***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Class DAVEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributesInterface, DAVEntityInterface, DAVItemInterface, java.io.Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DAVPackageevent, DAVStoredprocessalert

public class DAVEvent

Represents event data stored on a DAV server. A serialized XML document (event) is stored as the content of the DAV resource.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntity
_acl, _descAttribute, _fullUrl, _name, _nameAttribute, _objectClass, _properties, _repos, _reposId, _resource, _schemaProperties, aclList, content, hasBeenFetched, LOCAL, STORE, UNSET
Constructor Summary
DAVEvent(com.sas.services.information.RepositoryData entity)
          Creates a new DAVEvent from the information in the entity
DAVEvent(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVEvent for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
Method Summary
 java.lang.String findPropertyValue(java.lang.String expr)
          Returns the value of a property value in the event.
 org.w3c.dom.Document getEventDocument()
 java.lang.String getEventDocumentAsString()
          Return the event document as a string.
 void promoteProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element root)
          Promotes a set of useful information from the event header section to distinct DAV properties, so these can be used in PROPFIND's, SEARCH's etc.
 void setEventDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document eventDoc)
 void setEventDocumentFromString(java.lang.String eventDocString)
          Sets the event document.
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVItem
checkin, checkout, clearLocalLists, finalize, getContentLength, getContents, getContentsAsBytes, getContentsStatus, getContentType, hasContentsUpdates, isUpdatePending, setContents, setContents, setContentsfromStore, setContentsStatus, setContentType, toString, uncheckout
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntity
addAccessControlEntry, addAttribute, addAttributes, addUpdateMultiple, addUpdateSingle, commitUpdates, copy, delete, deleteAttribute, deleteAttributes, fetchEntity, getAccessControlList, getACL, getAttribute, getAttributes, getCreateDate, getDAVResource, getDescription, getFolder, getGUID, getModifyDate, getName, getObjectClass, getProperties, getRemarksKeys, getRemoveUpdates, getReposId, getRepository, getSetUpdates, getType, getUpdateableACL, getUrl, getURL, isCollection, isDeleted, move, refresh, refresh, removeAccessControlEntry, setAccessControls, setACL, setAttribute, setAttributes, setContentClass, setDeleted, setDescription, setGUID, setName, setRemarksKeys, setReposId, setRepository, update
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntityInterface
addAccessControlEntry, copy, delete, getAccessControlList, getACL, getCreateDate, getDAVResource, getDescription, getFolder, getGUID, getModifyDate, getName, getProperties, getRemarksKeys, getRemoveUpdates, getReposId, getRepository, getSetUpdates, getType, getUpdateableACL, getUrl, getURL, isCollection, isDeleted, move, refresh, refresh, removeAccessControlEntry, setACL, setContentClass, setDeleted, setDescription, setGUID, setName, setRemarksKeys, setReposId, update
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.AttributesInterface
addAttribute, addAttributes, deleteAttribute, deleteAttributes, getAttribute, getAttributes, setAttribute, setAttributes

Constructor Detail


public DAVEvent(RepositoryInterface repos,
                java.lang.String reposId)
Creates a new DAVEvent for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos


public DAVEvent(com.sas.services.information.RepositoryData entity)
Creates a new DAVEvent from the information in the entity

Method Detail


public org.w3c.dom.Document getEventDocument()

Return the event document.

Document XML document event


public java.lang.String getEventDocumentAsString()
Return the event document as a string.

String XML document string


public void setEventDocumentFromString(java.lang.String eventDocString)
Sets the event document. This is an XML document which becomes the resource's content.

eventDocString - The serialized XML document that represents the event


public void setEventDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document eventDoc)

Sets the event document. This is an XML document which, serialised, becomes the resource's content.

eventDoc - The XML document that represents the event


public void promoteProperties(org.w3c.dom.Element root)
Promotes a set of useful information from the event header section to distinct DAV properties, so these can be used in PROPFIND's, SEARCH's etc. The property names are assumed to be subelements of the element passed to this function. Elements that are not namespace qualified will be promoted to DAV properties in the Constants.NS_WEBDAV_EVENTX_URI namespace

root - The event's header Properties element


public java.lang.String findPropertyValue(java.lang.String expr)
Returns the value of a property value in the event.

Using an XPath expression one can select the element or attribute to be queried for the result. For this XPath expression, three default prefixes are mapped (by default) as follows:
Constants.NS_EVENTS_PREFIX is mapped to the event namespace Constants. NS_EVENTS_URI
Constants. NS_PUBLISH_PREFIX is mapped to the publish namespace Constants.NS_PUBLISH_URI
Constants. NS_STOREDPROCESS_ALERT_PREFIX is mapped to the stored process alert namespace Constants.NS_STOREDPROCESS_ALERT_URI

The prefixes used are the same as those used in the event definitions and although this is not required, this makes it easier to cut and paste element or attribute names out of these event definitions. If an association other than the defaults is required, then use the XQuery namespace declaration syntax to define a namespace prefix and associate it with a namespace URI, followed by the XPath expression. For example
declare namespace foo = "http: //example.org" //foo: bar

expr - An XPath expression (with optional namespace declaration) which identifies the element or attribute whose value is required
String The value of the element or attribute identified in the expr parameter

***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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