Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Interface Summary
DataProviderInterface This interface provides an application context for the prompt framework such as access to the data connection and other methods for the value provider classes.
DynamicPromptValueContextInterface This interface is used when information is passed to the PromptDefinition to retrieve possible values for a dynamic prompt.
DynamicValueProviderInterface Value providers should implement this interface if they get values from a dynamic data source such as a SAS table or InformationMap.
PromptValueChangeEventInterface Interface for events used to indicate a change to a prompt value has occurred.
PromptValueChangeListener Listener interface for prompt value changes.
PromptValuesInterface Interface for classes which hold sets of prompt values.
PromptValuesVisitorInterface A visitor interface (see visitor pattern) for PromptValues delegates.
PromptValueValidatorInterface Interface to validate values for prompts in the PromptUtil class using the validatePromptValues() methods.

Class Summary
DynamicPromptValueContext Default implementation of the DynamicPromptValueContextInterface.
PromptValueChangeEvent An event used to indicate a change to a prompt value has occurred.
PromptValues PromptValues is the default implementation of the PromptValuesInterface.
ValidationEntry A ValidationEntry object holds an error code and message used to indicate to a caller that a prompt value was invalid and why it was invalid.


Exception Summary
InvalidPromptValueException Exception thrown when an invalid value is set on a prompt.
PromptValueNotFoundException Exception thrown when a prompt value is requested and not found.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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