Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


An interface and class for general purpose error handlers, normally bound to text fields.


Interface Summary
ErrorHandlerInterface ErrorHandlerInterface is designed to allow components which want to handle error messages a way to pass the necessary information to an object which will display, log, or act on them in some way.
GenericErrorHandlerInterface GenericErrorHandlerInterface is designed to allow components which want to handle error messages a way to pass the necessary information to an object which will display, log, or act on them in some way.

Class Summary
CompositeErrorHandler CompositeErrorHandler is a composite errorhandler.
JOptionPaneErrorHandler JOptionPaneErrorHandler is an error handler which displays a JOptionPane when handleError() is called.
MessageBoxErrorHandler MessageBoxErrorHandler is an error handler which displays a MessageBox when handleError() is called.
PrintlnErrorHandler PrintlnErrorHandler is an error handler which prints the message to System.err or the specified stream when handleError() is called.
StringDataErrorHandler StringDataErrorHandler is an ErrorHandlerInterface implementation that sends the error message to a StringDataInterface object.

Package Description

An interface and class for general purpose error handlers, normally bound to text fields.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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