Class Summary |
BaseDefinitionRange |
Base class for range definitions. |
BaseFileDefinition |
Base class for prompts which allow the user to specify a file location. |
ColorDefinition |
ColorDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one color value. |
DataSourceColumnDefinition |
DataSourceColumnDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more columns
from a physical table or DataItems from an InformationMap registered in metadata. |
DataSourceDefinition |
DataSourceDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more data sources
registered in metadata. |
DateDefinition |
DateRangeDefinition |
DateDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of dates by specifying
a minimum and maximum date. |
DoubleDefinition |
DoubleDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more double values. |
DoubleRangeDefinition |
DoubleRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of double values
by specifying minimum and maximum values for the range. |
InputFileDefinition |
InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an input file from
a SAS server. |
IntegerDefinition |
IntegerDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more integer values. |
IntegerRangeDefinition |
IntegerRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an integer range consisting of
a minimum and maximum value. |
ModalGroupDefinition |
ModalGroupDefinition is a prompt type is used in a ModalGroup to assocate with the value of the selected ModalChoiceGroup. |
OutputFileDefinition |
InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an output file from
a SAS server. |
PromptDefinition |
Base class for implementing the PromptDefinitionInterface. |
SASLibraryDefinition |
Prompt definition allowing the user to enter or pick the location of a SAS library in the SAS Folders
metadata tree. |
SelectionTypes |
StringRangeDefinition |
StringRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an string range consisting of
a minimum and maximum value. |
TextDefinition |
Prompt definition for standard text entry prompts. |