Treeview HTML Generator

Specifying Graphic Appearance and Behavior

Use the following arguments in your DS2TREE macro call to specify the appearance and behavior of the generated tree. Default argument values are listed first and displayed in bold type.

specifies the description of the action to be performed when the pop-up menu for a node is displayed. The value that is specified here can be overridden by specifying a value for the NACTION argument.

specifies a color for Treeview Applet text.

specifies a background color for Treeview Applet.

specifies a default background color for nodes. The value specified here can be overridden by specifying a value for the NCOLOR argument.

specifies a color for nodes that are selected.

specifies the level of detail cutoff value.

specifies the name of the target window where the drill-down (Open URL action) results are to be displayed. The default behavior is to open a new browser window and reuse it for subsequent drill-down requests. The names can be either values that are assigned in the HTML page or the standard HTML target names such as

  • _self for the current window
  • _blank for a new window
  • _parent for the parent window of the frameset
  • _top for the "top" document.

Refer to an HTML syntax guide for the valid values of a TARGET attribute.

specifies the distortion factor for the fisheye lens. The distortion factor determines expansion of the center region of the tree. The value specified must be greater than or equal to 1.0.

specifies the angular spreading factor. The value specified must be greater than or equal to 1.0.