allocated for your job or service. If set to false (default), all clustering memory will be allocated prior to the first row passing through the entire job.

When using DELAYMEMALLOC, you might not find out the memory is over-allocated until half-way through processing the job. When DELAYMEMALLOC is set to 0, if memory has been over-allocated, you will know prior to running the job or service.

NoteNote: For all sorting and clustering memory settings, you can create macros so memory settings for different job or service types can be independent of the default macros used globally.

DELIMITER The type of separator (delimiter) to use for separating data fields.
DESCRIPTION The description of the node.
DESTINATION The JNDI name for the JMS destination.
DICTIONARY_ENTRIES The list of files to load dictionaries from for term identification. This is a table parameter, its column is FILENAME, which is the dictionary filename.
DIMENSION_NAME The name of the monitor dimension.
DOM_TYPE The type of domain input. This can either be a "value" or "field".
DOM_VAL If DOM_TYPE is "value" this is the name of the domain and if it is "field" it will be the name of the parent field that contains the domain name. If the DOM_TYPE is "value" and DOM_VAL is NULL all domains and their items will be listed.
DOMAIN The Domain associated with the logged-in user for credentials lookup.
DONTCLUSTFLD The cluster field that will not be clustered.
DSN The data source name (database name, directory, database driver, User ID, password, and more) that connects you to the database.
DURABLE_CLID This is checked only if DURABLE_NAME is configured. Sets a JMS client ID string for cases where JMS Provider does not have one. If client ID string is set on both ends or on neither end, the initialization will fail. In the vast majority of cases, the JMS Provider already has it configured.
DURABLE_NAME The unique name for a durable subscription to a topic. If durable subscription fails the node will not initialize (see log for error).
EDITFIELDS Fields that had Field Level rules applied to them in the SRI step and contain the content that will be salvaged from the records by the edit rules.
ENABLE_DDL This setting tells the node to verify that the table exists before trying to insert or update any values. The default value is true. Note that this only applies to insert and update nodes.
ENCODING This setting is used to specify encoding constants. Default is -1.
END The ending value for the FOR loop.
END_DATE The ending date for the row's interval.
END_ID The ending id for the row log.
END_OF_LINE The type of action at the end of the line, CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), CR+LF (carriage return plus line feed), or NEL (an IBM setting for new line). Default is 0.
EOF_MODE The type of action at the end of the line, CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), CR+LF (carriage return plus line feed), or NEL (an IBM setting for new line). Default is 0.
EOF_VALUE The type of action at the end of the line, CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), CR+LF (carriage return plus line feed), or NEL (an IBM setting for new line). Default is 0.
EXEC_EXPRESSION The main expression code.
EXEC_ID If the EXEC_TYPE is a value, it uses the field as a number to pass in. If the EXEC_TYPE is a field, it takes a field name from the parent.
EXECROWID_VAR An output variable used to generate a Process Summary report in the Address Update Lookup node.
EXEC_TYPE The input can be a value, macro, or used as a parent input field.
EXECUTION_PROPERTIES Enables you to specify values for properties that are applied when the node is run.
EXCEPTION_ACTION Indicate the action if the LOCALE_FIELD contains unusable information such as a blank or _null value or an ISO code not in the LOCALE_LIST. The possible values include:  0 - stop processing, 1 - use a default locale, or 2 - flag the record as "not processed". If the value is 1 or 2, enter a value for the EXCEPTION_INFO property.
EXCEPTION_INFO Only necessary if the EXCEPTION_ACTION value is 1 or 2.  If the action value is 1, enter the default locale ISO code the node should use.  If the action value is 2, enter the name of a field to write the "not processed" string into.
EXCLUDE_SOURCE_FIELD Specifies whether to include the source field contents in the node's output.
EXPECTED The input and output fields to this job.
EXPRESSION The body of the expression to execute.
FACTORY The JNDI name of the JMS connection factory.
FIELD_MAP The generic property that lets you rename fields that enter the step before they exit the step. So a field called "NAME" might be passed from the previous step but someone might want to rename it "FULL_NAME" before it is passed through to the next step. Columns TYPE_OVERRIDE and LENGTH_OVERRIDE also allow changing the data type or size (or both).

Specifies the following inputs to expression field mapping:

EXP_INSTANCE_IDX - A zero-based index into the EXEC_EXPRESSION list to indicate which expression this field is associated with

SYMBOL_NAME - name of symbol in the expression to bind this field to

INCOMING - name of data field coming into node to bind -or- constant value to pass into expression (determine which using

IS_CONSTANT below) TYPE - data type that the expression expects for this field. If not specified, the type from incoming data is used IS_CONSTANT specifies whether

INCOMING is a constant value vs a field coming from parent node (boolean)

s The name for the output field that will contain auto-numbered values.
FIELDS The fields you can make available to the next step in your job flow.
FILENAME The name and location of your text file data source.
FILENAME_FIELD Where the record comes from. Default is _null.
FILTER_DATA This option represents either a field name for a parent node or a macro/constant value.
FILTER_TYPE This contains a field or value.
FIXED_WIDTH Specifies that data is treated as fixed width versus variable width. A Boolean that when set to true indicates the rows should be sorted as fixed width rows versus the default variable width. When set to true, SORT_KEEPVAR is not utilized.
FLATFILEDELIM The type of separator (delimiter) to use for separating data fields.
FLATFILENAME The name of the file that will contain the output records from the duplicate elimination operation.
FLATFILETQUAL The character that marks the beginning and end of the data.
FLD_CORRLID The name of the field containing the message header's correlation ID value.
FLD_MESSAGE The Name of the field (data nodes) or input/output (process nodes) containing the message body.
FLD_PROPS The space-separated list of the message's properties names; each will become a node's input/output field. An element in the list (message's property name) can contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters.
FLD_TYPE The Name of the field containing the message header's type value.
FLD_MSGID The name of the field containing the unique message header's ID value (set by JMS Provider).
FLD_MSGTRUNC The name of the field containing a Boolean flag for whether the outputted message was truncated.
FORCE_CHOICE If set to true and the locale could not be guessed, then the last locale you passed in will be used.
FORCE_COUNTRY The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (three-char, ex. "FRA") code which should be used for all input records.
FREQ_DATA The fields you have selected for your chart.
FULLCARTESIAN If true, produces a full Cartesian product of rows. Note that the same input set of rows running this node in FULLCARTESIAN mode will typically take twice as long to process and may produce twice as many output rows.
GENDER_SOURCE The fields you have selected for running Gender Analysis.
GENDPARSED_DEF The gender definition.
GENDPARSED_TOKENS Data types (tokens) for analyzing name data in the existing Quality Knowledge Base.
GENERATE_ROWS If true, generates rows even when no parent is specified.
GENNEWSURVREC If true, will generate a distinct surviving record.
GEO_PATH The path to the geocode database.
GEOCODING This enables geocoding.
GROUP_FIELDS This holds a list of fields. If one or more fields are listed here, the expression becomes a group by expression, and special actions are taken for each group. A group is defined as a set of data passing through the node that all has the same values for these fields. Note that the data should be sorted by these fields; otherwise results will not be as intended.
GROUP_ID Used to group sub-lists that might be create to split a job for multi-threaded processing or processing on separate machines. Job summaries are grouped by the Group ID when monthly NCOA statistics are calculated.
GROUP_INIT_EXPRESSION Whenever a new group of data is encountered, the expression entered here will be executed. It will be executed before the first row of data has executed the expression. It will also be executed before any rows are read, but after the INIT expression is executed.
GROUP_NAME This option specifies the monitor report group (dashboard) name.
GROUP_TERM_EXPRESSION After the last row of data in a group is encountered, this expression will be executed (after the row's expression is executed). It will also be executed after all rows are read, but before the term expression.
GROUPBY The set of retained columns that repeat as groups. If specified and XMLMAP_RETAIN is specified, this option takes precedence. GROUPBY specifies the name of the incoming field to group by.
GROUPNULLS If true, allow conditions with NULL fields to match.
GUESS_DEF The type of geographic information contained in the Guess_Fieldname.
GUESS_COUNTRY If true, you are not certain that your existing data contains addresses from a particular country.
GUESS_FIELDNAME The field in your existing data that Locale Guessing should use to guess locales.
HASHBUCKETS Controls the number of hash buckets per table. The default hash table size is 1M (1024x1024) buckets.
HEADERS Specifies a header option for either the HTTP Request data job node or the Web Request data job node. This option consists of Name and Value columns. The Name column contains the name of the HTTP header to set. The Value column contains the value to associate with the named HTTP header. Note that if the "Content-type" header is set in this HEADER option and the WSCP_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE property is set, the WSCP_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE property value is used.
HIGH_MATCH_RATE_DESC Provides a description for a match rate that exceeds 20 percent. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
ID_BYTE_POSITION This is the position of the first character. Default is 0.
ID_FIELD Specifies the name of a new field that will be created to store the rule ID of the rule that triggered the Moniter Task Execution data job node. Cannot be the name of an existing field.
ID_PIC_STATEMENT This is the ID PIC. This field has many options.
IDENTITY_SOURCE The fields you have selected for running Identification Analysis.
IDENT_DEFN The definition for the identification analysis.
IGNORE_ERRORS Specifies whether errors should be ignored during processing.
IN_CLUST_ID_FLD This is the Cluster ID output field for the Sub-Clustering node.
IN_FIELD_CITY The input field for city. This field is blank by default.
IN_FIELD_STATE The input field for state. This field is blank by default.
IN_FIELD_ZIP The input field for ZIP. This field is blank by default.
IN_TO_EXT_MAP The fields with data you want to pass to the external job.
INCLUDE_HEADER If true, creates a row of field names at the top of your text file to identify each output field.
INCR_GROUP_NAME This is an internal property. Do not use it.
INDICATE If true, then an aggregation indicator column is output.
INDICATE_FIELD The name of the indicator column, if one is requested. If (Null), a default name is used: __aggregated__.
INIT_EXPRESSION The pre-processing expression code.


The matrix in which the input source is defined in a Web Service Operation that accepts input. This is a table parameter that contains the following columns:
  • NAME - The input parameter name
  • TYPE - The input parameter type, which must be one of the following values: COLUMN, FILE, or STRING
  • VALUE - The input parameter value
INPUT_BYTE_ORDER_MARK If true, the first few bytes of the read data are checked to determine if they are a byte order mark. If a byte order mark is present, the remaining data is assumed to be in the encoding identified by the byte order mark (Boolean).
INPUT_COUNTRY Two character ISO country code.
INPUT_DELIMITER Specifies the type of field separator in use (string).
INPUT_ENCODING The encoding of the data to be read. The integer represents the selection from the encoding drop-down list (integer).
INPUT_FIELDS The fields available for input.
INPUT_FIPS The field in your data that contains the FIPS codes.
INPUT_FIRM Input field being mapped to the Firm field type.
INPUT_LAST_LINE Input field being mapped to the City (State/Province) Postal Code field type.
INPUT_LINE1 Input field being mapped to the Address Line 1 field type.
INPUT_LINE2 Input field being mapped to the Address Line 2 field type.
INPUT_PHONE_NUMBER The field in your data that contains telephone numbers.
INPUT_POSTAL_CODE Input field being mapped to the Postal/ZIP code field type.
INPUTS The fields used for Address Verification (QAS) or Address Update Lookup (NCOA) processing. See NCOA Inputs and Outputs.
INPUT_TYPE Describes the type of the input parameter value. Must be one of the following values:
  • FILE
INPUT_TYPE When referring to a domain, this can either be a "value" or "field".
INPUT_VAL If INPUT_TYPE is "value" this is the name of the domain and if it is "field" it will be the name of the parent field that contains the domain name. If the INPUT_TYPE is "value" and INPUT_VAL is NULL all domains will be listed.
INTERNAL_DB Specifies the use of an internal database. Set to I when the list or database is owned by the licensee.
INTERVAL The integer used as the sequence interval.
IS_FIXED_WIDTH This Advanced Property is set to true if the records are fixed width. Default is false.
ISFILE If the repository is a file the property value is true. If the repository is a database, the  property value is false.
JOB The name of a referenced job file, URI, or resource identifier. Can also contain the actual XML of an Architect job
JOB_FILE_NAME Specifies the job flow that you are adding to the current job flow.
JOB_ID If a job type is a value, it uses the field as a number to pass in. If type is field, it takes a field name from the parent.
JOB_NAME The job name for the job to be run for the Realtime Service.
JOB_TYPE The input is either a value/macro or uses the parent input field.
JOBCODE A job code is an ID that uniquely identifies a job. Use this Advanced Property when importing tasks from one repository to another and managing what jobs are referenced. JOBCODE is different from JobID, which is just a numeric listing of jobs. The JOBID is not unique and represents a listing order of jobs.
JOBID The ID in the business rules repository for the selected task.
JOIN_NULLS This determines whether nulls are joined together in a join.
JOINBYTES The JOINBYTES advanced property defaults to 8 megabytes. This property is only in effect when doing a memory join. It determines how much memory to use for the memory join.
JOINS The relationships you have selected.
JOINTYPE The type of join.
KEEP_FIELDS Specifies the set of input fields that are to pass through as output fields.
KEY_VALUES The key_value pairs to be passed into the embedded job.
LAYOUT_TYPE This field should have COPYBOOK, LAYOUT, or JOB.
LAYOUTS This Advanced Property contains the path to the Data File.
LINE_END The line terminator.
LINGUISTIC The default for the LINGUISTIC property is NULL, which means that DataFlux Data Management Platform sorting is used. When the LINGUISTIC property is TRUE, SAS linguistic sorting will be used. When the LINGUISTIC property is TRUE, and no locale is specified in the LOCALE field, then the locale associated with the process is used.
LIST_RECEIVED_DATE Specifies the date on which the list was received. Uses the following format: YYYYMMDD.
LIST_RETURNED_DATE Specifies the date on which the processed list was returned. Uses the following format: YYYYMMDD.
LOADALL If true, all data from the data source(s) is placed on the local machine before the job continues.
LOAD_FLAG This Advanced Property can be set to US (to load US data), CAN (to load Canadian data), or USCAN (to load both).
LOCALE This specifies the locale name in the form of a POSIX name (for example, ja_JP). The following locales are not supported by PROC SORT: Afrikaans_SouthAfrica, af_ZA, Cornish_UnitedKingdom, kw_GB, and ManxGaelic_UnitedKingdom, gv_GB.
LOCALE_FIELD Enter the name of the field that contains the locale ISO codes (ENUSA, DEDEU, and so on). If this property is _null or blank, then the node uses the regular behavior for locales, a single locale is used for all records (BF_LOCALE).
LOCALE_LIST Enter a list of locale ISO codes that are expected to be present in the LOCALE_FIELD. These locales are loaded up-front before the records are processed. If you want to pass in the list of locales using a macro rather than hardcoding the list, use a macro variable to set the LOCALE_LIST parameter, for example LOCALE_LIST=ENUSA,ENGBR,FRFRA 2. Then, for any node with a Locale field, you could specify %%LOCALE_LIST%% as the first and only row of the table.
LOCALES The locales available in your QKB from which you are guessing.
LOOKUP_DSN The DSN of the database you are looking in to find the matching piece of information.
LOOKUP_KEYS The node's field mapping expressions.
LOOKUP_METHOD Controls how the NCOA lookup treats names. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
LOOKUP_SCHEMA The database schema information, where applicable.
LOOKUP_TABLE The input field where you select the table used when running the comparisons against the incoming data input fields from the previous step.
MAIL_CLASS Specifies the class of mail for the list that is being processed. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
MAILING_ZIP Specifies the ZIP code from which the mailing is to occur.
MANUAL_EXPR Click in this field to manually edit the business rule.
MANUAL_FLAG Indicates that a business rule has been edited manually.
MAPPING The task fields and available fields for the node.
MATCH_ONLY Set this option to true if you want the output to contain records that have a match. Default is false.
MATCHCODE_SOURCE Tokens for the selected match definition.
MATCHDEF The match definition applied to the data in the job flow.
MATCHPARSED_DEF The type of information in each field.
MATCHPARSED_SENS The sensitivity level.
MATCHPARSED_TOKENS Tokens for the selected match definition.
MAX_ERROR_COUNT This Advanced Property allows you to set a threshold for maximum errors. If set to -1, infinite errors are allowed.
MAX_FIELDS This option specifies the maximum number of fields that can be returned.
MAX_OUTPUT_ROWS The maximum number of rows you want to be read from the database. When left _null, all rows are processed.
MAX_PROPS This option specifies the maximum number of properties to show.
MAX_RAM The amount of memory (in bytes) to use during frequency distribution. For optimal results use a value that is the power of 2. If no value is entered (_null) the amount of memory used will default to the amount of memory defined for sorting operations.

Specifies how many times the currently-loaded copy of a process job node can be executed in a loop before the code is dropped from memory. This option enables you to force a reset and free memory every so often. You might want to set a limit on the number of times that the code for a node would be executed if a third party library leaks memory or has some other issue. The default value for this field is -1 (unlimited reuse). A value of 0 means never reuse. Values greater than 0 specify how many times the currently-loaded copy of a process job node can be executed in a loop before the code is dropped from memory.

MAXMSGLEN The maximum number of characters in a message (additional characters are truncated).
MAXPROPLEN The maximum number of characters in any of the message properties (additional characters are truncated).
MED_MONTHS_FILTER Specifies the move effective date on which the address move is to go into effect in the Address Update lookup node. You can use this value to constrain the results to addresses that have changed within a specified number of months. For example, if MED_MONTHS_FILTER is set to 6, results will include only addresses that have changed in the last 6 months. The minimum value is 6.
MEMLOAD The option you are using to load one of the data sources in memory.
MEMSIZE The amount of RAM to use, in bytes. Default is 67108864 bytes
MEMSIZE_MBYTES The amount of memory to use per cluster, in megabytes. The default is 16 megabytes.
MESSAGE The message body.
METADATA_ONLY Tells the node whether to output just the input file's metadata, or to output the converted text and the metadata.
METHOD The HTTP method to use when contacting the specified HTTP address. Currently supported values are as follows:
  • post
  • get
  • put
  • delete.
MSG_TEXT (AVAILABLE ON DATA NODE ONLY) This is a static text string to send as message body. This option or FLD_MESSAGE must be specified, but not both. With this option set the node can be used without a parent. (Not needed in process node as the existing FLD_MESSAGE input can be set to a static text string value)
MULTI_REC_CLUSTERS_ONLY Only display multiple record clusters.
NAME The name of the event to listen for. If not supplied, events with any name will be caught, unless filtered by the other two variables.
NAME_VALUES The fields that you define to map input and output to the COM dll.
NAMESPACES The set of NAMESPACES required in the resulting XML. This property should not be necessary when executing an XQuery. The XQuery should already define the valid/expected set of NAMESPACES required to process the XQuery.
NAMEVALUES The name of the Java Plugin node.
NEW_CLUST_ID_FLD This is the output column name for the cluster number.
NOCODEGEN Specifies that the code should not be processed by code gen.This is helpful in troubleshooting code errors.
NODUPS This specifies no duplicates. When duplicate keys are encountered, only one of the rows containing the duplicate key will be returned to the caller.
NON_CASS If false, Address Verification (US/Canada) applies USPS CASS standards when modifying address data.
NULLMATCHCODES If true, generates null match codes for null or blank input field values.
NUMERIC This sorts values by the numeric value. Default is OFF.
OFFSET_FIELD_IN OFFSET_FIELD_IN and OFFSET_FIELD_OUT are used together to maintain links between the data passing through the node and data produced by the node. This property is the name of the integer input field in the embedded job (optional).
OFFSET_FIELD_OUT OFFSET_FIELD_IN and OFFSET_FIELD_OUT are used together to maintain links between the data passing through the node and data produced by the node. The name of the same field as output from the embedded job (optional).
OFFSET_TEMP_PATH Overrides the default temporary directory. If this option is not specified, then the default temp directory is used.
OPERATION Designates an operation to perform in the node. The following operations are available:
  • NOOP (do nothing just get current value)
  • ADD (add value of PARAMETER to current value and return new value)
  • SUB (subtract value of PARAMETER from current value and return new value)
  • ASSIGN (assign value of PARAMETER to current value and return it)
OPERATION Enables you to select an operation to be performed in the Calculated Field node. The default operation is MEAN.
OPERATION_MODE This is the type of lookup performed.
OPERATOR_ID Specifies the operator responsible for processing the list.
OUT_FIELD_CITY This is the field name for your output. Default is Lookup City.
OUT_FIELD_RESULT This Boolean field shows if the City/State/Zip combination is true or false. If it is true, it is a valid combination. If the result is false, it is not a valid combination.
OUT_FIELD_STATE This is the field name for your output. Default is Lookup State.
OUT_FIELD_STATUS When you select the Validation Status, you will see Valid, City/State/Zip combo is invalid, or Invalid Zip. The Validation Status field is optional. Default is _null.
OUT_FIELD_ZIP This is the field name for your output. Default is Lookup Zip.
OUT_KEY_VALUES Consists of a KEY and OUT_KEY column. The KEY column is the name of the variable in the embedded job that you want to extract, and the OUT_KEY is the name of the variable in the parent job that you want to set with that value.
OUT_NUM_ITEMS This is the number of fields that appear in the output. Default is 1.
OUTCASEID The column that contains the case ID numbers.
OUTCASETYPE The column that contains the case types.
OUTCLUSTSIZE The size of the output cluster.
OUTCOLLAPSEID The output cluster ID field.
OUTMATCHCOND Name prefix for matched conditions fields, if no name is set this information will not be available on the output. Note that in real-time clustering, this information is valid only in context of data rows that have already been clustered.
OUTMATCHCONDCT The frequency count of match condition fields.
OUTPUT_BYTE_ORDER_MARK If true and writing the data in a Unicode-based encoding, the byte order mark will be written at the beginning of the output (Boolean).
OUTPUT_CASING The style of casing to use for output fields. Valid options are Upper, Title, or Lower.
OUTPUT_COL Specifies the column that contains the output of a calculated field.
OUTPUT_DELIMITER Specifies the type of field separator to use (string).
OUTPUT_ENCODING The encoding in which to write the data. The integer represents the selection from the encoding drop-down list.
OUTPUT_FIELDS The fields that will be made available to the next step in your job flow.
OUTPUT_LATIN1 If set to true, the output from dfIntelliServer is forced to Latin instead of the native language (for example, kanji). Data in non-European languages will be transliterated. Default is set to false.
OUTPUT_LINE_END Identifies the line terminator to write at the end of each row (string). The field can be empty.
OUTPUT_LOCALE_FIELD This Advanced Property stores the locale used to generate the match code (for example, ENUSA). Set to null by default.
OUTPUT_MATCHCODE_VERSION This Advanced Property stores the version of the QKB used to generate the match code (for example, 2007A). Set to null by default.
OUTPUT_MAXLENGTH Specifies the maximum length of the HTTP request output
OUTPUT_NULL_ROWS Specifies whether an output row should be generated if the input field value contained no terms.
OUTPUT_RULESCORE If this option is true, the node creates an output field for each rule's score. Default is false.
OUTPUT_SCRIPT The ISO 15924 Code in which the output should be encoded, if possible. This is typically "Native" or "Latin". Alternatively Native should be specified to choose the correct country specific script value. Other legal values include: Cyrl - Cyrillic (Russia), Grek - Greek (Greece), Hebr - Hebrew (Israel), Hani - Kanji (Japan), Hans - Simplified Chinese (China), Arab - Arabic (United Arab Emirates), Thai - Thai (Thailand), and Hang - Hangul (South Korea).
OUTPUTNAME The list of available input fields that can be used as output fields for the Entity Resolution File Output step.
OUTPUT The matrix in which the input source is defined in a Web Service Operation that accepts output. This is a table parameter with the following columns:
  • NAME - The output parameter name.
  • TYPE - The output parameter type, which must be one of the following values: COLUMN or FILE.
  • VALUE - The output parameter value.
  • MAX_LENGTH - If the output parameter type is COLUMN, and the specified column does not exist, a new column will be created and will use this setting for its maximum length.
OUTPUTS The types of address fields created (for example, in the Address Update Lookup node). See NCOA Inputs and Outputs.
OUTPUT_TYPE Describes the type of the output parameter value. Must be one of the following values:
  • FILE
OUTPUTTYPE Where the output is sent. This can be one of SOURCE, FLATFILE, or AUDITONLY.
OVERRIDE_PAF_EXPIRATION When selected, node ignores the PAF expiration date in the Address Update Lookup node. If not selected, PAF IDs that refer to PAFs with PAF_SIGNED_DATEs more than 1 year from the current date causes an error. This setting provides a grace period for users to run jobs in situations where a PAF is being renewed but the paperwork might not have been processed.
OVERRIDE_SERVER If not using the default dfIntelliServer enter the server name and port number here.
OVERRIDE_WIDTH This is the record length. Default is _null.
PACKET_SIZE This is the packet size for the Realtime Service. Default is _null.
PAF_ID Specifies an 18-character identifier for the input to an Address Update Lookup node. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
PARAM_DSN The data source name (database name, directory, database driver, User ID, password, ;and so on) that connects you to the database.
PARAMETER The value to assign to the variable or a value to increment/decrement it by (if OPERATION is ADD or SUB). If using ADD or SUB, this must be numeric, and the current value of the variable should be numeric.
PARAM_FILE Specifies the path to the file that contains the parameter XML.
PARAM_SOURCE The fields designated to be used as parameter inputs for this node's SQL query.
PARAM_SQL The SQL statement you constructed in the Query text area that will be executed against the data source.
PARAM_XML Specifies the parameter XML.
PARSE_DEF The category of data to be parsed.
PARSE_FIELDNAME The field to be parsed.
PARSE_INPUT_LENGTH This is the expected length of the field to be parsed. Possible values include _NULL, _SHORT, _AUTO, or _LONG. The default value is _NULL. Use NULL or SHORT if the parse length is small. Use AUTO if you want the node to select the correct parsing method. Use LONG if your parse length is three or more words.
PARSE_TOKENS The tokens you have selected for parsing.
PASS_SCORE Use this setting to determine what constitutes a pass or fail case for the sum of all rules.
PASSTHRU Fields that are being passed through the node. This list can contain only fields passed in from a previous node.
PASSTHRU_FIELDS Fields that are being passed through the node. This list can contain only fields passed in from a previous node.
PASSWD The password for connecting to the JMS provider. The password is encrypted with the DataFlux proprietary tools for encryption: encryptPassword.exe for Windows and dmsadmin crypt for Unix.
PASSWORD Use to specify a password.
PATTERN_SOURCE The fields you have selected for running a pattern analysis.
PERCENTILE_INTERVAL The distribution of values for each field.
PERSIST The message delivery persistence mode. Recognized values are yes and no (case-insensitive).
PK_COL The column containing the primary key.
PK1_FIELD The Primary key field is a unique number used to identify each row in a table.
PK2_FIELD The Primary key field is a unique number used to identify each row in a table.
PKFLDNAME Specifies the name of an existing input field containing the Primary Key (or any kind of a unique row identifier) of rows being clustered. This option only takes effect when the OUTMATCHCOND option is configured, which can be done in the Conditions matched prefix field in the Clustering node.
PKSEPSTRING Specifies the separator character or string used to separate Primary Key values in cluster output when the PKFLDNAME advanced option is used. Not needed when the default separator character of comma is used.
POLL_INTERVAL The Web service operation poll interval.
POOL_NAME Specifies a particular connection that can be used for all ODBC nodes that have the same value. If the connection doesn't exist, it will be created and subsequent connections to that pool will use the created one.
PORT The server port number used with the Realtime Services node.
POSTPROCESSED Specifies whether the data was post-processed. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
POST_SQL Code that is submitted after the SQL_STMT (post-code).
PRELOAD_COUNTRY The valid World address reference databases that are found on the system.
PREPROCESSED Specifies whether the data was pre-processed. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
PRESERVE_WHITESPACE If true, keeps the white space that appears in field values.
PRESERVENULL If true, preserves a NULL value if NULL is what was entered.
PRE_SQL Code that is submitted before the SQL_STMT (pre-code). Note that if the delete table is selected, then this parameter will contain the drop table code.
PRICLID The column that contains the cluster ID numbers on the primary (left) table.
PRIRECNUM The column that contains the record ID numbers on the primary (left) table.
PRIM_KEY_FIELD The input field that contains the primary key values for the incoming data. (This might not be needed, depending on whether all rows are being returned.)
PRIMARY_KEY The relationship (key) between the existing table and the results of your job flow.
PRIMARYKEYS The input field selected as primary key fields for the incoming data.
PRIORITY The message priority, 0 through 9, where a larger number indicates higher priority.
PROCESS_CATEGORY Specifies a reason for running a job that contains an Address Update Lookup node. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
PROGID The name used to instantiate the COM object.
PROGRAM_NAME The external program is identified by a string containing the fully qualified path to the command and the command arguments.
PROPERCASE If true, Address Verification (QAS) returns proper case results.
PROVIDERURL The server host/port information for a JNDI connection.
PURGEACTION If true, single records are deleted. This can be either DELETE or FLAG.
PUSHROW_FIELDNAME If a field name is specified here, then that field will be created in the output. It will hold the value true if the row resulted from a pushrow() action, and false otherwise.
QUALIFIER The character that is inserted at the beginning and end of each field.
QUOTE The character expected at the beginning and end of each text field value.
READMODE Can be SINGLEROW if you want to read a single row. In this case, ROWINDEX should be specified). Can also be NEXTROW. NEXTROW reads the following row from the last time it ran.
READONLY Set to true for Read Only. This Advanced Property is set to false by default.
RECONNDELAY This option controls the number of seconds the RTC client should wait before attempting to reconnect to the RTC server after it drops an existing connection due to changes in a node's configuration.
RECORDWIDTH The total number of bytes in a record (string).
RECSPERTRANS If selected, this Advanced Property sets the transaction for a specified number of rows. This option is set to 10000 by default.
REMOVE_DUPS_FLAG If false, pass all incoming records through to the output of the SRI step.
REPLACE_NULLS If set to true, this Advanced Property enables you to surface a null character. Default is false.
REPOS_NAME This is the name, file, or DSN, depending on type.
REPOS_PREFIX If REPOS_NAME is DSN then you can also have a prefix.
REPOS_TYPE This is the type of repository (name, file, or DSN).
REPOSITORY The name and path to the business rules repository.
REQUEST The Web Service request XML template contains the Web Service request and possibly defines the variables within the Web Service request. The request input parameters are initially populated using the variables defined in the request XML template.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT When set, this option specifies the number of seconds that the node should wait for a response. If not set, the global configuration option WEBSERVICE/REQUEST_TIMEOUT is queried. If neither is set, the default wait time is 60 seconds. If set to zero, there is no time-out: the request will wait until a response is received.
RESPONSE The Web Service response XML template contains the Web Service response and possibly defines the variables within the Web Service response. The response output parameters are populated using the variables defined in the response XML template.
RESPONSE_HEADERS Enables you to expose the response headers in HTTP requests as output in order extract information. The headers contain NAME, OUTPUT, and OUTPUT_MAX_LENGTH columns.
RESOURCE_LEVEL Specifies how much computer resources to dedicate for Parsing and ID Analysis. The values include: INTENSIVE, VERY_HIGH, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and VERY_LOW.
RESULT_FIELD Name of the result code field.
RETVAL_FIELDNAME If a field name is specified here, then the field will be created in the output. The field will be set to "true" or "false" according to what the expression returned. Normally, returning "false" from an expression results in no row appearing in the output. If no field name is specified here, then the value will be set to false for the field and the row will be returned from the expression (for example, not filtered).
ROW_ESTIMATE If you know approximately how many rows a query will return, set this to get a percentage complete status.
ROW_FIELD The name of the incoming column that contains the XML grouping indicator (sequence number).
ROWINDEX The index of the row in the table to read. The first row is row 0.
ROW_TYPE This Advanced Property can return headers, data, or both.
ROWSET_ROWS Indicates the maximum number of rows to place in each RowSet. RowSets are used to pass rows between the DMP process and the Java Proxy process. The default value is 100.
ROWSET_SIZE If the ROWSET_ROWS property is unspecified, the number of rows per RowSet is calculated based on the dividing the suggested RowSet size by the maximum width input/output row. If both the ROWSET_ROWS and ROWSET_SIZE advanced properties are not specified, the value of the BASE/ROWSET_SIZE configuration property is used. If all three of the properties are not specified, the default value of 64m is used.
ROWSETS The maximum number of queued ROWSETS. The default value is 2.
RULE_ID The input can be a value, macro, or used as a parent input field.
RULE_TYPE If the RULE_TYPE is a value, it uses the field as a number to pass in. If the RULE_TYPE is a field, it takes a field name from the parent.
RULES This is the expression to create column comparisons using expressions to match data (or remove data from a match cluster).
SAS_CODE_FILE A file residing on the local machine containing SAS language statements. These statements are sent to the SAS workspace server denoted with the inputs SAS_CODE_HOST and SAS_CODE_PORT for execution by the SAS system.
SAS_CODE_STRING A text string composed of SAS language statements to be executed on a SAS workspace server.
SAS_DOMAIN This experimental option specifies the authentication domain used to establish credentials.
SAS_HOST The machine running a SAS workspace server. SAS statements appearing in a file or as input are executed by this machine.
SAS_LIST_STATUS The SAS listing generated by submitted SAS code; appears in a text window as the job runs.
SAS_LIST_WORKTABLE The SAS listing generated by submitted SAS code; written into a work table.
SAS_LOG_STATUS The SAS log generated by submitted SAS code; appears in a text window as the job runs.
SAS_LOG_WORKTABLE The SAS log generated by submitted SAS code; be written into a work table.
SAS_MACROS A table input parameter that has 2 columns: SAS_MACRO_NAME and SAS_MACRO_VALUE. These values are displayed in the log when the SAS code is submitted.
SAS_PASSWORD Your password.
SAS_PORT The port used for communication with the SAS workspace server.
SAS_STEPEVENTS This experimental property specifies input that determines whether the SAS code is executed in batch or interactively. If the input has no value, the SAS code is sent to the server, and control returns immediately to the caller. No events tracking the execution of the SAS code are delivered. If the input has a value equal to TRUE, the SAS code is executed in such a way that events generated by the executing code are delivered. In this way, progress of the executing SAS program can be monitored.
SAS_USER Your user name. Without SAS_CODE_DOMAIN, this user name and the password are used to gain access to the SAS workspace server.
SAVEOLDSTATE If true, save old state files.
SCHEMA_NAME The database schema name, where applicable.
SCHEMANAME The database schema name, where applicable.
SCHEME_FIELD The database scheme field.
SCHEMETYPE Set the Advanced Property to Element or Phrase.
SCORE_ALG Selects the scoring algorithm. Can be one of NONE, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEANSCALE, MEDIAN, or MINIMUM. If NONE, no score is computed.
SCORE_COL The column containing the score to compute. If (null), no score is computed.
SCORE_DEPTH Specifies how deep through the scoring tree to evaluate. The valid values are between five and ten. The default is six.
SCORE_MODE This is the method for passing the defined rules. The options include: 0 = use total sum of scores; 1 = pass if any one rule passes or 2 = fail if any one rule fails. The default is set to 0.
SECCLID The column that contains the cluster ID numbers on the secondary (right) table.
SECRECNUM The name of the column that contains the record ID numbers on the secondary (right) table.
SELCOUNTRY This is the country the QAS node will use when processing address information.
SELECTOR The filter string in SQL-92 conditional expression syntax that restricts messages received by the node using message header or properties elements. Errors in the filter string are reported during the node's initialization.
SELFCOMP_SCORE Enables you to set rules or expressions to return any integer value and to configure the passing score to be any integer value, so long as these values differ from SELFCOMP_SCORE. Any other value returns an error message. The default is -1.
SENSITIVITY The sensitivity setting the match definition uses in the job flow.
SEPCHAR The delimiter used to separate characters in your source data.
SERP_CORRECT_LVR If true, this action corrects large volume receivers.
SERP_CORRECT_RURAL If true, this action corrects rural addresses.
SERP_PASS_VALID If true, this action only passes valid addresses.
SERVER_NAME The server name used with the Realtime Services node.
SHOW_FAILED_EXECS Specifies whether to output the failed execution rows.
SHOW_HEADER Specifies whether to include the header row for the row log that lists the field names.
SINGLE_MATCH_ONLY If true, specifies that you want to stop after the first found match.
SINGLE_REC_CLUSTERS_ONLY Only display single record clusters.
SINGLERECFLAG If true, single records are flagged.
SKIP If true, prevents single records from being included in the output.
SKIP_NULL_CSZ_LINE If true, specifies that addresses are not passed into the engine when the city/state/zip line is empty.
SKIP_SAME If true, skips clusters that saw no change from one cluster pass to the next.
SKIP_SELFCOMPROWS When set to true, the compare to self rows will be skipped from the output if one or more of the real rows pass. Default is true.
SKIPMULTIROWS If set to true it will output only single record clusters.
SKIPROWS The number of introductory lines to skip (integer).
SOA_CUST_ADDRESS1 This Advanced Property is used when you create a Statement of Accuracy. This is the first line of the customer address. Refer to CREATE_SOA.
SOA_CUST_ADDRESS2 This Advanced Property is used when you create a Statement of Accuracy. This is the second line of the customer address. Refer to CREATE_SOA.
SOA_CUST_LASTLINE This Advanced Property is used when you create a Statement of Accuracy. This is the last line of the customer address, which includes City, Province, and Postal Code. Refer to CREATE_SOA.
SOA_CUST_NAME This Advanced Property is used when you create a Statement of Accuracy. This is the CPC number assigned by Canada Post. Refer to CREATE_SOA.
SOA_CUST_NUM This Advanced Property is used when you create a Statement of Accuracy. This is the CPC number assigned by Canada Post. Refer to CREATE_SOA.
SORT If true, this option sorts each cluster by Cluster ID. Default is false.
SORT_CHUNKSIZE Specifies the amount of data available to each sort thread (integer).
SORT_FIELDS The fields you have selected for sorting.
SORT_KEEPVAR Specifies that temporary file variable width to fixed width conversion be employed. A significantly advanced parameter that should rarely be manipulated. A Boolean that when set to true will indicate that the default behavior of the sort node will be to sort the data as variable width records. If set to false, which is the internal default, the sort node will treat records as fixed width records when a row does not contain a string or if the length of the string fields in the row are within a reasonable limit. Set to true to mimic pre-2.4 behavior.
SORTBYTES Specifies the number of bytes for sorting.
SORTED If true, sorts the output from lowest to highest cluster number.
SORTMERGES When set to true the merge passes occur while data is read and sorted. Default is true.
SORTTEMP The SORTTEMP Advanced Property supports multiple paths separated by a semi-colon. Default is null.
SORTTHREADS The maximum number of threads to use during the sort operation. If not specified or zero is entered, the legacy (non-threaded) sort algorithm is used.
SOURCE The ID of the source node to listen for. If not supplied, events from any node will be caught, unless filtered by the other two variables.
SOURCE_FIELD The name of the input field from the parent node.
SOURCE_ID The ID number in the business rules repository for the selected source.
SOURCE_LANGUAGE The language of the input text. The default is EN.
SOURCETYPE If supplied, will catch events where the source node's type matches this string. The source node's type is the type of node, eg DATAFLOW. If not supplied, events from any node type will be caught, unless filtered by the other two variables..
SQL_OVERRIDE Enables you to you override the binding parameters. This property can be set only from the advanced properties dialog for the Data Target (Insert) data job node. Right-click the Fields property, and then select Edit Default Value. If you set the SQL_OVERRIDE property, then use the standard properties dialog to update any property of the Data Target (Insert) node, then the SQL_OVERRIDE setting will be lost.
SQL_PARAMETERS The parameters used to prepare a database and the SQL statement for execution.
SQL_PROTOTYPE Enter an equivalent SQL statement. This statement is not executed but allows you to see the field types produced so you can compare to the stored procedure.
SQLREF_PATH A path to an external query object.
SQL_STMT The SQL statements that will be executed when the job is run.
SRIFIELDNAME The field that contains the surviving record ID.
SRIPKFLAG Indicates if the SRI field contains a primary key.
STABLE This option can be set to ensure that the data comes out in the same way it went in. When duplicate keys are encountered, the duplicate rows are returned in the order in which they were entered. The stable implementation is accomplished by adding a row counter key to the end of the selected key(s). The row counter is hidden from the caller and is not returned. As you've probably guessed, the addition of a unique portion to the key adversely affects BY Group and No Duplicate processing. Therefore, when the Stable feature is requested with either BY Group or No Duplicate processing, the BY Group and No Duplicate processing are delayed until post sort.
STANDARDIZE_SOURCE Data types (tokens) for parsing your selected fields.
STANDARD_OUTPUT_RETURNED Specifies one of the one-character standard output identifiers. For the values available in the Address Update Lookup node, see the Address Update Lookup node.
START The initial value for the FOR loop.
START_DATE This option specifies the starting date for the row's interval.
START_ID This option specifies the starting ID for a row log. This allows you to get a subset of the rows from the row log.
START_NUMBER The integer used as the starting number for the sequence.
STATEFILE The backup prefix.
STATEMENTS The SQL statements that will be executed when you run the job.
STATUS_FIELD This field contains the status of the column selected by the user. When the status column is provided, the max error count is ignored since each row will have its status column. This option is not available when using bulk count.
STDFIELD The field containing the standardization to be applied to the data.
STDZ_FLAG Set this option if you want to see a true/false flag when a field is standardized. The default is false.
STDZPARSED_DEF The category of the data to be standardized.
STDZPARSED_TOKENS Data types (tokens) for parsing your selected fields.
STEP The number to increment for each iteration of the FOR loop.
STOPONFIRSTSUBSET When a top level rule has a series of sub-rules, each operates on a subset of rows remaining after the previous sub-rule.
STREAMING This Advanced Property indicates whether the generated XQuery should disable (declare option ddtek:xml-streaming "no";) DataDirect XQuery streaming in the generated XQuery. Default is false, to disable streaming.
STRENGTH The value of strength is related to the collation level. There are five collation-level values:
  • PRIMARY or 1 - specifies differences between base characters (for example, "a" < "b"). It is the strongest difference. For example, dictionaries are divided into different sections by base character.
  • SECONDARY or 2 - accents in the characters are considered secondary differences (for example, "as" < "às" < "at"). A secondary difference is ignored when there is a primary difference anywhere in the strings. Other differences between letters can also be considered secondary differences, depending on the language.
  • TERTIARY or 3 - upper and lowercase differences in characters are distinguished at the tertiary level (for example, "ao" < "Ao" < "aò"). A tertiary difference is ignored when there is a primary or secondary difference anywhere in the strings. Another example is the difference between large and small Kana.
  • QUATERNARY or 4 - when punctuation is ignored at level 1-3, an additional level can be used to distinguish words with and without punctuation (for example, "ab" < "a-b" < "aB"). The quaternary level should be used if ignoring punctuation is required or when processing Japanese text. This difference is ignored when there is a primary, secondary, or tertiary difference.
  • IDENTICAL or 5 - when all other levels are equal, the identical level is used as a tiebreaker. The Unicode code point values of the Normalization Form D (NFD) form of each string are compared at this level, just in case there is no difference at levels 1-4. This level should be used sparingly, because code-point value differences between two strings rarely occur. For example, only Hebrew cantillation marks are distinguished at this level.
STRING_BYTESPERCHAR This Advanced Property determines how many bytes to allocate per character. The default is 4.
SUPPRESS_ADDR_FIELDS Suppressed the address fields in the Locate Node.
SURV_REC_FIELD The input field that contains the surviving record indicator.
SURVREC_FIELDRULE_EXPRESSION Expressions for substitution field values in the surviving record.
SURVREC_FIELDRULE_FIELDS Fields for substitution field values in the surviving record.
SURVREC_ID_EXPRESSIONS Expressions for determining the single surviving record.
SURVRECID_FIELD The name of the new field that identifies the surviving record (if all records are to be passed through).
TABLE The work table to read. It can be mapped from another node or supplied via default values.
TABLE_NAME The data table you are using.
TABLENAME The data table you are using.
TERM_EXPRESSION The post-processing code.
THREADCOUNT The number of worker threads used for processing. The default is 1 for single-threaded operation. If this is 2 or more (up to 16), the node will use THREADCOUNT worker threads to process the addresses in parallel. This can lead to significant performance increases, although memory usage is significantly increased as well.
TIMEOUT This determines how long to wait for a message to arrive. -1=>forever. 0=>return EOF if no message is immediately available. >0=>number of milliseconds to wait for a message (after which return EOF).
TIMEOUT_SECONDS The number of seconds until the connection will time out.
TIMETOLIVE The default length of time, in milliseconds, that a message is retained by the message provider. Defaults to 0 (as per JMS - no limit). Note that it is a good practice to set some expiration value on all messages.
TITLE The title for the report.
TOT_DISPLAY_VALUES The limit on the number of unique values in each field used to calculate Percentile, Mode, and Distinct statistics.
TOT_MAX The specified number of highest values in each field.
TOT_MIN The specified number of lowest values in each field.
TOTSCORE_FIELD This is the field name for the Total score field. This field is optional.
TRANSFORM_FIELD This is the field the scheme will be applied to.
TRIM_PATTERN Specifies how data will be normalized before the patterns are calculated.
TYPE This option represents the type of data pulled from the repository.
TYPE_OVERRIDE Displays a list of values in which each value corresponds to a field in the SQL statement. This list enables you to override the type of each field. Normally when we select data with SQL, we rely on the database driver to tell us the type of each field. Type Override enables you to specify a different type. For example, if you have a field that is numeric, you can override it as string. Valid values are string, integer, real, Boolean, and date.
UNESCAPE_BACKSLASH If set to true, and a backslash character is encountered on the line, the backslash character is removed and no interpretation is performed. This is significant if the character following the backslash is a character specified as a text qualifier or field delimiter. In this case,the character is not treated as a text qualifier or field delimiter for the purpose of breaking up the string. This might be useful if you have strings containing embedded double quotes. Default is false.

For example: "AB"CD", "xyz"

In this string, the second double-quote is considered the end of the first field, and the string would not be correct but if you have:


If the setting is true, the first backslash character is removed and the next character (the double-quote) is ignored and the treat the whole string AB"CD is treated as the first field and xyz as the second.
URI_PARAMETERS The URI can contain parameters. The values defined in this matrix will be used to fill in the URI parameter values. This is a table parameter with the following columns:
  • NAME - The URI parameter name.
  • TYPE - The URI parameter type, which must be one of the following values: COLUMN, FILE, or STRING.
  • VALUE - The URI parameter value
USE_DPV Use this setting to enable DPV processing. Default is null.
USE_ELOT Use this setting to presort mail in the delivery order for the specified carrier route. Default is null.
USE_LACS Use this setting to enable LACS processing. Default is null.
USE_RDI Use this setting to enable RDI processing. Default is null.
USE_SASSORT Use this setting to enable SAS Sorting.
USE_SLK Use this setting to enable SLK processing. Default is null.
USER The User ID for connecting to the JMS provider.
USETOKENRULES Use this setting to enable the use of token combination rules section of the match definition when the "Allow generation of multiple matchcodes per definition for each sensitivity" checkbox is enabled in the Match Codes data job node.


Use the primary key of the surviving record in duplicate records.
USER_DOMAIN Specifies an authentication domain that can be used to retrieve credentials for the current node. An alternative to specifying credentials in the USERNAME AND PASSWORD options. If credentials are specified in the USERNAME AND PASSWORD options, the USER_DOMAIN option is ignored.
USERNAME Use to specify a user name.
USPS_PATH The path to the USPS database.
VER_TYPE The numerical domain version input type. This can either be a "value" or "field".
VER_VAL If VER_TYPE is "value" this is the numerical domain version and if it is "field" it will be the name of the parent field that contains the domain version. If the VER_TYPE is "value" and VER_VAL is NULL all domain version and their items will be listed. If VER_TYPE is "value" and VER_VAL is -1, then only the current domain version will be displayed.
VERIFY This setting enables address verification. The default is true.
WATCHFIELDS This option is used in the Cluster and Cluster Update nodes to enter field names and values and configure them as fields to watch. When the node encounters these fields and values, the corresponding row number is written into the batch.log.xml file at the INFO level under logger name "DF.StepEngine.Plugin.Cluster[Update]". Note that this option can significantly impact performance for jobs with a large number of input rows or configured field and value pairs. Use this option only to answer a specific clustering question; leave it unset otherwise.
WHITESPACE_ASIS When selected, specifies that the white space in the XML input element value is left as-is. When deselected, the element value white space is normalized. Normalization consists of 1) changing all tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds to a blank 2) collapsing all consecutive spaces into a single space, and 3) removing all leading and trailing spaces. The default value is false.
WORKTABLE_URI Specifies a URI for a work table.
WRITE_ROWS_BEFORE_READ This option indicates the number of rows that should be written before reading from the external program STDOUT option. The default is set to 100. If set to 0, all of the input rows are written before a read is attempted. When not zero, at every multiple of the value, a read is attempted.
WSCP_ACTION Identifies the SOAP Action element when invoking the Web Service.
WSCP_ADDRESS The address of the Web service to invoke.
WSCP_BINDING When the specified Web Service Operation is available through multiple Bindings, the Binding to use should be specified. If the Operation is available through multiple Bindings and this option is not specified, the first supported (SOAP or REST) Binding will be used.
WSCP_CONFG Specifies the path to a user-defined configuration file for the Web Service node and the HTTP Request node. This file can be used to increase the time-out value, for example. See also What Can I Do About Time-Out Errors in Data Jobs with the Web Service Node or the HTTP Request Node?
WSCP_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE When specified, the specified content type is included in the HTTP request headers.
WSCP_DOMAIN The domain to use for retrieving credentials from an authentication server when connecting to the web service. If this property is set, then the user name and password properties should not be set.
WSCP_OPERATION The Web Service Operation to invoke. The specified value must be a fully qualified name either in serialized qualified name format or qualified by a namespace prefix.
WSCP_PASS The password to use when connecting to the web service.
WSCP_PREEMPTIVE_AUTHENTICATION When set to TRUE along with WSCP_CLIENT_USER and WSCP_CLIENT_PASS, specifies that the HTTP client will send the basic authentication response before the server gives an unauthorized response. Default is FALSE.
WSCP_PROXY_DOMAIN The domain to use for retrieving credentials from an authentication server when connecting to a web service proxy server.
WSCP_PROXY_HOST The Web service proxy server host name.
WSCP_PROXY_PASS The password to use when connecting to a web service proxy server.
WSCP_PROXY_PORT The Web service proxy server port number.
WSCP_PROXY_USER The user name to use when connecting to a web service proxy server.
WSCP_USER The user name to use when connecting to the web service.
WSCP_WSDL_ADDRESS The WSDL location identifies from where the WSDL is to be read. The WSDL location can be file path or a URI. If the location is a URI, additional properties can be required to supply proxy and credential information.
WSCP_WS-SECURITY_DOMAIN The domain to use for retrieving credentials from an authentication server when connecting to the web service using WS Security.
WSCP_WS-SECURITY_MUST The Web service call WS-Security mustUnderstand attribute.
WSCP_WS-SECURITY_PASS The Web service call WS-Security password.
WSCP_WS-SECURITY_USER The Web service call WS-Security user name.
XML The URI/full path to the XML to process.
XML_COLUMN When specified in an XML Column Input Node, this is the name of the incoming column that contains the XML to process. When specified in an XML Column Output Node, this is the name of the column to receive the constructed XML.
XML_COLUMN_MAXLENGTH The maximum length of the XML_COLUMN.
XML_STAGED The full path where the converted XML should be written. When specified and the XML property contains an XML Converter URI, the converted XML is written to this location and the remaining processing occurs against the file containing the converted XML. Default is _null.
XMLDECL This option indicates whether the XML declaration should be written in the target XML. Default is true.
XMLMAP The full path to the SAS XMLMap that is to be used to generate the XQuery to convert the XML being processed.
XMLMAP_OUTPUT When set to true, specifies that the OUTPUT section of the SAS XMLMap will be used by all tables in the XMLMap.
XMLMAP_RETAIN If the SAS XMLMap defines a column that has the attribute retain="yes" specified and the referenced element repeats in the XML, this property must be set to true. If the described scenario exists and this property is not set to true, the step will fail.
XMLMAP_TABLE A SAS XMLMap can define multiple tables. This property specifies the name of the table to process. If omitted, the first table in the SAS XMLMap is processed.
XMLMAP_XQUERY The full path to where the generated XQuery should be written.
XQUERY The full path to the XQuery that is to be used to convert the table compatible XML into the desired XML. This is a required step.

Property Value

The value of the property. For example: NULL, true, or false.

Add Value

In some cases, you will have the option to add a value. Click Add Value to add.

Delete Value

You might have the option to delete a value. To delete, click to select the value and click Delete Value.


Documentation Feedback:
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Doc ID: dfU_AdvancedProperties.html