The NETDRAW Procedure |
The following tables outline the options available for the NETDRAW procedure classified by function. An alphabetical list of options is provided in the Dictionary of Options.
Table 7.1: Color OptionsDescription | Statement | Option |
color of arcs | ACTNET | CARCS= |
color of time axis | ACTNET | CAXIS= |
fill color for critical nodes | ACTNET | CCNODEFILL= |
color of critical arcs | ACTNET | CCRITARCS= |
color of outline of critical nodes | ACTNET | CCRITOUT= |
fill color for nodes | ACTNET | CNODEFILL= |
color of outline of nodes | ACTNET | COUTLINE= |
color of reference lines | ACTNET | CREF= |
color of reference break lines | ACTNET | CREFBRK= |
color of text | ACTNET | CTEXT= |
Description | Statement | Option |
Annotate data set | ACTNET | ANNOTATE= |
Annotate data set | NETDRAW | ANNOTATE= |
Activity data set | NETDRAW | DATA= |
Network output data set | NETDRAW | OUT= |
Description | Statement | Option |
height of node in character cells | ACTNET | BOXHT= |
width of node in character cells | ACTNET | BOXWIDTH= |
duration variable | ACTNET | DURATION= |
ID variables | ACTNET | ID= |
suppress default ID variables | ACTNET | NODEFID |
suppress ID variable labels | ACTNET | NOLABEL |
upper limit on number of pages | ACTNET | PAGES= |
indicate completed or in-progress activities | ACTNET | SHOWSTATUS |
horizontal distance between nodes | ACTNET | XBETWEEN= |
vertical distance between nodes | ACTNET | YBETWEEN= |
Description | Statement | Option |
reference break line character | ACTNET | BRKCHAR= |
characters for node outlines and connections | ACTNET | FORMCHAR= |
reference character | ACTNET | REFCHAR= |
Description | Statement | Option |
description for catalog entry | ACTNET | DESCRIPTION= |
name for catalog entry | ACTNET | NAME= |
name of graphics catalog | NETDRAW | GOUT= |
Description | Statement | Option |
length of arrowhead in character cells | ACTNET | ARROWHEAD= |
center each ID variable within node | ACTNET | CENTERID |
compress the diagram to a single page | ACTNET | COMPRESS |
text font | ACTNET | FONT= |
text height | ACTNET | HEIGHT= |
horizontal margin in character cells | ACTNET | HMARGIN= |
number of horizontal pages | ACTNET | HPAGES= |
reference line style | ACTNET | LREF= |
reference break line style | ACTNET | LREFBRK= |
width of lines used for critical arcs | ACTNET | LWCRIT= |
width of lines | ACTNET | LWIDTH= |
width of outline for nodes | ACTNET | LWOUTLINE= |
suppress filling of arrowheads | ACTNET | NOARROWFILL |
suppress page number | ACTNET | NOPAGENUMBER |
suppress vertical centering | ACTNET | NOVCENTER |
number of nodes in horizontal direction | ACTNET | NXNODES= |
number of nodes in vertical direction | ACTNET | NYNODES= |
display page number at upper right corner | ACTNET | PAGENUMBER |
pattern variable | ACTNET | PATTERN= |
proportionally compress the diagram | ACTNET | PCOMPRESS |
draw arcs with rectangular corners | ACTNET | RECTILINEAR |
reverse the order of the ![]() | ACTNET | REVERSEY |
rotate the network diagram | ACTNET | ROTATE |
rotate text within node by 90 degrees | ACTNET | ROTATETEXT |
separate arcs along distinct tracks | ACTNET | SEPARATEARCS |
vertical margin in character cells | ACTNET | VMARGIN= |
number of vertical pages | ACTNET | VPAGES= |
Description | Statement | Option |
break cycles in cyclic networks | ACTNET | BREAKCYCLE |
use dynamic programming algorithm to route arcs | ACTNET | DP |
number of horizontal tracks between nodes | ACTNET | HTRACKS= |
route arc along potential node positions | ACTNET | NODETRACK |
do not use dynamic programming algorithm to route arcs | ACTNET | NONDP |
block track along potential node positions | ACTNET | NONODETRACK |
restrict scope of arc layout algorithm | ACTNET | RESTRICTSEARCH |
use spanning tree layout | ACTNET | SPANNINGTREE |
draw network as a tree, if possible | ACTNET | TREE |
number of vertical tracks between nodes | ACTNET | VTRACKS= |
Description | Statement | Option |
reference break line character | ACTNET | BRKCHAR= |
characters for node outlines and connections | ACTNET | FORMCHAR= |
reference character | ACTNET | REFCHAR= |
Description | Statement | Option |
invoke full-screen version | NETDRAW | FULLSCREEN |
invoke graphics version | NETDRAW | GRAPHICS |
invoke line-printer version | NETDRAW | LINEPRINTER |
suppress display of diagram | NETDRAW | NODISPLAY |
Description | Statement | Option |
activity variable | ACTNET | ACTIVITY= |
lag variables | ACTNET | LAG= |
successor variables | ACTNET | SUCCESSOR= |
Description | Statement | Option |
align variable | ACTNET | ALIGN= |
draw reference lines at every level | ACTNET | AUTOREF |
frame network diagram and axis | ACTNET | FRAME |
draw all vertical levels | ACTNET | LINEAR |
maximum number of empty columns between tick marks | ACTNET | MAXNULLCOLUMN= |
smallest interval per level | ACTNET | MININTERVAL= |
number of levels per tick mark | ACTNET | NLEVELSPERCOLUMN= |
suppress time axis on continuation pages | ACTNET | NOREPEATAXIS |
omit the time axis | ACTNET | NOTIMEAXIS |
stop procedure if align value is missing | ACTNET | QUITMISSINGALIGN |
draw zigzag reference line at breaks | ACTNET | REFBREAK |
show all breaks in time axis | ACTNET | SHOWBREAK |
draw time-scaled diagram | ACTNET | TIMESCALE |
use format of variable and not default | ACTNET | USEFORMAT |
Description | Statement | Option |
center each node with respect to subtree | ACTNET | CENTERSUBTREE |
order of the children of each node | ACTNET | CHILDORDER= |
separate sons of a node for symmetry | ACTNET | SEPARATESONS |
use spanning tree layout | ACTNET | SPANNINGTREE |
draw network as a tree, if possible | ACTNET | TREE |
Description | Statement | Option |
image map output data set | NETDRAW | IMAGEMAP= |
web reference variable | ACTNET | WEB= |
Description | Statement | Option |
divide network into connected components | ACTNET | AUTOZONE |
suppress zone labels | ACTNET | NOZONELABEL |
zone variable | ACTNET | ZONE= |
label zones | ACTNET | ZONELABEL |
set missing pattern values using zone | ACTNET | ZONEPAT |
leave extra space between zones | ACTNET | ZONESPACE |
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