Example Program and Statement Details

Example Graph

The following graph was generated by the Example Program. The example uses a BEGINPOLYGON block to draw a polygon around the Setosa species of Iris in a plot that shows petal sizes for three Iris species. The DRAWSPACE= option in the BEGINGRAPH statements specifies that the polygon be drawn in the data space. The BEGINPOLYGON statement specifies the starting X,Y point. For the BEGINPOLYGON options, DISPLAY= displays both a fill and an outline for the polygon. TRANSPARENCY= adds a degree of transparency to the fill and outline, and FILLATTRS= colors the fill red. The example also uses DRAWLINE and DRAWTEXT statements to draw a callout to the polygon.
Drawing a Polygon in a Graph

Example Program

proc template;
  define statgraph discretelegend;
    begingraph / drawspace=datavalue;
	  entrytitle "Iris Petal Dimensions";
	  layout overlayequated / equatetype=equate;
        scatterplot x=petallength y=petalwidth / group=species name="s";
        ellipse x=petallength y=petalwidth / type=predicted  alpha=.2
          name="p80" legendlabel="80%" outlineattrs=graphconfidence;
	    ellipse x=petallength y=petalwidth / type=predicted  alpha=.05
          name="p95" legendlabel="95%" outlineattrs=graphconfidence2;

        beginpolygon x=10 y=2 /display=all
            transparency=0.5 fillAttrs=(color=red) ;
          draw x=13 y=4 ;
          draw x=16 y=6 ;
          draw x=17 y=5 ;
          draw x=19 y=4 ;
          draw x=19 y=2 ;
          draw x=17 y=2 ;
          draw x=15 y=1 ;
          draw x=14 y=1 ;
          draw x=11 y=1 ;
        endpolygon ;
        drawtext textattrs=(size=11pt) "Setosa" /
          x=30 y=-1 width=12 anchor=top;
        drawline x1=18 y1=3 x2=25 y2=-1 / lineattrs=(color=blue);

        discretelegend "s" / title="Species:";
	    discretelegend "p80" "p95" /across=1 autoalign=(topleft) location=inside;
	  entryfootnote halign=left "Fisher's Iris Data" ;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.iris template=discretelegend; 

Statement Summary

A polygon is built by using the BEGINPOLYGON statement to specify the polygon’s starting X,Y coordinate, and then specifying the remaining points by nesting a series of DRAW statements (see DRAW Statement) within the BEGINPOLYGON block. The block is closed with an ENDPOLYGON statement. To manage the location and drawing units for the polygon, you can use the XAXIS=, YAXIS=, XSPACE=, and YSPACE= options.
For general information about the types of elements that can be drawn with the draw statements, the drawing space and drawing units that they use, and how the drawn elements are anchored, see Key Concepts for Using Draw Statements. For detailed usage information, consult the SAS Graph Template Language: User's Guide.

Required Arguments

X=constant | scalar-expression
specifies the X value for the starting point in the polygon.
Interaction: The value that is set for this argument is interpreted using the XSPACE= option. When XSPACE=DATAVALUE, the value is interpreted using the XAXIS= option.
Y=constant | scalar-expression
specifies the Y value for the starting point in the polygon.
Interaction: The value that is set for this argument is interpreted using the YSPACE= option. When YSPACE=DATAVALUE, the value is interpreted using the YAXIS= option.


Statement Option
Specifies an amount to offset the polygon from discrete X values, or discrete Y values, or both.
Specifies the features to display for the polygon.
Specifies a default drawing space and drawing units for this BEGINPOLYGON statement.
Specifies the properties of the polygon’s filled area.
Specifies whether the polygon appears on top of or behind the graph.
Specifies the properties of the outline that is drawn around the polygon.
Specifies the degree of the transparency of the fill and the outline.
Specifies whether the X value is interpreted using the primary X axis scale or to the secondary X (X2) axis scale.
Specifies the drawing space and drawing units for interpreting the X value.
Specifies whether the Y value is interpreted using the primary Y axis scale or to the secondary Y (Y2) axis scale.
Specifies the drawing space and drawing units for interpreting the Y value.
specifies an amount to offset the polygon from discrete X values, or discrete Y values, or both.
Default: 0 (no offset, the polygon is centered on discrete X values, or discrete Y values, or both)
Range: -0.5 to +0.5, where .5 represents half the distance between discrete ticks. If the X axis is discrete, a positive offset is to the right. If the Y axis is discrete, a positive offset is up. If REVERSE=TRUE on the X or Y axis, then the offset direction is also reversed.
Interaction: This option applies only when the options XSPACE= or YSPACE= use DATAVALUE, and when X or Y are values on a discrete axis.
DISPLAY=STANDARD | ALL | (display-options)
specifies the features to display for the polygon.
Displays an outlined polygon.
Displays an outlined, filled polygon.
( display-options )
a list of options, enclosed in parentheses, that must include one of the following:
OUTLINE—displays an outlined polygon
FILL—displays a filled polygon
Tip: Use the OUTLINEATTRS= and FILLATTRS= options to control the appearance of the polygon.
specifies a default drawing space and drawing units for this BEGINPOLYGON block.
Interaction: This statement and all of the draw statements inherit the global DRAWPSACE= setting from the DRAWSPACE= option in the BEGINGRAPH statement. Setting this option changes the setting for only this BEGINPOLYGON statement.
Interaction: This option sets the default drawing space, but individual settings in the X or Y dimension can be overridden by the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options.
FILLATTRS=style-element | style-element (fill-options) | (fill-options)
specifies the properties of the polygon’s filled area. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Fill Options for available fill-options.
Default: The GraphAnnoShape style element
Tip: The TRANSPARENCY= option sets the transparency for the fill and the outline. You can combine this option with TRANSPARENCY= to set one transparency for the outlines but a different transparency for the fill. Example:
transparency=0.2 fillattrs=(transparency=0.6)
specifies whether the polygon appears on top of (FRONT) or behind (BACK) the graph.
Default: FRONT
Interaction: If this option is set to BACK, the polygon is drawn behind background areas, such as a layout or legend background. For elements that are obstructed because they are in the back layer, you can suppress the display of filled areas in the graph. Or, you can use transparency to manage the element visibility. For more information, see About Drawing Layers.
OUTLINEATTRS= style-element | style-element (line-options) | (line-options)
specifies the properties of the outline that is drawn around the polygon. See General Syntax for Attribute Options for the syntax on using a style-element and Line Options for available line-options.
Default: The GraphAnnoShape style element.
Interaction: For this option to have any effect, the outline must be enabled by the DISPLAY= option.
specifies the degree of the transparency of the fill and the outline.
Default: 0
Range: 0 (opaque) to 1 (entirely transparent)
Tip: The FILLATTRS option can be used to set transparency for just the polygon’s filled area. You can combine this option with FILLATTRS= to set one transparency for the outlines but a different transparency for the fill. Example:
transparency=0.2 fillattrs=(transparency=0.6)
specifies whether the X value is interpreted using the primary X axis scale or to the secondary X (X2) axis scale.
Default: X
Interaction: This option has effect only if XSPACE=DATAVALUE.
specifies the drawing space and drawing units for interpreting the X value.
Default: The setting that is in effect for the DRAWSPACE= option.
specifies whether the Y value is interpreted using the primary Y axis scale or to the secondary Y (Y2) axis scale.
Default: Y
Interaction: This option has effect only if YSPACE=DATAVALUE.
specifies the drawing space and drawing units for interpreting the Y value.
Default: The setting that is in effect for the DRAWSPACE= option.