DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Address Update Lookup Node

You can add an Address Update Lookup node to a data job to run the United States Postal Service (USPS) National Change of Address (NCOA) data through NCOALINK processing. NCOALINK  is validated by the postal service in two steps for certification similar to Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) certification. This node implements the necessary job step to do the processing.

Once you have added the node, you can double-click it to open its properties dialog. The properties dialog includes the following elements:

PAF ID - Specifies an 18-character identifier that contains the following elements:

Group ID - Used to group sub-lists that might be create to split a job for multi-threaded processing or processing on separate machines. Job summaries are grouped by the Group ID when monthly NCOALINK  statistics are calculated.

MED Months Filter - Specifies the move effective date on which the address move is to go into effect. You can use this value to constrain the results to addresses that have changed within a specified number of months. For example, if MED_MONTHS_FILTER is set to 6, results will include only addresses that have changed in the last 6 months. The minimum value is 6.

Operator ID - Specifies the operator responsible for processing the list.

Lookup Method - Controls how the NCOALINK  lookup treats names. The following values are available:

  • Mailing Zip - Specifies the ZIP code from which the mailing is to occur.

    High Match Rate Desc - Provides a description for a match rate that exceeds 20 percent. The following values are available:

    Additional Notes - Enables you to add a one-character note. The NCOALINK  documentation states that the literal A in this field denotes that you have requested a longer processing period.

    Process Category - Specifies a reason for running a job. The following values are available:

    Override PAF expiration - When selected, node ignores the PAF expiration date. If not selected, PAF IDs that refer to PAFs with PAF_SIGNED_DATEs more than 1 year from the current date causes an error. This setting provides a grace period for users to run jobs in situations where a PAF is being renewed but the paperwork might not have been processed.

    Mail Class - Specifies the class of mail for the list that is being processed. The following values are available:

    Internal DB - Specifies the use of an internal database. Set to I when the list or database is owned by the licensee.

    List Received Date - Specifies the date on which the list was received. Uses the following format: YYYYMMDD.

    Data Returned - Specifies the type of data returned. The following values are available:

    List Returned Date - Specifies the date on which the processed list was returned. Uses the following format: YYYYMMDD.

    Pre-Processed - Specifies whether the data was pre-processed. The following values are available:

    Concurrent Processes - Specifies whether concurrent processes are used. The following values are available:

    Post-Processed - Specifies whether the data was post-processed. The following values are available:

    Std Output Returned - Specifies one of the following one-character standard output identifiers:

    You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Address Update Lookup node:

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    Documentation Feedback:
    Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

    Doc ID: dfDMStd_PF_NCOA_Lookup.html