Creating Uniform Axes Across Rows or Columns

Internal Axes

By default, the plots in the cells of the LATTICE layout manage their own axes, as demonstrated by the following example:
proc template;
 define statgraph internalaxes;
   entrytitle "Internal (cell-defined) Axes";
   layout lattice / columns=2 columngutter=5px;
     histogram mpg_city;
     histogram mpg_highway;

proc sgrender template=internalaxes;
Internal Axes
In this example, notice that the X and Y axes have different data ranges for each cell. In cases where you want to facilitate comparisons of the cell contents, you can set uniform axis scales across the rows in the grid, or across the columns, or across both.

Uniform Axis Ranges

To set a uniform scale on the X axes in each row of a lattice, use the COLUMNDATARANGE= option on the LAYOUT LATTICE statement. Likewise, to set a uniform scale on the Y axes in each row of the lattice, use the ROWDATARANGE= option. Both options accept one of the following values:
scales the axes independently for each cell. This is the default.
finds the minimum of the data minima and the maximum of the data maxima, on a per-row or per-column basis, and sets this range on the appropriate axis for each cell in a row or column.
finds the minimum of the data minima and the maximum of the data maxima over all rows or all columns, and sets this range on the appropriate axis for each cell.
layout lattice / columns=2 columngutter=5px
                 rowdatarange=union ;
  histogram mpg_city;
  histogram mpg_highway;
Unioned Axes
Note: The default X-axis for a histogram shows ticks at bin midpoints or bin start/end points. If the histograms happen to have the same bin width, it is possible to create uniformly scaled X axes. However, when the bin widths are different, there might not be any common midpoints. To handle this situation, the LATTICE layout automatically switches to a LINEAR type axis so that the axis tick values can be uniform, even though they might not be at bin midpoints or boundaries for all histograms.
Some restrictions apply to the UNION and UNIONALL settings on any row or column of the lattice:
  • all plots must have the same axis type: LINEAR, LOG, TIME, or DISCRETE
  • overlaid plots should not specify both a Y and Y2 axis, or both an X and X2 axis.
  • if a cell contains a LAYOUT OVERLAY3D or LAYOUT OVERLAYEQUATED statement, the uniform axis ranges and external axes are not supported for that row or column.

External Axes

Specifying External Axes

Whenever axis scales have been unified for a row or a column, you can replace the individual cell axes in that row or column with a single axis that is external to the cells.
To externalize X axes, use the following syntax:
COLUMNAXIS / options ;
<COLUMNAXIS / options ;>
To externalize Y axes, use the following syntax:
ROWAXIS / options ;
<ROWAXIS / options ;>
Within the axes blocks, you should specify as many COLUMNAXIS or ROWAXIS statements as there are columns or rows in the grid. The options that are available to each statement are similar to those that are available for the XAXISOPTS= and YAXISOPTS= options of a LAYOUT OVERLAY statement. The options that you specify can differ from statement to statement.
Note: When a row or column external axis is used, all axis options on the internal axes in that same dimension will be ignored.
The following code fragment externalizes the Y axes:
layout lattice / columns=2 columngutter=5px
  histogram mpg_city;
  histogram mpg_highway;
    rowaxis / griddisplay=on;
External Axes

Displaying External Secondary Axes

The DISPLAYSECONDARY= option can be used on a ROWAXIS statement to display a row axis at the right of the lattice. It can be used on a COLUMNAXIS statement to display a column axis at the top of the lattice. An external secondary axis is a duplicate of the external primary axis, not a truly independent axis. However, you can change the features that are displayed on the secondary axis. In the following example, the ticks and tick values are repeated on the right side of the lattice, but the axis label is suppressed by not listing it among the features that are requested on the DISPLAYSECONDARY= option.
layout lattice / columns=2 columngutter=5px
  histogram mpg_city;
  histogram mpg_highway;
    rowaxis / griddisplay=on displaysecondary=(ticks tickvalues);
Secondary Axes

External Axes and Empty Cells

If a LATTICE layout generates empty cells and there are external axes, a row or column axis might be displayed near one or more of those empty cells. The following example shows the default case:
layout lattice / columns=2 rows=2
  rowgutter=5px columngutter=5px
  rowdatarange=unionall columndatarange=unionall;

  /* overlay blocks define cells 1-3 */
  layout overlay;
    entry "Spline Fit" / valign=top;
    scatterplot y=weight x=height;
    pbsplineplot y=weight x=height;
  layout overlay;
    entry "Loess Fit" / valign=top;
    scatterplot y=weight x=height;
    loessplot y=weight x=height;
  layout overlay;
    entry "Regression Fit" / valign=top;
    scatterplot y=weight x=height;
    regressionplot y=weight x=height;
External Axes and Empty Cells
Adding the SKIPEMPTYCELLS=TRUE setting to the LAYOUT LATTICE statement eliminates the space that is normally reserved for the empty cells. In that case, an external axis that might have been displayed near an empty cell will be displayed near a populated cell instead:
layout lattice / columns=2 rows=2
  rowgutter=5px columngutter=5px
  rowdatarange=unionall columndatarange=unionall
  skipemptycells=true ;
External Axes and Empty Cells with SKIPEMPTYCELLS=TRUE