The SASEFRED Interface Engine

Details: SASEFRED Interface Engine

The SASEFRED interface engine enables SAS users to access both ArchivaL Federal Reserve Economic Data (ALFRED) and FRED data that are provided by the FRED website. Normal use is called the FRED mode, for which the real-time period is the current day (today). In FRED mode, you are using the current facts: the information about the past that is available today. Economic data sources, releases, series, and observations can change their names or their observation data values over time. The real-time period marks when facts were true or when information was known until it changed. Economic data sources, releases, series, and observations are all assigned a real-time period. For most URL requests, the default real-time period is today. This can be thought of as FRED mode—what information about the past is available today. ALFRED users can change the real-time period to retrieve information that was known as of a point in history. ALFRED uses vintage dates, which are release dates for a series, excluding the release dates when the data values did not change.