Overview: SURVEYMEANS Procedure

The SURVEYMEANS procedure estimates characteristics of a survey population by using statistics computed from a survey sample. It enables you to estimate statistics such as means, totals, proportions, quantiles, geometric means, and ratios. PROC SURVEYMEANS also provides domain analysis, which computes estimates for subpopulations or domains. PROC SURVEYMEANS also estimates variances and confidence limits and performs t tests for these statistics. PROC SURVEYMEANS uses either the Taylor series (linearization) method or replication (subsampling) methods to estimate sampling errors of estimators based on complex sample designs. The sample design can be a complex survey sample design with stratification, clustering, and unequal weighting. For more information, see Fuller (2009); Lohr (2010); Särndal, Swensson, and Wretman (1992); Wolter (2007).

PROC SURVEYMEANS uses the Output Delivery System (ODS), a SAS subsystem that provides capabilities for displaying and controlling the output from SAS procedures. ODS enables you to convert any of the output from PROC SURVEYMEANS into a SAS data set. For more information, see the section ODS Table Names.

PROC SURVEYMEANS uses ODS Graphics to create graphs as part of its output. For general information about ODS Graphics, see Chapter 21: Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the statistical graphics available with the SURVEYMEANS procedure, see the PLOTS= option in the PROC SURVEYMEANS statement and the section ODS Graphics.