Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusinessModelObject The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of BusinessModelObject in

Subinterfaces of BusinessModelObject in
 interface BusinessGroup
          The purpose of this object to allow the ability to group certain IQ objects outside of our normal MapFolder structure.
 interface BusinessItem
          Specifies a modeled object that has an identity within its model and used directly in forming business queries.
 interface BusinessRule
          Specifies a modeled action that affects how data is referenced at query execution time.
 interface CompoundFilter
          Specifies a filter that is defined in terms of other separately defined filters.
 interface DataItem
          Provides support for the mapping of physical data to a single unit of business data.
 interface DataItemReference
          Specifies a reference to a DataItem object along with some set of overridden attributes of the base data item.
 interface DrillThroughToDetail
          Specifies a simple business rule that identifies whether the user should be allowed to drill through to detail data in OLAP results.
 interface FilterCascadeRule
          This business rule defines the prompt filter dependencies that makes up the cascade.
 interface FilterItem
          Contains a single conditional expression which is used to filter data when running a query and typically yields a result set containing less data.
 interface Governing
          Specifies a simple business rule that governs or limits the output of a business query when the query is run.
 interface Prompt
          Enables you to specify portions of a business query at the time a query is run.

Methods in with type parameters of type BusinessModelObject
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessModelObject baseObject, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of business model objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given business model object.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessQuery query, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of BusinessModelObject objects objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given query.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn( baseResource, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of business model objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given physical resource.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsWithInvalidIDs(java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of BusinessModelObject objects contained within this business model that have invalid intra-model IDs of the specified type.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BusinessModelObject
 java.util.List<BusinessModelObject> BusinessGroup.getItems()
          Returns an java.util.List containing all of the items in this group in the order they were added.
 java.util.List<BusinessModelObject> BusinessModel.removeDataSource( dataSource)
          Removes a data source from the list of data sources defined in this model.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModelObject
 boolean BusinessModel.contains(boolean includeBaseModels, BusinessModelObject businessModelObject)
          Returns an indication of whether the given business model object is contained within the lists (of data sources, business rules, or business items) managed by this object or any base models.
 boolean BusinessModel.contains(BusinessModelObject businessModelObject)
          Returns an indication of whether the given business model object is contained within the lists (of data sources, business rules, or business items) managed by this object.
 boolean BusinessGroup.contains(BusinessModelObject businessModelObject)
          Returns an indication of whether the given business model object is contained within this group.
 boolean BusinessGroup.contains(BusinessModelObject businessModelObject, boolean recursive)
          Returns an indication of whether the given business model object is contained within this group or subgroups.
 void Governing.copy(BusinessModelObject input)
          The state of the input object is persisted in this object (a governing object in this case), that is, the fields of the input object are copied to the fields of this object.
 java.util.List<BusinessGroup> BusinessQuery.getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi)
          Get the effective groups for the query that contain the specified business model object.
 java.util.List<BusinessGroup> BusinessQuery.getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi, BusinessGroup.Type type)
          Get the effective groups by type for the query that contain the specified business model object.
 java.util.List<BusinessGroup> BusinessModel.getGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bmObject, BusinessGroup.Type type)
          Returns the list of BusinessGroup objects contained within this model with the specified BusinessGroup.Type and containing specified BusinessModelObject.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessModelObject baseObject, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of business model objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given business model object.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BusinessModelObject
 void BusinessGroup.setItems(java.util.List<? extends BusinessModelObject> items)
          Sets the java.util.List of BusinessModelObject to be grouped.

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