HTML Formatting Tools

HTML Formatting Tools extend SAS software so that you can present your SAS output or data to others on the World Wide Web or on an intranet. These tools are a collection of SAS macros (referred to as formatters) that you can incorporate in your SAS code. Much of the capability of these tools is now available with the Output Delivery System (ODS) and with SAS/GRAPH software. For more information about using ODS, see the SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide. For more information about using SAS/GRAPH software, see SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference, Volumes 1 and 2.

The available formatters are:

HTML Data Set Formatter You can use this tool to convert SAS data sets to HTML 3.x tables. This formatter supports WHERE clauses, BY-group processing, and other data presentation capabilities. You can also use ODS to produce HTML output.
HTML Output Formatter You can use this tool to save output from any SAS procedure to an HTML file, making data immediately available for users to access from their Web browsers. You can also use ODS to produce HTML output.
HTML Tabulate Formatter You can use this tool to convert output from PROC TABULATE into HTML 3.x tables. After your TABULATE data is available in an HTML table, you can easily share it with other users on the Web. You can also use ODS to produce HTML output.
HTML Generator
The DS2CONST macro generates a configurable node-link diagram from a set of XML tags. Use the Constellation Applet to display the diagrams. See Creating Interactive Constellation Diagrams in the SAS/GRAPH Reference for documentation about this tool.
Graph Applet
HTML Generator
You can use the DS2GRAF macro to generate graphs and charts from your SAS data. Then, use the Graph Applet or SAS/GRAPH Control for ActiveX to display and manipulate the graphics.

Note: For SAS 9.2 or later, the DS2GRAF macro is no longer supported. The documentation on this Web site is for Version 9.0 or earlier of SAS. Please migrate your applications to use the GPLOT/GCHART procedures with ODS and the Java or ActiveX device driver.

HTML Generator
The META2HTM macro generates metadata that allows you to view your SAS/GRAPH output in a Java applet. The applet you use to view the graphical output is the Metaview Applet.

Note: For SAS 9.2 or later, the META2HTM macro is no longer supported. The documentation on this Web site is for Release 8.2 or earlier of SAS. Please migrate your applications to use ODS and the JavaMeta device driver.

HTML Generator
The DS2CSF macro generates a critical success factor (CSF) from a SAS data set. To view the generated CSF, you must have access to the Rangeview Applet.

Note: For SAS 9.2 or later, the DS2CSF macro is no longer supported. The documentation on this Web site is for Release 8.2 or earlier of SAS. Please migrate your applications to use the GKPI procedure with ODS and the JavaImg device driver.

HTML Generator
The DS2TREE macro generates a hierarchical tree from a SAS data set. To view the generated tree, you must also have Treeview Applet.

Note: The documentation on this Web site is for Release 8.2 or earlier of SAS. For Version 9 documentation, see Creating Interactive Treeview Diagrams in SAS/GRAPH Reference.