Introduction to the SAS Information Delivery Portal 2.0

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Personalizing Your Portal

Overview of Personalization

The portal gives each user in your organization a personalized virtual workplace within a Web browser. This means that all users can organize and manage information in a way that makes sense to them. For example, users can subscribe to content channels that are of interest to them, create links to frequently-visited Internet sites, and change the navigation scheme.

This section includes the following topics:

Options for Adding and Managing Content

As a portal user, you can do the following tasks:

Other portal users cannot access your personal content unless they are designated as portal administrators.

Options for Managing Portal Organization and Appearance

In addition to adding content to your personal portal, you can change particular aspects of your portal's appearance and behavior, such as the following:

Sample Personalized Portal

Here is the Home page from a sample portal that has been personalized:

Sample Personalized Portal

In the sample, the portal uses a different theme and page layout. The navigation bar has been moved to a vertical position, so that the names of Web pages appear on the left. The portlets are organized on the page in a single column.