UNIQUESAVE= Table Option

Specifies to save rows that contain duplicate values (which would be rejected) when appending or inserting data in tables with unique indexes.

Valid in: SPD Server
Default: NO
Interactions: Corresponding macro variable is SPDSUSAV.
Use in conjunction with the SPDSUSDS reserved macro variable.
Note: UNIQUESAVE= has no effect when the SYNCADD= table option (or SPDSSADD macro variable) is set to YES.



Required Arguments


writes rejected rows to a separate, system-created table. This table can be accessed by a reference to the macro variable SPDSUSDS.


ignores duplicate rows rejected by an append or insert operation.


replaces the current row in the master table with the duplicate row from the insert or append operation, instead of saving the rows to a separate table. This setting is useful when updating a master table from a transaction table, where the two tables share identical column structures.


When the SPDSAUNQ macro variable is set to NO (the default value), rows with duplicate index values are rejected unless you specify UNIQUESAVE=YES (or set the SPDSUSAV macro variable to YES). By using UNIQUESAVE=YES, you can save rejected values to a hidden system table. When UNIQUESAVE=YES, a NOTE on the log identifies the name of the table. To access that table, you can either cut-and-paste from the log, or refer to that table by using the reserved macro variable SPDSUSDS.


Example 1: Using UNIQUESAVE=YES

The following example creates three tables that contain employee names. You create a unique index for the table, NAMES1. Then you append table NAMES2 to the NAMES1 table. In the append, you specify UNIQUESAVE=YES to store any rejected rows in a system file. When that operation is complete, you specify to append table NAMES3 to table NAMES1. UNIQUESAVE=YES does not support appends from multiple files.
libname employee sasspds "conversion_area" server=husky.5105
    user="siteusr1" prompt=yes;

data employee.names1;
input name $ exten;
Jill 4344
Jack 5589
Jim  8888
Sam  3334

data employee.names2;
input name $ exten;
Jack  4443
Ann   8438
Sam   3334
Susan 5321
Donna 3332

data employee.names3;
input name $ exten;
Donna 3332
Jerry 3268
Mike  2213

proc datasets lib=employee nolist;
  modify names1;
  index create name/unique;

proc append data=employee.names2
            out=employee.names1(uniquesave=yes); run;

title 'The NAMES1 table with unique names
       from NAMES2';

proc print data=employee.names1;

proc print data=&spdsusds;

proc append data=employee.names3
The SAS log provides the messages:
WARNING: Duplicate values not allowed on index NAME for
         file EMPLOYEE.NAMES1. (Occurred 2 times.)
NOTE: Duplicate records have been stored in file
This is the result of the request to print table NAMES1:
Merged content of table NAMES1
This is the result of the request to print the rows rejected by the append operation.
Rejected rows in the system file.

Example 2: Using UNIQUESAVE=REP

This example creates two tables, TempData.Master and TempData.Trans. It uses the UNIQUESAVE=REP option to replace the current row in the Master table with the duplicate row from table Trans.
libname tempdata sasspds "conversion_area" server=husky.5105
    user="siteusr1" prompt=yes;

/* Create a Master table to update. */
/* ID will get a UNIQUE index */

data tempdata.master;
  input ID value $;
   1 one
   2 two
   3 three

proc datasets lib=tempdata;
modify master;
index create ID/unique;

/* Create transaction table Trans to use to */
/* drive update/appends to Master */
data tempdata.trans;
  input ID value $;
   1 ONE
   3 THREE
   4 FOUR
   4 FOUR*
/* Use UNIQUESAVE=REP to update/append */
/* Trans rows to Master based on whether */
/* Trans records have an ID column that */
/* matches an existing row from the Master */
/* table. Update Master rows with a match, */
/* otherwise append Trans row to Master. */

proc append data=tempdata.trans

proc print data=tempdata.master; run;
The SAS log provides the following message:
NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set TEMPDATA.TRANS.
NOTE: 1 observations added.
NOTE: The data set TEMPDATA.MASTER has 4 observations and 2 variables.
The resulting Master table looks like this:
Replaced rows in table Master.

See Also

SPD Server table options:
Last updated: February 8, 2017