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Commands That Are Not Specific to UNIX

BOUNDS Command

Sets left and right boundaries when text is flowed.
Category: Text editing, command-line command

Without Arguments
See Also


BOUNDS <left right>

Without Arguments

The BOUNDS command displays a message identifying the current boundary settings.



sets the left boundary by column position.


sets the right boundary by column position.


The BOUNDS command resets the left and right boundaries for text. Text is reset by column position and must already be in the window and flowed with the TF command. The BOUNDS command sets the left and right boundaries for text inserted in the window with the INCLUDE, COPY, and PASTE commands when the AUTOFLOW command is turned on. When the AUTOFLOW command is turned on, the left boundary setting is maintained when text is split with the TS command.

For example, specify the following command if you want the text flowed between columns 10 and 60:

bounds 10 60

Each time text is flowed after this BOUNDS command is issued, the text is flowed between spaces 10 and 60. The text is flowed until you issue another BOUNDS command, or the INDENT command is set to ON.

Setting the INDENT command to ON always overrides the current left boundary setting. To ensure that the left boundary setting is used, set the INDENT command to OFF.


The BOUNDS command affects the behaviors of the TF and TS commands. The BOUNDS command is similar to the INDENT command because both can set the left boundary. However, the BOUNDS command can set the right boundary. When text is flowed, setting the INDENT command to ON always sets the left boundary, which overrides the left boundary that is set by the BOUNDS command.

See Also



INDENT Command

TF Command

TS Command

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