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Procedures under UNIX


Defines destinations for SAS procedure output and the SAS log.
UNIX specifics: Valid values of file specification
See: PRINTTO Procedure in the Base SAS Procedures Guide

See Also


PROC PRINTTO <option(s)>

Note:   This version is a simplified version of the PRINTTO procedure syntax. For the complete syntax and its explanation, see the PRINTTO procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.  [cautionend]


specifies a fully qualified pathname (in quotation marks), an environment variable, a fileref, or a file in the current directory (without extension).


specifies a fully qualified pathname (in quotation marks), an environment variable, a fileref, or a file in the current directory (without extension). If you specify a fileref that is defined with the PRINTER device-type keyword, output is sent directly to the printer.


The following statements send any SAS log entries that are generated after the RUN statement to the external file that is associated with the fileref myfile :

filename myfile '/users/myid/mydir/mylog';
proc printto log=myfile;

If myfile has not been defined as a fileref, then PROC PRINTTO creates the file myfile.log in the current directory.

The following statements send any procedure output that is generated after the RUN statement to the file /users/myid/mydir/myout:

proc printto print='/users/myid/mydir/myout';

The following statements send the procedure output from the CONTENTS procedure directly to the system printer:

filename myfile printer;
proc printto print=myfile;

proc contents data=oranges;

To redirect the SAS log and procedure output to their original default destinations, run PROC PRINTTO without any options:

proc printto;

If filerefs myprint and mylog have not been defined, then the following statements send any SAS procedure output to myprint.lst and any log output to mylog.log in the current directory:

proc printto print=myprint log=mylog;

If filerefs myprint and mylog had been defined, the output would have gone to the files associated with these filerefs.

See Also

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