GDEVICE Procedure

Example: Creating a Custom Device Entry with Program Statements

COPY statement options:
MODIFY statement options:
Other features:

LIBNAME statement

Sample library member: GDVCSTOM
This example uses the GDEVICE procedure statements COPY and MODIFY statements to create a customized version of the WIN device. It copies the original entry into a personal devices catalog and changes the device parameters. After running this example, all output generated with the WIN device will use the customized color list created by this example.
Pie Chart Created with Default WIN Device Entry
Pie Chart Created with Default WIN Device Entry
Pie Chart Created with Customized WIN Device Entry
Pie Chart with New Device Colors


goptions reset=all border;
options nogstyle;
ods html close;
ods listing;
proc gchart data=sashelp.class; 
  pie age/discrete noheading value=none;
libname gdevice0 "SAS-data-library";
proc gdevice nofs catalog=gdevice0.devices;
copy win from=sashelp.devices newname=mywin;
modify mywin
  description="WIN with new color list"
  colors=(black cx95c051 cxA359B2 cxD65259 cx69D6D2 cxFFB74F cx929cff); 
goptions target=mywin;
proc gchart data=sashelp.class; 
  pie age/discrete noheading value=none;
options gstyle;
ods html;
ods listing close;

Program Description

Set the graphics environment.
goptions reset=all border;
Turn styles off so that the device color list is used.
options nogstyle;
Close the HTML destination and open LISTING.The WIN device is valid only in the LISTING destination.
ods html close;
ods listing;
Generate the pie chart using the default WIN device.
proc gchart data=sashelp.class; 
  pie age/discrete noheading value=none;
Assign the libref GDEVICE0. The LIBNAME statement assigns the gdevice0 libref to the aggregate file storage location that will contain the DEVICES catalog and the modified WIN device entry.
libname gdevice0 "SAS-data-library";
Start the GDEVICE procedure. The NOFS option causes GDEVICE to use program mode. The CATALOG= option assigns GDEVICE0.DEVICES as the current device catalog. If the DEVICES catalog does not already exist in the library, it is automatically created.
proc gdevice nofs catalog=gdevice0.devices;
Copy the original device entry from SASHELP.DEVICES to the current catalog. The NEWNAME= option specifies a name for the copy of WIN that is placed in GDEVICE0.DEVICES. The name of a catalog entry cannot exceed eight characters.
copy win from=sashelp.devices newname=mywin;
Modify the new entry. The DESCRIPTION= option specifies a new device description that appears in the catalog listing. The COLORS= option defines a new color list.
modify mywin
  description="WIN with new color list"
  colors=(black cx95c051 cxA359B2 cxD65259 cx69D6D2 cxFFB74F cx929cff); 
Exit the procedure.
Test the new device entry. The TARGET= option specifies the new device. The GDEVICE0 libref is already defined, so SAS/GRAPH searches GDEVICE0 for the specified device entry. The GHART procedure generates a pie chart with the new color list.
goptions target=mywin;
proc gchart data=sashelp.class; 
  pie age/discrete noheading value=none;
Turn styles back on, close the LISTING destination, and reopen the HTML destination.
options gstyle;
ods html;
ods listing close;