specifies the metadata path for the folder in which to store the LASR table metadata.
specifies the domain name of the Grid Host server in TCP/IP format.
specifies the location of the SAS High-Performance Analytics components. This parameter is required for a Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) type of environment.
specifies the LASR Library name to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the port to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server, in integer format.
specifies the tag to use for accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the password to use in authenticating the user ID to the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the name
of the repository in which to look for the specified job. The default
value for this parameter is Foundation
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the user ID to use in accessing the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the source library path.
specifies the table name to load to the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the table label to associate with the table to load to the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies whether to
append to the existing table in the SAS LASR Analytic Server. The
default value for this parameter is N
specifies the port
to use in accessing the metadata server, in integer format. The
default value for this parameter is 8561
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the name
of the repository in which to look for the specified job. The default
value for this parameter is Foundation
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the URI for the SAS LASR authorization web service.
specifies the type
of SAS Visual Analytics environment. The default value for this parameter
is SMP
is, Symmetric Multi-Processing) if you are working with a non-distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
is, Massive Multi-Processing) if you are working with a distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
%RMVALOAD( ,append=N ,folder=/Shared Metadata/LASR/ITRM ,gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,gridInstallLoc=/opt/TKGrid ,lasrLibrary=Visual Analytic LASR ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrTag=ITRM ,metaPass=mypassword ,metaServer=mybox.subdomain.domain.com ,metaUser=myuserid ,signer=mywebserviceURI ,sourceLibPath=C:\MyDataMart\HPPerfAgent\HPPerfAgent1\stage ,table=pcsdsk ,tablelabel=HP Perf Agent Disk Stage Table ,type=SMP );
%RMVALOAD( append=N ,folder=/Shared Metadata/LASR/ITRM ,gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,gridInstallLoc=/opt/TKGrid ,lasrLibrary=Visual Analytic LASR ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrTag=ITRM ,metaPass=mypassword ,metaServer=mybox.subdomain.domain.com ,metaUser=myuserid ,signer=mywebserviceURI ,sourceLibPath=C:\MyDataMart\HPPerfAgent\HPPerfAgent1\stage ,table=pcsdsk ,tablelabel=HP Perf Agent Disk Stage Table ,type=MPP );
specifies the domain name of the Grid Host server in TCP/IP format.
specifies the location of the SAS High-Performance Analytics components. This parameter is required for a Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) type of environment.
specifies the port to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server, in integer format.
specifies the URI for the LASR authorization web service.
specifies the type
of SAS Visual Analytic environment. The default value for this parameter
is SMP
is, Symmetric Multi-Processing) if you are working with a non-distributed
SAS Visual Analytic environment.
is, Massive Multi-Processing) if you are working with a distributed
SAS Visual Analytic environment.
%RMVASTOP( gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,lasrPort=10010 ,signer=mywebserviceURI ,type=SMP );
%RMVASTOP( gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,gridInstallLoc=/opt/TKGrid ,lasrPort=10010 ,type=MPP );
specifies the domain name of the Grid Host server in TCP/IP format.
specifies the location of the SAS High-Performance Analytics components. This parameter is required for a Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) type of environment.
specifies the port to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server, in integer format.
specifies the tag to use for accessing the SAS LASR Analytic server.
specifies the directory to use for storing the server and table signature files.
specifies the URI for the SAS LASR authorization web service.
specifies that all
character variables are not treated implicitly as classification
variables. The default value for this parameter is NOCLASS
in order to use the append data set that was specified in the %RMVALOAD
specifies the number
of machines in the cluster. The default value for this parameter
is ALL
, which calculates the number
specifies the type
of SAS Visual Analytics environment. The default value for this parameter
is SMP
is, Symmetric Multi-Processing) if you are working with a non-distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
is, Massive Multi-Processing) if you are working with a distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
%RMVASTRT( gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrtag=ITRM ,path=C:\Temp ,signer=mywebserviceURI ,type=SMP );
%RMVASTRT( gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,gridInstallLoc=/opt/TKGrid ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrtag=ITRM ,nodes=ALL ,path=/tmp ,type=MPP );
specifies the metadata path for the folder in which to store the LASR table metadata.
specifies the LASR Library name to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the password to use in authenticating the user ID to the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the domain name of the metadata server in TCP/IP format. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the user ID to use in accessing the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the table name to load to the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the port
to use in accessing the metadata server, in integer format. The
default value for this parameter is 8561
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the name
of the repository in which to look for the specified job. The default
value for this parameter is Foundation
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the metadata path for the folder in which to store the LASR table metadata.
specifies the domain name of the Grid Host server in TCP/IP format.
specifies the location of the SAS High-Performance Analytics components. This parameter is required for a Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) type of environment.
specifies the LASR Library name to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the port to use in accessing the SAS LASR Analytic Server, in integer format.
specifies the tag to use for accessing the SAS LASR Analytic server.
specifies the password to use in authenticating the user ID to the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the domain name of the metadata server in TCP/IP format. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the user ID to use in accessing the metadata server. Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the table names to load to the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
specifies the port
to use in accessing the metadata server, in integer format. The
default value for this parameter is 8561
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the name
of the repository in which to look for the specified job. The default
value for this parameter is Foundation
Do not enclose the value for this parameter in quotation marks.
specifies the URI for the SAS LASR authorization web service.
specifies the type
of SAS Visual Analytics environment. The default value for this parameter
is SMP
is, Symmetric Multi-Processing) if you are working with a non-distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
is, Massive Multi-Processing) if you are working with a distributed
SAS Visual Analytics environment.
%RMVAUNLD( folder=/Shared Metadata/LASR/ITRM ,gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,lasrLibrary=Visual Analytic LASR ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrTag=ITRM ,metaPass=mypassword ,metaServer=mybox.subdomain.domain.com ,metaUser=myuserid ,signer=mywebserviceURI ,tables=pcsdsk pcscpu ,type=SMP );
%RMVAUNLD( folder=/Shared Metadata/LASR/ITRM ,gridHost=mygrid.subdomain.domain.com ,gridInstallLoc=/opt/TKGrid ,lasrLibrary=Visual Analytic LASR ,lasrPort=10010 ,lasrTag=ITRM ,metaPass=mypassword ,metaServer=mybox.subdomain.domain.com ,metaUser=myuserid ,tables=pcsdsk pcscpu ,type=MPP );