DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7: User Guide
Use the Address Update Monthly Reports node in a process job to run a series of required monthly reports against the NCOALINK process and send the results to the United States Postal Service. These reports are run against statistics that are updated at the end of the Address Update job to the repository that you set up for change of address processing. For more information about the tabs at upper left of this dialog, click the following links:
The reports detail each mailing list that is processed and who it is processed for. These series includes the following reports:
Broker/Agent/List Admin Information - Details brokers for whom lists were processed during the time period. The basic algorithm extracts the PAF information for each unique PAFID in the execution records for the date range. It also extracts broker information and outputs a record that summaries the PAF and broker for each broker associated with the PAF.
You can run these reports by entering the following inputs into fields in the Input tab of the Address Update Monthly Reports node:
Run the node three times to execute each of the required monthly reports.
Documentation Feedback:
Doc ID: dfDMStd_CF_NCOA_Monthly.html |