example shows an alternative way to construct the query that is explained
Joining Three Tables by joining one of the tables with the results of an in-line
view. The example also shows how to rename columns with an in-line
libname proclib 'SAS-library';
proc sql;
title 'All Flights for Each Supervisor';
select three.*, v.jobcat
from (select lname, s.idnum, city, flight, date
from proclib.schedule2 s, proclib.staff2 t
where s.idnum=t.idnum)
as three (Surname, Emp_ID, Hometown,
FlightNumber, FlightDate),
proclib.superv2 v
where three.Emp_ID=v.supid;
Program Description
Declare the PROCLIB library.The
PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.
libname proclib 'SAS-library';
Select the columns.The SELECT
clause selects all columns that are returned by the in-line view (which
will have the alias Three assigned to it), plus one column from the
third table (which will have the alias V assigned to it).
proc sql;
title 'All Flights for Each Supervisor';
select three.*, v.jobcat
Specify the in-line query.Instead
of including the name of a table or view, the FROM clause includes
a query that joins two of the three tables. In the in-line query,
the SELECT clause lists the columns to select. IdNum is prefixed with
a table alias because it appears in both tables. The FROM clause lists
the two tables for the join and assigns an alias to each table. The
WHERE clause specifies the columns that join the tables. The STAFF2
and SCHEDULE2 tables have an IdNum column, which has related values
in both tables.
from (select lname, s.idnum, city, flight, date
from proclib.schedule2 s, proclib.staff2 t
where s.idnum=t.idnum)
Specify an alias for the query and names for the columns.The alias Three refers to the results of the in-line
view. The names in parentheses become the names for the columns in
the view.
as three (Surname, Emp_ID, Hometown,
FlightNumber, FlightDate),
Join the results of the in-line view with the third table.The WHERE clause specifies the columns that join
the table with the in-line view. Note that the WHERE clause specifies
the renamed Emp_ID column from the in-line view.
proclib.superv2 v
where three.Emp_ID=v.supid;