Using SAS Visual Analytics Designer with SAS IT Resource Management Data Sources

Overview of Using SAS Visual Analytics Designer

SAS Visual Analytics Designer can create reports that use SAS IT Resource Management data. The resulting visualizations complement the reports that were created using the SAS IT Resource Management reporting processes. Specifically, SAS Visual Analytics reports enable you to view interesting relationships between IT measurements and to work with reports that interact with one another.
For illustration, the following examples use data created by the SAS IT Resource Management adapter for VMware vCenter to highlight some of the IT domain intelligence that is possible with SAS Visual Analytics.
This appendix features a scenario where one or more users performed the following tasks:
  • The SAS IT Resource Management Adapter Setup wizard was used to create an IT data mart for VMware vCenter. (The Adapter Setup wizard is available in the SAS IT Resource Management client.)
    Ten days of vCenter data were processed into that IT data mart to produce day- and detail-level aggregation tables for several domain categories of interest.
    IT Data Mart for VMware vCenter
    IT Data Mart for VMware vCenter
  • The SAS LASR Analytic Server was started and the tables that were produced by SAS IT Resource Management were loaded into the SAS LASR Analytic Server. The following image shows the DetailGuestSysByCluster table being loaded into the public LASR location.
    Loading a Table into the SAS LASR Analytic Server
    Loading a Table into the SAS LASR Analytic Server
    Note: Macros supplied by SAS IT Resource Management can also be used to load data into the SAS LASR Analytic Server. For more information about these macros, see Macros for SAS Visual Analytics Integration.
  • SAS Visual Analytics Designer was used to create reports that use the SAS IT Resource Management data that was loaded into the public LASR location. The following reports were created and are discussed in detail here:
Reports Created with SAS Visual Analytics Designer
Reports Created with SAS Visual Analytics Designer
Note: For information about the SAS IT Resource Management Adapter Setup wizard, see About the Adapter Setup Wizard. For information about working with SAS Visual Analytics Designer, see Part 5, “Designing Reports,” in the SAS Visual Analytics: User's Guide.

SAS Visual Analytics Report Attributes

Types of SAS Visual Analytics Report Attributes

The following attributes are commonly associated with SAS Visual Analytics reports:

Input Data Source

All of the reports that are shown in this appendix use one or more aggregation tables from the IT data mart for the VMware vCenter domain categories. The following tables were used:
  • DetailGuestSysByCluster
  • DayGuestSysByCluster
  • DayClusterStorage
The DetailGuestSysByCluster and DayGuestSysByCluster aggregation tables include Cluster, Host, and Guest resource columns. The DayGuestSysByCluster aggregation table contains the Date column in the classification list, resulting in a summarization at the day level. The table that is selected depends on the granularity (the level of data summarization) that is needed for the report.
The DayClusterStorage aggregation table includes the Cluster column in its classification list. Including this column enables measurements to be correlated with the two GuestSysByCluster tables.


A category in SAS Visual Analytics is a data item whose distinct values are used to group and aggregate measures. All of the report illustrations use one or more categories from the input data source. In addition, a hierarchy category is created. The Resources hierarchy uses the Cluster, Host, and Guest classification columns. Using the Resources hierarchy category enables the user to drill down from the VMware Cluster to the hosts in that cluster and to the guests in those hosts to view measurements.
Using SAS Visual Analytics to Create a Hierarchy Category
Hierarchy Category
The following categories are used in the report illustrations:
  • Cluster
  • Host
  • Guest
  • Resources (Hierarchy)
    • Cluster
    • Host
    • Guest
  • Datastore
  • Date
  • Datetime


In SAS Visual Analytics, a measure is a data item whose values can be used in computations. All of the report illustrations use one or more of the measurements from the input data sources. The following measurements are used:
  • CpuUsedMsec
  • CpuBusyPct
  • CpuGHz
  • EffectiveCpu
  • MemoryUsagePct
  • NetworkUsageRateKB
  • DiskUsageRateKB
  • CapacityGB
  • Frequency (a measure that is derived by SAS for certain graph types)
Note: In some cases, a report includes multiple input data sources in order to acquire the set of measurements it needs.

Data Source Filter

Two reports use a data source filter to subset the amount of data that is available in the reports.
The DayDateDescRank and D_DayDateDescRank columns are numeric columns that are available in day- and detail-level aggregation tables, respectively. (These columns are used to rank the dates in the table.)
The rank value represents the relative value of the date in the table. For example, a table with 10 days of data has DayDateDescRank values between 1 and 10, where the value 1 represents the most recent date in the table. Specifying DayDateDescRank = 1 in a data source filter enables the user to subset the values in the report to the last date of data. Thus, users can refresh their data source without requiring a change to the filter. Using a data source filter enables you to specify a filter that applies to all report objects in all sections of the report.
Using SAS Visual Analytics to Edit a Data Source Filter
Edit Data Source Filter

Report Object Interactions

All reports in this illustration use object interactions between report objects in the same or different sections of the report. For more information about interactions, see the SAS Visual Analytics: User's Guide.
Creating object interactions enables users to interact with one report object that dynamically updates the other objects in the report. The following image illustrates the interactions view from one report that shows three report objects and a section named Related Measurements. It shows the following interactions:
  • A filter interaction from the bar chart to the time series plot
  • A brush interaction between the bar chart and the crosstab table
  • A derived interaction from the crosstab table to the time series plot
  • A section link between the bar chart and the Related Measurements section located in the same report
A Report Interacting with Three Report Objects
Report Interactions with Three Report Objects

CPU Utilization Trends

The CPU Utilization Trends report analyzes the CPU utilization of VMware clusters, hosts, and guests over an 8-day period. A data source filter was used to subset the data from the DetailGuestSysByCluster aggregation table.
The report contains a pie chart, a treemap, two bar charts, a list table, and a time series plot. Each of these reports offers VMware CPU utilization views over designated time periods.
The intelligence that is gathered by viewing the CPU Utilization Trends report for the VMware infrastructure enables you to understand how the CPU utilization of guests contributes to the CPU utilization of hosts and clusters. This insight is essential for VMware capacity planning activities and directly influences how virtual workloads are best allocated to VMware clusters – especially in high-availability VMware environments.
Interactions that are defined between the four charts, the table, and the plot enable filtering to occur. The filter results in dynamic updates to the report objects as you interact with the objects in the report. The following sections discuss the measures for each object and the interactions between them.
When you open the report for viewing, the pie chart and the treemap that are located on the first row of the report show CPU utilization at the cluster level. Each slice in the pie chart represents the utilization for one cluster (for all dates). Each tile in the treemap represents the count of CPUs in each cluster and the CPU utilization for one date (for all clusters). The two bar charts on the second and third rows of the report show CPU utilization for all hosts and for all guests, respectively. The list table and time series plot that are located on the bottom row of the report show the utilization for all resources in the hierarchy.
CPU Utilization Trends Report
CPU Utilization Trends Report
The following section discusses the interactions that are defined for the report.
Interactions were created between the graphs and the table that allow for filtering to occur as you interact with the graphs. The following two images show the interactions.
The first image shows the defined interactions on the Interactions tab. The objects were manually arranged to show a clear view of the defined interactions.
Defined CPU Utilization Trends Interactions
Defined CPU Utilization Trends Interactions
The second image includes the derived interactions. These images show that the pie chart and the treemap behave like top-level controls.
Derived CPU Utilization Trends Interactions
Derived CPU Utilization Trends Interactions
By selecting a slice of the pie chart, you apply a cluster filter to all of the reports that interact with this chart. Likewise, by selecting a particular date tile, you apply that date filter to all reports that interact with the treemap. Similarly, selecting a bar at the host level applies a host filter to the guest bar chart as well as to the list table and time series plot that are at the bottom of the report. Selecting a bar at the guest level applies that filter to the list table and the time series plot.
Click on a slice in the pie chart to update the other report objects dynamically. For example, the following display shows that the blue slice from the pie chart is selected. Because the pie chart selection corresponds to VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2, the other report objects are dynamically updated with the incoming filter. The Properties tab for Bar Chart for Guest (the yellow bar chart) shows that the filter VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 has been applied.
CPU Utilization Trends with the Cluster Virtual Desktops 2 Selected
CPU Utilization Trends with the Cluster Virtual Desktops 2 Selected
Similarly, selecting a particular date from the treemap further filters all of the report objects except the pie chart. This same downstream behavior occurs for the host- and guest-level bar charts as well as the crosstab report. On the Properties tab for the time series plot, the following selections were made:
  • Cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 in the cluster pie chart
  • Host VIRTDESK15 in the host bar chart
  • Guest VMWTON181X64 in the guest bar chart
  • Date 03APR2014 in the treemap
CPU Utilization Trends with the Cluster Virtual Desktops 2, Host Virtdesk15, Guest VMWTON181X64, and Date 03APR2014 Selected
CPU Utilization Trends with Cluster Virtual Desktops 2, Host Virtdesk15, Guest VMWTON181X64, and Date 03APR2014 Selected

Utilization and Data Store Capacity

The Utilization and Datastore Capacity report analyzes the data storage capacity for clusters and the CPU, memory, disk, and network usage for guests for a single day at a time.
The report contains a pie chart, a bar chart, a treemap, and two list tables. The pie chart shows the number of guests in the selected cluster, and the bar chart shows the number of guests in the selected host. Selections in the pie chart or the bar chart as well as the drop-down list control filter for the Date field are used to filter the measurements of interest.
Utilization and Datastore Capacity Report
Utilization and Datastore Capacity Report
The intelligence that is gathered by viewing the Utilization and Datastore Capacity report consists of these items:
  • the current day allocation of guest systems to hosts and clusters in the VMware infrastructure
  • the allocation of storage to each cluster
  • the computing performance of guest systems based on memory and CPU utilization and disk and network usage rates
This report enables VMware administrators to assess the day-to-day performance of the VMware infrastructure. Using this report, VMware administrators can quickly identify over- or underutilized guest systems based on their computing performance and capacity.
The following image shows the defined and derived interactions of the Utilization and Datastore Capacity report:
  • selecting a cluster in the pie chart results in a dynamic filter for all other report objects
  • selecting a host in the bar chart filters the treemap and the list table that contain guest measurements
  • selecting a tile in the treemap dynamically updates the guest list table
Derived Utilization and Datastore Capacity Interactions
Derived Utilization and Datastore Capacity Interactions
The following image shows the Properties tab for the treemap. The Incoming Filters list shows that the following filters were selected:
  • the specified date for the report is 04/01/2014
  • Cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 3 in the cluster pie chart
  • Hosts in the host bar chart
    • VIRTDESK20
    • VIRTDESK23
    • VIRTDESK19
Filters are applied to the tiles in the treemap and to the rows in the two list tables.
Utilization and Datastore Capacity with the Cluster and Host Filters
Charts for Guests
The following image also shows a data tip on the treemap that contains the name of the selected guest and additional measures that were added as data tip values.
Chart with Data Tip
Chart with Data Tip
While interacting with reports, you can enlarge any report object to get a clearer view of the measurements. For example, you might want to expand the treemap that contains all guests within the cluster before any filters are applied.

CPU Utilization for Latest Date

The CPU Utilization for the Latest Date report analyzes the CPU utilization of VMware clusters, hosts, and guests over a 24-hour period. In this example, a data source filter was used to subset the data from the DetailGuestSysByCluster aggregation table. For more information, see Data Source Filter.
The report contains two sections. The first section of the report shows a bar chart, time series plot, and crosstab table. The second section of the report contains two dual-axis time series plots that show related measurements. The CPU and memory usage percent and the disk and network usage rates are measurements that are most relevant at the guest level.
The intelligence that is gathered by viewing the VMware Cluster CPU utilization in the CPU Utilization section is the amount of CPU that is used by each cluster, host, or guest (observed at each level of the hierarchy). The value for CpuUsedMSec is available as the height of each bar and the position of each line and as a column in the crosstab table.
CPU Utilization - Section 1
CPU Utilization - Section 1
The intelligence that is gathered by viewing the VMware Cluster CPU Utilization in the Guest Measurements section is the CPU busy and memory usage percent measurements and the disk and network usage rates for the guest that was selected.
Guest Measurements - Section 2
Guest Measurements - Section 2
Interactions within the report and between report sections enable you to drill down from cluster to host to guest. You can also link to another section of the report that shows additional measurements at the guest level. The following image shows the interactions between the report objects in this section as well as the link to the Guest Measurements section.
Derived CPU Utilization for the Latest Date Interactions
Derived CPU Utilization for the Latest Date Interactions
If you click any bar in the bar chart, the brush interaction highlights the measurements for the corresponding bar in the crosstab. This image shows that the cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 is highlighted.
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date with Bar for Cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 Highlighted
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date with bar for cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 Highlighted2
If you double-click on a bar, you can drill down into the bar chart. Similarly, you can double-click on a line to drill into the time series plot. The following image shows the hosts for the VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 cluster.
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date with Cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 Selected
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date with cluster VIRTUAL DESKTOPS 2 Selected
You can continue to drill down into the guest level. The following image shows that the bar for the VIRTDESK14 host is selected and that the bar for the VMWWIN8189 guest is highlighted. It also shows that you can interact with a bar and select the action to move to another section within the report.
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date
CPU Utilization for the Latest Date
When you double-click on a bar for a guest and then select the section link, the report is redirected to the Guest Measurements section with the incoming filter applied. This section contains two dual-axis time series plots. The first plot shows the CPU busy and memory usage percent measurements for the guest that was selected. The second dual-axis time series plot shows the corresponding disk and network usage rates. The Properties tab shows the filters that were applied from the section link.
Dual-Axis Plots
Dual Axis Plots