A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


PackageCleanup - Class in com.sas.services.publish.tools
A Java class that provides a simple, command line interface for deleting or listing packages from a publish channel.
PackageCleanup() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.publish.tools.PackageCleanup
PackageEventInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.publish.metadata
A package event can be associated with the publishing of results and this event can be stored in a repository.
PackageFilter - Class in com.sas.services.publish.metadata
This class extends KeywordFilter to provide a convenient mechanism to search for package objects in multiple repository types.
PackageFilter() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.publish.metadata.PackageFilter
PackageFilter(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.publish.metadata.PackageFilter
PackageInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.publish.metadata
This is a generic interface to represent a published SAS package persisted to a file system.
packageList() - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.ChannelInterface
Returns an iteration of all the packages contained in this channel.
packageList(Comparator) - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.ChannelInterface
Returns a sorted List of all the packages contained in this channel.
PAGE_COMPANION - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.publish.HTMLFileInterface
A companion page file.
PARENT_URL - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.publish.webdav.DAVTransportInterface
The URL under which the result package will be published.
PARENTTREE_KEY - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.browse.BrowseMetadataInterface
The map key to get the Parent Tree assocation;
parse(File) - Static method in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.lookup.utils.XML
parse(Document) - Static method in class com.sas.services.session.SessionServiceInitializer
Gets an instance of the SessionServiceInitObject using the specified configuration data found in the XML formatted deployment configuration file.
PARSE_FLAG_NO_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
parseConsumerUsage(Element) - Method in class com.sas.services.AbstractServiceComponentConfig
Parses the "ConsumerUsage" element.
ParseException - Exception in com.sas.services
Parse exception is thrown when a parsing error occurs.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.ParseException
Constructs a default parse exception.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.ParseException
Constructs an instance using the specified message that prompted creation of this parse exception.
ParseException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.ParseException
Constructs an instance using the specified message and the throwable that prompted creation of this parse exception.
parseNameValuePairs(AttributeMapInterface, String) - Static method in class com.sas.services.util.AttributeMap
Parses a name/value pairs string.
parseValues(AttributeMapInterface, String, String) - Static method in class com.sas.services.util.AttributeMap
Parses a name/value pairs string.
PartialFolderResultsException - Exception in com.sas.services.information
This Exception gets thrown if an Information Services search is performed which may return multiple objects, and at least one exception is thrown while retrieving metadata.
PartialFolderResultsException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialFolderResultsException
Default constructor
PartialFolderResultsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialFolderResultsException
Construct a new exception with a text message.
PartialFolderResultsException(FolderInterface, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialFolderResultsException
Construct a new exception with a text message.
PartialListResultsException - Exception in com.sas.services.information
This Exception gets thrown if an Information Services search is performed which may return multiple objects, and at least one exception is thrown while retrieving metadata.
PartialListResultsException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialListResultsException
PartialListResultsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialListResultsException
PartialListResultsException(List, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialListResultsException
PartialResultsException - Exception in com.sas.services.information
This Exception gets thrown if multiple objects were expected in a result set, and one or more exceptions were thrown during metadata retrieval.
PartialResultsException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialResultsException
PartialResultsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialResultsException
PartialResultsException(Object, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.information.PartialResultsException
passKey - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
The key for IOM attribute pass.
PassportInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.discovery
Passport interface.
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.sas.iom.JDBCConstants
PasswordCredential - Class in com.sas.services.connection
Login credentials for an IOM server.
PasswordCredential(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.PasswordCredential
Construct login credentials.
PasswordCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.PasswordCredential
Construct login credentials.
paste() - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TransportProcessorInterface
Insert a new instance of an object.
PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.SASLibraryInterface
Key used to obtain the library path name from a library assignment Map created by genAssignLibrefMap
PATH_KEY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.webdav.Utils
PathFilter - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PathFilter(PathUrl, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathFilter
PathFilter(PathUrl, MetadataServerInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathFilter
PathFilter(PathUrl) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathFilter
PathUrl - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
This class encapsulates the SBIP formatted URL.
PathUrl(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
Construct a new PathUrl from a URL string.
PathUrl(String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
PathUrl(PathUrl, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
Construct a PathUrl from a known context, plus a partial path.
PathUrl(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
Construct a new PathUrl from the URL components.
PATHURL_DONT_USE_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PathUrl
PDE_STORAGE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dataexplorer.DataExplorationConstants
Top-level storage location of all users' private data explorations.
PDE_STORAGE_ROOT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dataexplorer.DataExplorationConstants
Root-level storage location of all users' private data explorations.
PDE_STORAGE_SUBFOLDER - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dataexplorer.DataExplorationConstants
Lowest level storage location for a user's data explorations.
PermanentPackageResultHints - Class in com.sas.services.storedprocess
PERMISSION - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: Permission
PERMISSION_ADMINISTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_ADMINISTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
The remaining definitions are application permissions, and their precise semantics are application defined.
PERMISSION_ADMINMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
Deprecated. The metadata server no longer supports this permission and it should be removed from any application that is using it.
PERMISSION_ALTER_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_ALTERTABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_CHECKINMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_CHECKINMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_CREATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_CREATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_CREATE_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_CREATETABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_DESTROY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.ServicePermission
Name of the permission required to destroy a service.
PERMISSION_DROP_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_DROPTABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_EXECUTE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_EXECUTE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_INSERT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_INSERT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_MANAGECREDENTIALSMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_MANAGEMEMBERMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_READ - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_READ - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_READMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataInterface
Permission string for read metadata permission.
PERMISSION_READMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_READMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
Permission string representing read permission on metadata.
PERMISSION_REFERENCES - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_REFERENCES - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_SELECT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_SELECT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_UPDATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_UPDATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
PERMISSION_WRITEMEMBERMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_WRITEMEMBERMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
This is a folder-specific permission that can be used to control who can create content in a folder.
PERMISSION_WRITEMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataInterface
Permission string for write metadata permission.
PERMISSION_WRITEMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfoInterface
PERMISSION_WRITEMETADATA - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.PermissionInterface
Permission string representing write permission on metadata.
PERMISSIONCONDITION - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: PermissionCondition
PermissionExplainedInfoInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
Interface methods for explaining permission source info An PermissionExplainedInfo instance represents ...
PermissionInfo - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PermissionInfo() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfo
PermissionInfo(PermissionInfoInterface.PermissionType, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PermissionInfo
PermissionInfoInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
Interface methods for setting or obtaining info for a specific Permission.
PermissionInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.security
Permission interface.
persist(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.services.user.Profile
Write any changes to the profile back to the persistent store.
persist(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.services.user.ProfileInterface
Write any changes to the profile back to the persistent store.
persistDocument(UserContextInterface, Document) - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.lookup.io.IOInterface
persistDocument(UserContextInterface, Document) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.lookup.io.TextFileIO
persistDocument(UserContextInterface, Document) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.lookup.io.TextStoreIO
PERSON - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This type represents the information kept about a person.
PERSON_ASSOCNAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.search.ResponsibilitiesFilter
PERSON_ASSOCTYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.search.ResponsibilitiesFilter
PersonalRepository - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
Implements the personal repository.
PersonalRepository() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonalRepository
Creates a new PersonalRepository folder.
PersonalRepository(DAVPersonalrepository) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonalRepository
Creates a new PersonalRepository folder that incorporates the DAV personal repository object passed to the constructor.
PersonalRepository(Class) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonalRepository
Creates a new PersonalRepository folder.
PersonalRepository(DAVPersonalrepository, Class) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonalRepository
Creates a new PersonalRepository folder that incorporates the DAV personal repository object passed to the constructor.
PersonalRepositoryInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PersonFilter - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
This is a filter class to facilitate searching for Person objects in data stores.
PersonFilter() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonFilter
Constructor for PersonFilter.
PersonFilter(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PersonFilter
Constructor for PersonFilter.
PersonInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents a person.
PHONE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A phone number and the type of phone number (home, office, mobile, fax).
PhoneNumberInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PHYSICALTABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A PhysicalTable is the "materialized" table that resides in a database or a file system.
PhysicalTableAttributes - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PhysicalTableAttributes(boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PhysicalTableAttributes
PhysicalTableFilter - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PhysicalTableFilter() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PhysicalTableFilter
PhysicalTableFilter(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PhysicalTableFilter
PhysicalTableInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration - Class in com.sas.services.connection.platform
A connection factory configuration that describes a server or a pool of servers to connect to using meta data in the BIP Information Service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a logical server object from the information service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a logical server object from the information service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface, String, UserServiceInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a logical server object from the information service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface, String, String, UserServiceInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface, String, UserServiceInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Deprecated. use PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface,String,UserServiceInterface)
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(LogicalServerInterface, UserContextInterface, UserServiceInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Construct a connection factory configuration using a logical server object from the information service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface, String, String, UserServiceInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
Deprecated. PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface,String,String,UserServiceInterface)
PlatformConnectionFactoryInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.connection.platform
A specialization of the user interface for connection factories.
PlatformConnectionFactoryManager - Class in com.sas.services.connection.platform
A factory of connection factories.
PlatformConnectionFactoryManager() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryManager
Construct a new platform connection factory manager.
PlatformServices - Class in com.sas.services.deployment
This class serves as a facade to an application's deployment of foundation services providing the capability to specify a service configuration and to start and terminate services.
PlatformServicesConfiguration - Class in com.sas.services.deployment
Foundation services configuration file used to configure the services to be locally instantiated or remotely looked up by the foundation services facade.
PlatformServicesConfiguration(MetadataSourceInterface[], MetadataSourceInterface[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.deployment.PlatformServicesConfiguration
Constructs an instance of a foundation services configuration defined by the specified metadata sources.
PNAME_CURRUSER_PRIV_SET - Static variable in class com.sas.services.webdav.DAVConstants
populateAttributes(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.OMIRepositoryInterface
populate the omi repository attributes
populateAttributes(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.OMIServerRepository
PORT - Static variable in interface com.sas.iom.JDBCConstants
portKey - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
The key for IOM attribute port.
PREFIX_EMBEDDED - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.SmartTypes
prepareCall(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
The MVAConnection implementation of prepareStatement(String, int) always throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
The MVAConnection implementation of prepareStatement(String, int[]) always throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
The MVAConnection implementation of prepareStatement(String, String[]) always throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
previous() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
previous() - Method in class com.sas.services.publish.RemoteResultSet
previous() - Method in interface com.sas.services.publish.RemoteResultSetInterface
Moves the cursor to the previous row in this ResultSet object.
prevLevelObj - Variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.AuthorizationInheritanceInfo
print(String) - Static method in class com.sas.services.webdav.Utils
PRIVILEGED_USER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
This string can be used as a key or attribute name in maps or map-like data structures such as a SessionContextInterface to store and retrieve the privileged user name.
process(Object) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.Factory
ProcessNodeException - Exception in com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine
An ProcessNodeException is thrown by a process node "plug-in" when a problem occurs during execution.
ProcessNodeException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine.ProcessNodeException
ProcessNodeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine.ProcessNodeException
ProcessNodeHandlerInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine
Interface to the runtime flowengine for propagating messages from one process node to another.
ProcessNodeInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine
Interface to process messages that have been propagated within a runtime process flow.
processWithRepository(Object, RepositoryInterface) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.Factory
Process an object from a repository and turn it into a "smart object".
produceDefaultMetadata(Object) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.DAVRepository
produceDefaultMetadata(Object) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.OMIServerRepository
produceDefaultMetadata(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.services.information.RepositoryInterface
Return the default metadata object for this repository.
Profile - Class in com.sas.services.user
The Profile class maintains information about a user that generally pertains to a specific application.
Profile() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.Profile
Constructs a default profile.
Profile(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.Profile
Default constructor.
Profile(String, Class) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.Profile
Default constructor.
Profile(Class) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.Profile
Constructs a profile and exports it to the RMI system using RMI socket factories for the specified class.
PROFILE_BEST - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.RepositoryInterface
PROFILE_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.webdav.DAVConstants
Namespace to be used with properties defined in a profile
PROFILE_NO - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.RepositoryInterface
PROFILE_POSSIBLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.RepositoryInterface
ProfileDomain - Class in com.sas.services.user
This class is used by the UserServiceInitializer to hold the configuration data about Profiles.
ProfileDomain(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.ProfileDomain
Construct a new ProfileDomain with the configuration information from the UserService initialization.
ProfileDomain(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.user.ProfileDomain
Construct a new ProfileDomain with the configuration information from the UserService initialization.
ProfileInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.user
The Profile class maintains information about a user that generally pertains to a specific application.
promoteProperties(Element) - Method in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEvent
Promotes a set of useful information from the event header section to distinct DAV properties, so these can be used in PROPFIND's, SEARCH's etc.
PROMPT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: For use by the SAS Prompt Interface.
PROMPTGROUP - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: For use by the SAS Prompt Interface.
PROP - Static variable in class com.sas.services.webdav.DAVConstants
propagate(String, MessageInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.services.events.broker.flowengine.ProcessNodeHandlerInterface
Process nodes "plug-ins" propagate their output in a process flow by by specifying the name of the output and the message they wish to propagate.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dataexplorer.DataExplorationConstants
propertiesToObject(Properties) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
propertiesToObjectNoCopy(Properties) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
propertiesToReference(Properties) - Static method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A parameter, option or other type of information that is used to tailor a metadata object.
PROPERTY_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "com.sas.services.connection.ConnectionInterface" that designates an object which implements a connection which should be used to query services metadata instead of opening a new connection.
PROPERTY_CONTAINERASSOCIATION - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_DEPLOYMENTGROUP - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property name prefix "deployment_group_" that designates the name of a metadata Tree which whose members represent a grouping of services which are to be deployed.
PROPERTY_HASCONTENTBACKING - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_LABELPLURAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_LOCALIZERCLASS - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_LOGICALTYPECLASS - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_METADATASERVER_HOST - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "omr_host" that designates the name of the host on which a SAS Metadata Server is running.
PROPERTY_METADATASERVER_PORT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "omr_port" that designates the name of the port on which a SAS Metadata Server is listening for connections.
PROPERTY_METADATASERVER_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "omr_repository" that designates the name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server's repository which contains the foundation services deployment metadata.
PROPERTY_METADATASERVER_USERID - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "omr_user" that designates the user ID which should be used to open a connection to the SAS Metadata Server.
PROPERTY_METADATASERVER_USERPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "omr_password" that designates the user password which should be used to open a connection to the SAS Metadata Server.
PROPERTY_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "metadatasource_mode" that designates a mode of either "url" or "omr_repository".
PROPERTY_NAME_INIT_DATA - Static variable in class com.sas.services.AbstractServiceComponentConfig
The PropertyName of a Property used to represent the service's configuration.
PROPERTY_NAME_INITIALIZATIONDATA - Static variable in class com.sas.services.AbstractServiceComponentConfig
The PropertyName of a Property used to represent a service's configuration.
PROPERTY_PROXYMACHINE_LIST - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.OMRProxyList
PROPERTY_SEARCHALLOWED - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_SOFTWARECOMPONENT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "software_component" that designates the name of the metadata SoftwareComponent associated with the foundation services deployment which is to be queried.
PROPERTY_SSO_SECPACKAGELIST - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "secpackagelist" that designates the single sign-on security package list which should be used.
PROPERTY_SSO_SPN - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "metaspn" that designates the service principal name that should be used during single sign-on.
PROPERTY_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.TypeDescriptorInterface
PROPERTY_URL - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceFactory
Property named "url" that designates a URL to a metadata source from which foundation services metadata can be queried.
PROPERTYDEFAULT_LOGIN_CONFIG_APP_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.AuthenticationServiceInterface
The default value "PFS" of a system property that provides the value returned by getLoginConfigAppName().
PROPERTYGROUP - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This represents a group of properties.
PropertyGroupInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PropertyIdentity - Class in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PropertyIdentity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.metadata.PropertyIdentity
PropertyInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
This is a simple interface for representing properties that are coming from a metadata repository.
PropertyMap - Class in com.sas.services.webdav
Maps properties to their values.
PropertyMap() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyMap
PropertyName - Class in com.sas.services.webdav
This class represents a qualified property name.
PropertyName() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyName
PropertyName(Property) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyName
Construct a PropertyName from an existing Property object.
PropertyName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyName
Construct a PropertyName from the three independent parts, a local name, a prefix and a namespace.
PropertyName(Element) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyName
Construct a PropertyName from an XML element that represents the property.
PropertyName(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.webdav.PropertyName
Construct a PropertyName from a string representing the property name.
PROPERTYNAME_AUTOCONNECT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's auto connect preference.
PROPERTYNAME_AUTOCONNECT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's auto connect preference.
PROPERTYNAME_BASE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's base.
PROPERTYNAME_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.ServiceConfigFactory
Name of a mapped property that specifies a connection to a SAS metadata repository.
PROPERTYNAME_CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.ioc.DeploymentContextFactory
This property may be used to designate the type of container in which the services are to be deployed.
PROPERTYNAME_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's description.
PROPERTYNAME_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's description.
PROPERTYNAME_DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's domain.
PROPERTYNAME_DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's domain.
PROPERTYNAME_HIBDIALECT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
property name of the hibernate dialect.
PROPERTYNAME_HOST - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's host.
PROPERTYNAME_HOST - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's host.
PROPERTYNAME_INITDATA - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.AbstractServiceConfigFactory
Value of a metadata Property's PropertyName attribute that designates a property specifying platform service initialization data.
PROPERTYNAME_IOMI - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.ServiceConfigFactory
Name of a mapped property that specifies an OMI interface to a SAS metadata repository.
PROPERTYNAME_ISSECURE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the definition's secure status.
PROPERTYNAME_ISSECURE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the definition's secure status.
PROPERTYNAME_LOGIN_CONFIG_APP_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.security.AuthenticationServiceInterface
The name of a system property that provides the value returned by getLoginConfigAppName().
PROPERTYNAME_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's name.
PROPERTYNAME_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's name.
PROPERTYNAME_POOL_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.sas.services.connection.platform.PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration
The session context key that will be used in createWorkspaceServerFactoryConfiguration() to look up the pool administrator name in the session context.
PROPERTYNAME_PORT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's port.
PROPERTYNAME_PORT - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's port.
PROPERTYNAME_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository protocol.
PROPERTYNAME_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository protocol.
PROPERTYNAME_PROXY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.RepositoryDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's proxy string.
PROPERTYNAME_PROXY - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.ServerDef
PropertyChangeEvent property name signifying a change in the repository definition's proxy string.
PROPERTYNAME_STRATEGYCLASSNAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.ioc.DeploymentContextFactory
This property may be used to designate the fully-qualified Java name for a class that extends AbstractDeploymentStrategy which provides the implementation of the deployment strategy.
PROPERTYROLE_APPCONFIG - Static variable in class com.sas.services.AbstractServiceComponentConfig
Constant "Application Configuration" which is used in a service configuration's Property's PropertyRole to indicate that the v913 application configuration has been merged into the service's configuration.
PROPERTYROLE_INITIALIZATION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.AbstractServiceComponentConfig
Value of a metadata StoredText's Role attribute that designates that the text string is used for initialization purposes.
PROPERTYROLE_INITIALIZATION - Static variable in class com.sas.services.deployment.AbstractServiceConfigFactory
Value of a metadata StoredText's Role attribute that designates that the text string is used for initialization purposes.
PROPERTYSET - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.GridApplicationInterface
PROPERTYSET - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This contains a set of properties to be used in a particular context.
PropertySetInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PROPERTYTYPE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This contains a property type and its validators, customizers, and editors.
PROPERTYTYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_COLOR - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_FILENAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_GENERIC - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_MULTILINE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PROPERTYTYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
PropertyValueType - Enum in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PROTOCOL_DAV - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.FilterInterface
PROTOCOL_DAV - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.ProtocolInterface
Procotol: WebDav
PROTOCOL_HIBERNATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.FilterInterface
PROTOCOL_IPOD - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.FilterInterface
PROTOCOL_LDAP - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.FilterInterface
PROTOCOL_LDAP - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.ProtocolInterface
Procotol: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
PROTOCOL_MQSERIES - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MessageQueueInterface
Message queue application protocol: "MQSERIES".
PROTOCOL_MSMQ - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MessageQueueInterface
Message queue application protocol: "MSMQ".
PROTOCOL_OMI - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.FilterInterface
This is a list of the known repository protocols.
PROTOCOL_OMI - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.ProtocolInterface
Procotol: Open Metadata
PROTOCOL_WEBSPHERE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MessageQueueInterface
Message queue application protocol: "Websphere".
protocolBRG - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
IOM URI protocol Bridge.
protocolCOM - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
IOM URI protocol COM.
protocolINT - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
IOM URI protocol Internal.
ProtocolInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information
Information protocol constants.
protocolKey - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
The key for IOM attribute protocol.
prototype - Variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataBuilder
PROTOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This type represents a prototype or template for a type of metadata.
PrototypeInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
prototypeName - Variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataBuilder
prototypeProperties - Variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataBuilder
PROTOTYPEPROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: This is the super type for types that define properties that are for prototype objects only.
PrototypePropertyInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
PROXY_APP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.OMRProxy
PROXY_PATH_PROPNAME - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.metadata.OMRProxy
ProxyInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
ProxyListInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.metadata
proxyListKey - Static variable in class com.sas.iom.orb.SASURI
The key for the IOM attribute proxylist.
PSCOLUMNLAYOUTCOMPONENT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: Provides the information needed to lay a PortalPage out in columns.
PSLAYOUTCOMPONENT - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A UI element that designates how Portlets should be laid out on a PortalPage.
PSPORTALPAGE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A PortalPage gathers and displays information in the Portal, and can be customized.
PSPORTALPROFILE - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A Portal user's Portal information, which defines the basic functionality of the Portal
PSPORTLET - Static variable in interface com.sas.services.information.util.ISDefs
Model description of Object: A component that perfomrs a specific task within a Portal.
PUBLIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.services.information.search.PublicTypeFilter
PublicObjectContainerInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
This interface describes a container of Public Objects.
PublicObjectInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
This object defines a Public Object.
PublicTypeFilter - Class in com.sas.services.information.search
PublicTypeFilter(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.search.PublicTypeFilter
Constructs a new filter given the list of public types to search for.
PublicTypeFilter(List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.information.search.PublicTypeFilter
Constructs a new filter given the list of public types to search for.
PublicTypeInfoInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
PublicTypeInfoInterface2 - Interface in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
PublicTypeInfoInterface3 - Interface in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
PublicTypeUtility - Class in com.sas.services.information.publicobject
A class for Public Type utility methods.
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class com.sas.services.logging.util.LoggerHandler
publish(ResultPackageInterface, InputStream) - Method in class com.sas.services.publish.metadata.DavBinaryPackage
Publishes the result package to the DAV binarypackage entity.
publish(ResultPackageInterface, InputStream) - Method in interface com.sas.services.publish.metadata.DavBinaryPackageInterface
Publish the contents of the binary package
PublishDirectoryFactory - Class in com.sas.services.publish.metadata
PublishDirectoryFactory() - Constructor for class com.sas.services.publish.metadata.PublishDirectoryFactory
PublishDirectoryInterface - Interface in com.sas.services.publish.metadata
publishResultPackage(ResultPackageInterface, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.services.publish.TransportInterface
Publish the result package.
Puddle - Class in com.sas.services.connection
A description of a puddle of IOM clusters.
Puddle(Server, Credential) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.Puddle
Construct a puddle with one IOM server.
Puddle(Cluster, Credential) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.Puddle
Construct a puddle with one IOM server cluster.
Puddle(Cluster[], Credential) - Constructor for class com.sas.services.connection.Puddle
Construct a puddle of IOM server clusters.
pulseCheck() - Method in class com.sas.services.information.AbstractRepository
pulseCheck() - Method in class com.sas.services.information.OMIServer
pulseCheck() - Method in class com.sas.services.information.OMIServerRepository
put(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.services.deployment.ServiceAttribute
Updates the attribute name/value map with an attribute name and its value.
putData(byte[]) - Method in class com.sas.iom.OutputStream
Put data to this OutputStream.
putData(String) - Method in class com.sas.iom.OutputStream
Put data to this OutputStream.
putData(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.iom.OutputStream
Put data to this OutputStream.
putSharedResource(String, Object) - Method in class com.sas.services.user.UserContext
putSharedResource(String, Object) - Method in interface com.sas.services.user.UserContextInterface
Put an object into the shared resource map.

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