

IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1

Installing the IBM WebSphere Application Server and Deploying Web Applications Using SAS 9.1.3

These installation and configuration instructions will help you produce a working server configuration using SAS Web applications and IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1.

The document discusses the following tasks:

If you need more complete information regarding the installation and configuration of the WebSphere Application Server, see the WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x Information Center. Additional instructions for SAS Web applications can be found at the locations listed at the end of this document.

Note: The following instructions are written primarily from a Windows point of view, though some AIX variances are noted. AIX installations might differ in other ways not documented.

Acquiring the Server and Patches

To acquire the server and required patches:

  1. Make sure that your machine meets the hardware and software prerequisites. Go to for a list of the prerequisites.
  2. To acquire the IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1, you must contact your IBM representative. For a telephone number to call, go to the IBM WebSphere Software page. On the left side of that page, click on "How To Buy" and call the phone number to order WebSphere version 5.1.
  3. There are required patches that must be downloaded. Go to Third Party Software Downloads for SAS 9.1.3. Click the Web Application Servers link for the version of the SAS Intelligence Platform that you are installing. This will take you to a list of servlet containers and J2EE servers for your version of the platform.
  4. Under Required WebSphere 5.1 Fixes, click on WebSphere 5.1 Cumulative Fix 4.
  5. On the WebSphere Application Server 5.1 Cumulative Fix 4 page, click on Windows - Base to download the file.
  6. Go back to Third Party Software Downloads for SAS 9.1.3 and download the V5.1.0 Cumulative Fix for SDKs package. Save it to a folder you create.

Installing the Server

To install the server:

  1. AIX Only: For the embedded messaging component to work correctly, you must define the operating system groups mqm and mqbrkrs and the user IDs needed for WebSphere embedded messaging.
  2. Run the Launchpad to start the installation process.
  3. The Installation Wizard will start. Click Next.
  4. The wizard will check your system for prerequisites. If the requirements are met, the wizard will prompt you for either a Full or Custom installation. Select Full and click Next.
  5. Accept the storage location defaults and click Next.
  6. A screen prompting you for a node name and hostname will be displayed. These should already be filled in. Click Next.
  7. Windows Only: You are prompted if you want to install WebSphere and the HTTP server as services. To do so, you will need to be logged into your machine as a local user, not as a network user. That user must also be an administrator . Make your selections, then click Next.
  8. A list of the features to be installed is displayed. Click Next.
  9. The Installation Wizard will begin installing your software. Installation might take several minutes. After installation has completed, a screen will be displayed giving you various options.

Performing Post-Installation

After installing IBM WebSphere Application Server, from the options screen referred to above, do the following:

  1. AIX Only: There is a potential for a port conflict between the administrative console and the WebSM system management console on AIX 5.1, with maintenance level 2. The AIX WebSM system management server listens on port 9090 by default. If you suspect you have a port conflict, you can check by shutting down the WebSphere Application Server and then issuing the following command:
    netstat -an |grep 9090

    If you get a match, another process is already listening on port 9090. If you want the WebSM server and WebSphere Application Server to coexist, change the WebSphere Application Server administrative console port to something other than 9090 (for example, 9091). You will need to update the WAS virtualhosts.xml file and the server.xml file. Just change the 9090 in these xml files to a different port number. Look for your XML files at: WAS_HOME\config\cells\aixident\virtualhosts.xml and WAS_HOME\config\cells\aixident\nodes\aixident\servers\server1\server.xml.

  2. Click Start the server. If the server has been installed correctly, after a few moments you should see a message similar to the following: "Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 2264."
  3. Click Verify Installation. You should begin to see a series of verification messages, followed by:
    Installation Verification is Complete.
  4. Click Administrative Console. You will be prompted for a user ID. We suggest you enter admin. The WebSphere Administrative Console browser window will open.
  5. In the left-hand pane are displayed a list of items. Expand Servers.
  6. Click Application Servers. The server should be displayed in the right-hand pane.
  7. Click on Logout to exit the Administrative Console.
  8. Open a command prompt window and change to the bin directory within your WebSphere installation (for example, C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\bin).
  9. Enter backupConfig. This will stop the server and back up your WebSphere installation. You are now ready apply the patches you downloaded above.

Applying Required Patches

The following is only a brief procedure describing the update process. For more specific and complete instructions, see the official WebSphere documentation.

  1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server, if it is running.
  2. Temporarily set a JAVA_HOME variable in your system environment to point to the JDK downloaded with WebSphere Application Server. To do this, open a command prompt window and enter:
    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\setupCmdLine

    For AIX, go to WAS_HOME/bin and enter:
    Note the period and the space before the command; you need to include them to ensure that the settings defined in the script remain defined for your session.
  3. Create a new folder called updates in which to store the patches (for example, C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\updates\).
  4. Extract the contents of both zip files into the updates folder. (Note: During the extraction, you might receive messages that the contents of one zip file partially duplicate those of the other. If your unzip program displays the Date Modified, select the newest files in each case.)
  5. Find the UpdateWizard.bat file in the updates folder and double-click to run the Update Installer application.
  6. Select your language and click OK.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the IBM WebSphere Application Server v5.1.0 on the next panel and click Next.
  9. Select the Install Fix Packs radio button and click Next.
  10. Accept the default Fix Packs directory and click Next.
  11. Select the first Fix Pack listed and click Next.
  12. Click Next and wait while the Fix Pack is installed.
  13. After the installation has completed, click Run Wizard Again and install the second Fix Pack.
  14. After the second installation, click Finish.
  15. Restart the WebSphere Application Server.

Note: If a Fix Pack does not install, or installs only partially, you should:

Deploying SAS Web Applications

Before deploying SAS Web applications for use with WebSphere Application Server, the SAS Intelligence Platform must be installed and configured. See the SAS Intelligence Platform: Planning and Administration Guide. Each application has its own deployment procedure. Below are some steps that are common among SAS applications.
  1. Update WebSphere's JAAS configuration file (by default, wsjaas.conf) to include the authentication information that is used by SAS Web Infrastructure Kit applications. To do this, copy the contents of the login.config file (which is located in a folder similar to C:\Program Files\SAS\SASWebReportStudio\9.1\live\) and append them to wsjaas.conf (which is located in a folder similar to C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\properties\).
  2. Create a staging directory for your Web application archive files (for example, C:\apps\WebSphere\webapps).
  3. Copy the appropriate WAR file(s) from the SAS configuration directory (for example, C:\SAS\EntBIServer\Lev1\web\webapps) into the directory you just created. For example, for SAS Web Report Studio, you would copy SASWebReportStudio.war.
  4. The next several steps involve setting Java 2 Security for all applications. Start the WebSphere Application Server, if it is not already started. Point your browser to the WebSphere Administrative Console: http://localhost:9090/admin.
  5. In the left-hand side of the Console, select Security -> Global Security.
  6. Select the check box: Enforce Java 2 Security. Click OK.
  7. Select Save link in the Message(s) box. Select the Save button in the Save to Master Configuration dialog.
  8. In the left-hand side of the Console, select Applications > Install New Application.
  9. On the first screen, set the Local path (or Server path for a network deployment) by using the Browse button to navigate to the webapps directory and selecting the appropriate Web application.
  10. Set the Context Root to the name of the Web application (the filename without the .war extension), and then select Next.
  11. In general, through the next series of screens you should accept the defaults until, when prompted on the last screen, you select Finish to deploy the Web application.
  12. On the Installing screen, select Save to Master Configuration. On the Save screen, select Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
  13. Depending upon the application you are deploying, you might need to change one or more of the default settings within that application's configuration file. To display the configuration for an application, double-click on the application's name in the list of deployed applications on the right of the Console. In general, the following settings apply for each SAS application deployed under WebSphere:

    For Each Application Server

    • Set the Application class loader policy to Multiple.
    • Set the Application class loading mode to Parent Last.

    For Each Enterprise Application

    • Set the WAR class loader policy to Application.
    • Set the Class loader mode to Parent Last.

    See Additional Information below for guides to specific applications.
  14. Update the was.policy file, located in the WAS_HOME\config\cells\<host>\applications\<filename>.ear\deployments\<filename>\META-INF\ folder. Policy files control the permissions granted to the Web applications. Two policy file fragments are in the \Lev1\web\Deployments folder in the configuration directory. Based on your administrative guidelines, append the appropriate fragment to the end of the was.policy file:
    • sas.allpermissions.websphere.policy allows the Web applications to run without security restrictions. Use this file during your initial installation.
    • sas.websphere.policy defines more restrictive security settings. Use this file in a production environment.
  15. Stop the WebSphere Application Server and start it again.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the deployment of SAS applications, see the documents accompanying those applications. Some of those documents, along with their typical locations, are listed below.