Functional List of SPD Server Table Options

The following table lists the table options by their purpose.
Table Option
Affect disk space
Compresses SPD Server tables on disk.
Specifies the size of an SPD Server table partition.
Affect sorts
Specifies the output order of table rows with identical values for the BY column.
Specifies to perform an implicit automatic sort when SPD Server encounters a BY clause for a given table.
Affect WHERE clause evaluations
Creates a list that documents the minimum and maximum values of specified variables.
Specifies the number of threads to be used for WHERE clause evaluations.
Specifies a list of indexes to exclude when making WHERE clause evaluations.
Enhance performance
Specifies when creating multiple indexes on an SPD Server table whether to create the indexes in parallel.
Specifies the number of rows in a block to be stored in or read from an SPD Server table.
Specifies the size of the SPD Server network data packet.
Handle duplicates
Specifies the size of the segment for an index file associated with an SPD Server table.
Specifies to process one row at a time or multiple rows at a time when adding rows.
Specifies to save rows with non-unique key values (the rejected rows) to a separate table when appending data to tables with unique indexes.
Encrypts SPD Server tables on disk.
When you use the ENCRYPT=AES option setting to specify AES-256 encryption, you must use the ENCRYPTKEY= option. This option sets a text string value that will enable the RSA 256-bit encryption key to encode data and indexes at rest on the server disk.
Test performance
Specifies whether to use the table's indexes when processing WHERE clauses.
Miscellaneous function
Specifies the end row number in a user-defined range for the processing of a given table.
Specifies the start row number in a user-defined range for the processing of a given table.
Specifies whether the CONTENTS procedure output includes details about compressed blocks, data partition size, and indexes.
Last updated: February 8, 2017