GDEVICE Procedure

COPY Statement

Copies a device entry and places the copy in the current catalog. The original device entry can be either in the current catalog or in a different catalog.
Restriction: Not valid in browse mode.
Requirement: You must have Write access to the catalog where the device entry is being copied.
Tip: If you copy and modify a device entry that is a Universal Printer shortcut device, then you also need to create a Universal Printer that has the same name.See Device Categories and Modifying Default Output Attributes and Configuring Universal Printing Using the Windowing Environment in SAS Language Reference: Concepts for more information.
See: Creating or Modifying Device Entries

Creating a Custom Device Entry with Program Statements


COPY device-entry where;

Required Arguments

specifies the one-level name of the device entry to copy.
Restriction:The entry must exist in the current catalog (the default) or the catalog specified by FROM= argument.
must be one or both of the following:
FROM=<libref>.SAS catalog
names the catalog from which to copy device-entry.
specifies a name for the copy of the device entry that is placed in the current catalog. New-device-entry must be a valid name for a SAS catalog entry and cannot already exist in the current catalog.
If you copy device entries across catalogs and you do not specify a new name, the GDEVICE procedure uses the original name for the new device entry.