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Commands That Are Not Specific to UNIX

TS Command

Splits text at the cursor.
Category: Text editing, line command

Without Arguments
See Also


TS <n>

Without Arguments

The TS command splits the line of text at the cursor, and moves the remaining text to a new line.



specifies how many lines down to move the remaining text. The default is one line. Follow the n argument with a space.


The TS command splits the line of text at the cursor, and moves the remaining text to a new line starting at the left margin. If you specify a numeric argument, the TS command moves the text down the number of lines specified. With the AUTOFLOW command turned on, the TS command uses the left boundary that is specified by the BOUNDS command. If the INDENT command is turned on, the TS command uses the current indention at the left margin. With the AUTOFLOW command turned off, the left boundary and the current indention at the left margin are reset.


The TS command, with the default numeric argument of 1, is the same as entering a carriage return or pressing ENTER or RETURN with the AUTOSPLIT command turned on. The TS command contrasts with the TC command, which connects two lines of text, and the TF command, which flows text to a blank line or to the end of the text. With the AUTOFLOW command turned on, the TS command is affected by both the BOUNDS and INDENT commands.


This example shows the effect of splitting two statements in a SAS program and placing each statement on a separate line. This example shows the text after you type the TS command on line 0001 and position the cursor after the first statement, and before you press ENTER or RETURN:

ts 01 proc print data=temp; run;

When you press ENTER or RETURN, the following result is displayed:

00001 proc print data=temp;
00002 run;

See Also



I Command

TC Command

TF Command

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