Rangeview HTML Generator

Using Style Sheets

Use the following arguments in your DS2CSF macro call to specify the location of your style sheets. You can describe up to five different style sheets because you can specify up to five instances of each argument. For example, with the SSFILEn argument, you can specify values for SSFILE1, SSFILE2, SSFILE3, SSFILE4, and SSFILE5.

See the HTML Formatting Tools documentation for information more about using style sheets:

Note: For SAS 9.2 or later, the DS2CSF macro is no longer supported. The documentation on this Web site is for Release 8.2 or earlier of SAS. Please migrate your applications to use the GKPI procedure with ODS and the JavaImg device driver.

Arguments used with the embed method

Use the following arguments when the contents of the file you reference are actually copied into the header of the HTML file. You can use the embed method to include style or scripting information from multiple files.

specifies the name of the style sheet file that you want to include. The file must contain all of the necessary tags and elements, and the contents of the file must work with other files that you are embedding.

For example, the first file you embed may contain the <STYLE> tag but not the </STYLE> tag. The next file you embed cannot contain a <STYLE> tag, but it can contain the </STYLE> tag.

Note: You cannot specify the SSFILEn argument and the corresponding SSHREFn or SSFREFn argument together. For example, if you use the SSFILE1 argument, then you cannot use the SSHREF1 argument.

specifies the fileref that represents the style sheet that you want to include. The file must contain all necessary tags and elements, and the contents of the file must work with other files you are embedding.

For example, the first file you embed may contain the <STYLE> tag but not the </STYLE> tag. The next file you embed cannot contain a <STYLE> tag, but it can contain the </STYLE> tag.

Note: You cannot specify the SSFILEn argument and the corresponding SSHREFn or SSFREFn argument together. For example, if you use the SSFILE1 argument, then you cannot use the SSHREF1 argument.

Arguments used with the link method

Use the following arguments when you reference your style sheet file by using a <LINK> tag in your HTML file. Each one of these arguments specify a value on the <LINK> tag. For more information about linking files using the <LINK> tag, refer to your favorite HTML guide.

specifies the URL for the style sheet. The URL that you supply can be relative to the location of the resulting HTML file. If the HTML file and the style sheet reside on different Web servers, then specify the absolute URL. The value you supply is used with the <LINK> tag's HREF attribute.

Note: You cannot specify the SSHREFn argument and the corresponding SSFILEn or SSFREFn argument together. For example, if you use SSHREF1, then you cannot use the SSFILE1 argument.

specifies the value that is used on the MEDIA attribute of the <LINK> tag.

specifies the relationship of the referenced (linked-to) file to the file that contains the link. This value is usually stylesheet. The supplied value is used on the REL attribute of the <LINK> tag.

specifies the value that is used on the REV attribute of the <LINK> tag.

specifies the value that is used on the TITLE attribute of the <LINK> tag.

indicates the type of file to which you are linking. If you are using a Cascading Style Sheet, then this value is usually text/css. If you are using JavaScript Style Sheets, then this value is text/javascript. The supplied value is used on the TYPE attribute of the <LINK> tag.