Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


The primary focus of the package is the ConnectionFactory Bean, which provides a convenient way to configure and use the ConnectionFactory API ( package) from within the webAF IDE.


Interface Summary
WorkspacePropertyInterface The WorkspacePropertyInterface is a simple interface for setting and retrieving a workspace property on an object.

Class Summary
ConnectionFactoryBean The ConnectionFactoryBean class is a Java bean which wraps ConnectionFactory classes in the package.
WorkspaceBean The WorkspaceBean class is a Java bean that wraps the class.

Package Description

The primary focus of the package is the ConnectionFactory Bean, which provides a convenient way to configure and use the ConnectionFactory API ( package) from within the webAF IDE.

ConnectionFactory Bean


The ConnectionFactoryBean class is a Java bean which wraps ConnectionFactory classes from the package. It is a wrapper which provides for an easier way to create and use a ConnectionFactory, but it is tailored for use with a customizer, the webAF IDE and accompanying BeanStateInfo (for proper code generation in webAF projects).

The primary purpose for using this bean, and the ConnectionFactory in general, is to retrieve IOM workspaces providing connections to various types of SAS servers. These workspaces can then be used in other code and components.

The bean allows for a more straightforward way to define the complex sets of properties used in the construction of a factory. Once the factory has been created, connections (workspaces) can be requested from it through the requestWorkspace() method. These workspaces are wrapped in a WorkspaceBean class, also in this package, which provides a way for a workspace to be manipulated in an IDE.

The original design for this bean included the element of having the webAF IDE automatically generate the configuration code for you when you drop the bean in your project and customize it. However, you can use this class in your own application if desired. Note that in such a case, it may be more desireable to use the ConnectionFactory API directly, rather than going through this bean in a manual fashion.

The WorkspacePropertyInterface is located in this package and is implemented by the WorkspaceBean class and any other classes that can accept an IOM workspace as a property.

There is also a convenience dialog, ConnectionFactoryBeanSelectDialog, in this package. It displays a Swing dialog listing instances of the ConnectionFactory bean and allows the user to select one. This dialog is displayed in webAF when you drop into your project a component that requires an IOM workspace, and there is more than one instance of ConnectionFactoryBean already in your project.

The remainder of the classes in this package are used exclusively by the customizer, enabling a user to better understand and navigate the bean configuration process.


Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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