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The Sequential Quadratic Programming Solver

SQP Solver Options

The following options are supported by the SQP solver.


specifies that the solver check (or not check, in the case of NOHESCHECK) the second-order optimality of the solution found—i.e., the nonnegativity of the projected Hessian of the Lagrangian function at the solution. The option NOHESCHECK is used by default.


specifies that the optimization process is to stop after maximum number of iterations. The value of this option is an integer between zero and the largest four-byte signed integer, which is . An iteration in the SQP solver includes obtaining a search direction and finding a step size along that direction. The default value is 10,000 iterations.


specifies an upper limit of seconds of real time for the optimization process. The default value is 7200 seconds. The time specified by the MAXTIME= option is checked only at the end of each iteration. The optimization terminates when the actual running time is greater than or equal to .


specifies the rate at which the penalty parameters used in the Lagrangian function are reduced. In other words, the real number controls the rate at which the solver converges. A smaller number often results in the solver taking fewer iterations to converge to a solution. However, if the number is set too small, it is known to cause numerical difficulties for the solver. The default value for the PENALTY= option is 0.75.


specifies that the printing of the solution progress to the iteration log is to occur after every iterations. The print frequency, , is an integer between zero and the largest four-byte signed integer, which is . The value disables the printing of the progress of the solution. The first and last iterations are also displayed. The default value for this option is 1.

Note:The PRINT statement in the OPTMODEL procedure can be used to print the solution of the decision variables to the output.


specifies the convergence tolerance for both stationary and complementary conditions. The value of this option is a positive real number. The default value is 1E–5. See the section Solver’s Criteria for details.


specifies the convergence tolerance for feasibility. The value of this option is a positive real number. The default value is 1E–6. See the section Solver’s Criteria for details.

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