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Getting Started: Exploratory Data Analysis of Tropical Cyclones

Getting Started: Exploratory Data Analysis of Tropical Cyclones

This chapter describes how you can use Stat Studio for exploratory data analysis. The techniques presented in this section do not require any programming.

This example shows how you can use Stat Studio to explore data about North Atlantic tropical cyclones. (A cyclone is a large system of winds that rotate about a center of low atmospheric pressure.) The data were recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center at six-hour intervals. The data set includes information about each storm's location, sustained low-level winds, and atmospheric pressure, and also contains variables indicating the size of the storm. The cyclones from 1988 to 2003 are included. A full description of the Hurricanes data set is included in Appendix A, "Sample Data Sets."

The analysis presented here is based on Mulekar and Kimball (2004) and Kimball and Mulekar (2004).

Opening the Data Set

Creating a Bar Chart

Creating a Histogram

Creating a Box Plot

Creating a Scatter Plot

Modeling Variable Relationships


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